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All Households, Cost Burden by Income, 2023 Estimate (Summary)
Housing Cost Burden
Geography Household Income 30% or less 30.1-50% More than 50%
Lee County 30% AMI or less 4304 3749 23098
Lee County 30.01-50% AMI 10537 10172 16247
Lee County 50.01-80% AMI 28737 21091 8718
Lee County 80.01-100% AMI 25912 9724 1616
Lee County Greater than 100% AMI 155392 10767 1286

Sources: Estimates and projections by Shimberg Center for Housing Studies, based on U.S. Department of Housing Development, Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) dataset and population projections by the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Florida

Renter Households, Cost Burden by Income, 2023 Estimate (Summary)
Housing Cost Burden
Geography Household Income 30% or less 30.1-50% More than 50%
Lee County 30% AMI or less 1589 773 10843
Lee County 30.01-50% AMI 2081 4731 9693
Lee County 50.01-80% AMI 6238 11254 3675
Lee County 80.01-100% AMI 8372 4793 467
Lee County Greater than 100% AMI 29253 2677 242

Sources: Estimates and projections by Shimberg Center for Housing Studies, based on U.S. Department of Housing Development, Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) dataset and population projections by the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Florida

Owner-Occupied Households, Cost Burden by Income, 2023 Estimate (Summary)
Housing Cost Burden
Geography Household Income 30% or less 30.1-50% More than 50%
Lee County 30% AMI or less 2715 2976 12255
Lee County 30.01-50% AMI 8456 5441 6554
Lee County 50.01-80% AMI 22499 9837 5043
Lee County 80.01-100% AMI 17540 4931 1149
Lee County Greater than 100% AMI 126139 8090 1044

Sources: Estimates and projections by Shimberg Center for Housing Studies, based on U.S. Department of Housing Development, Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) dataset and population projections by the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Florida

Homeownership Rate (%), 1990 through 2023 Estimates
Geography 1990 2000 2010 2019-2023 5-Year Estimates
Lee County 72 76 71 74

Notes: 1-year 2023 ACS estimates are available for 46 counties and 41 incorporated places. 5-year 2019-2023 estimates are used for the remaining counties and cities.

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 1990 Census, 2000 Census, 2010 Census, and 2019-2023 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates

Median Income ($) by Tenure, 2023 Estimates
Geography ACS Data Source Owner Median Income ($) Margin of Error (+/-) Renter Median Income ($) Margin of Error (+/-) All Households Margin of Error (+/-)
Lee County 2023 1-Year 79962 2758 52111 3889 71547 1921

Notes: The ACS is based on an annual sample of US households. The margin of error (+/-) is based on a 90% confidence level; that is, there is a 90% probability that the actual value falls within the range provided by subtracting and then adding the margin of error to the estimate. If margin of error is greater than the estimate, result is not statistically significantly different than zero. 1-year 2023 ACS estimates are available for 46 counties and 41 incorporated places. 5-year 2019-2023 estimates are used for the remaining counties and cities.

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 2023 American Community Survey 1-Year and 5-Year Estimates

Owner Households by Monthly Housing Costs 2023 Estimates (with a Mortgage)
Geography ACS Data Source <$200 Margin of Error (+/-) $200-$299 Margin of Error (+/-) $300-$399 Margin of Error (+/-) $400-$499 Margin of Error (+/-) $500-$599 Margin of Error (+/-) $600-$699 Margin of Error (+/-) $700-$799 Margin of Error (+/-) $800-$899 Margin of Error (+/-) $900-$999 Margin of Error (+/-) $1,000-$1,249 Margin of Error (+/-) $1,250-$1,499 Margin of Error (+/-) $1,500-$1,999 Margin of Error (+/-) $2,000-$2,499 Margin of Error (+/-) $2,500-$2,999 Margin of Error (+/-) $3,000-$3,499 Margin of Error (+/-) $3,500-$3,999 Margin of Error (+/-) >$4,000 Margin of Error (+/-) Total Margin of Error (+/-)
Lee County 2023 1-Year - - 272 247 - - - - 607 414 841 484 2299 988 2435 969 3493 963 10757 1852 15078 2318 31365 3004 24728 2568 13206 1984 10496 1764 5216 1285 7021 1285 128029 5122

Notes: Counts refer to the number of households with monthly owner costs in each dollar range. Monthly owner costs including mortgage (if any), taxes, insurance, utilities, and association fees. The ACS is based on an annual sample of US households. The margin of error (+/-) is based on a 90% confidence level; that is, there is a 90% probability that the actual value falls within the range provided by subtracting and then adding the margin of error to the estimate. If margin of error is greater than the estimate, result is not statistically significantly different than zero. 1-year 2023 ACS estimates are available for 46 counties and 41 incorporated places. 5-year 2019-2023 estimates are used for the remaining counties and cities.

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 2023 American Community Survey 1-Year and 5-Year Estimates

Owner Households by Monthly Housing Costs 2023 Estimates (without a Mortgage)
Geography ACS Data Source <$100 Margin of Error (+/-) $100-$149 Margin of Error (+/-) $150-$199 Margin of Error (+/-) $200-$249 Margin of Error (+/-) $250-$299 Margin of Error (+/-) $300-$349 Margin of Error (+/-) $350-$399 Margin of Error (+/-) $400-$499 Margin of Error (+/-) $500-$599 Margin of Error (+/-) $600-$699 Margin of Error (+/-) $700-$799 Margin of Error (+/-) $800-$899 Margin of Error (+/-) $900-$999 Margin of Error (+/-) $1000-$1099 Margin of Error (+/-) $1100-$1199 Margin of Error (+/-) $1200-$1299 Margin of Error (+/-) $1300-$1399 Margin of Error (+/-) $1400-$1499 Margin of Error (+/-) >$1500 Margin of Error (+/-) Total Not Mortgaged Margin of Error (+/-)
Lee County 2023 1-Year 435 328 1731 731 2523 902 2982 827 3270 825 4541 1247 4361 1153 8922 1449 11758 1814 10772 1376 11373 1799 10953 1655 8774 1630 5630 1169 5529 1129 4622 1001 3040 935 1993 761 14222 1849 117431 4121

Notes: Counts refer to the number of households with monthly owner costs in each dollar range. Monthly owner costs including mortgage (if any), taxes, insurance, utilities, and association fees. The ACS is based on an annual sample of US households. The margin of error (+/-) is based on a 90% confidence level; that is, there is a 90% probability that the actual value falls within the range provided by subtracting and then adding the margin of error to the estimate. If margin of error is greater than the estimate, result is not statistically significantly different than zero. 1-year 2023 ACS estimates are available for 46 counties and 41 incorporated places. 5-year 2019-2023 estimates are used for the remaining counties and cities.

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 2023 American Community Survey 1-Year and 5-Year Estimates

Owner Households by Housing Costs as a Percentage of Household Income, 2023 Estimates
Geography ACS Data Source With Mortgage, Less than 30% Margin of Error (+/-) With Mortgage, More than 30% Margin of Error (+/-) Without Mortgage, Less than 30% Margin of Error (+/-) Without Mortgage, More than 30% Margin of Error (+/-)
Lee County 2023 1-Year 77748 5117 49295 3747 91874 4785 22881 2615

Notes: Counts refer to the number of households with monthly owner costs in each dollar range. Monthly owner costs including mortgage (if any), taxes, insurance, utilities, and association fees. The ACS is based on an annual sample of US households. The margin of error (+/-) is based on a 90% confidence level; that is, there is a 90% probability that the actual value falls within the range provided by subtracting and then adding the margin of error to the estimate. If margin of error is greater than the estimate, result is not statistically significantly different than zero. 1-year 2023 ACS estimates are available for 46 counties and 41 incorporated places. 5-year 2019-2023 estimates are used for the remaining counties and cities.

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 2023 American Community Survey 1-Year and 5-Year Estimates

Renter Households by Gross Rent, 2023 Estimates
Geography ACS Data Source <$200 Margin of Error (+/-) $200-$299 Margin of Error (+/-) $300-$499 Margin of Error (+/-) $500-$749 Margin of Error (+/-) $750-$999 Margin of Error (+/-) $1,000-$1,499 Margin of Error (+/-) $1,500-$1,999 Margin of Error (+/-) $2,000-$2,499 Margin of Error (+/-) $2,500-$2,999 Margin of Error (+/-) $3,000-$3,499 Margin of Error (+/-) $3,500 or More Margin of Error (+/-) No Cash Rent Margin of Error (+/-) Total Margin of Error (+/-)
Lee County 2023 1-Year - - - - 1975 831 2995 1216 3386 1079 14082 2417 27066 3665 17175 2860 5974 1986 1171 765 3432 1074 3380 902 80878 5384

Notes: Counts refer to the number of households with monthly owner costs in each dollar range. Monthly owner costs including mortgage (if any), taxes, insurance, utilities, and association fees. The ACS is based on an annual sample of US households. The margin of error (+/-) is based on a 90% confidence level; that is, there is a 90% probability that the actual value falls within the range provided by subtracting and then adding the margin of error to the estimate. If margin of error is greater than the estimate, result is not statistically significantly different than zero. 1-year 2023 ACS estimates are available for 46 counties and 41 incorporated places. 5-year 2019-2023 estimates are used for the remaining counties and cities.

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 2023 American Community Survey 1-Year and 5-Year Estimates

Median Gross Rent ($), 2023 Estimates
Geography ACS Data Source Median Gross Rent Margin of Error (+/-)
Lee County 2023 1-Year 1797 42

Notes: Includes contract rent and utilities. The ACS is based on an annual sample of US households. The margin of error (+/-) is based on a 90% confidence level; that is, there is a 90% probability that the actual value falls within the range provided by subtracting and then adding the margin of error to the estimate. If margin of error is greater than the estimate, result is not statistically significantly different than zero. 1-year 2023 ACS estimates are available for 46 counties and 41 incorporated places. 5-year 2019-2023 estimates are used for the remaining counties and cities.

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 2023 American Community Survey 1-Year and 5-Year Estimates

Gross Rent as a Percentage of Household Income, 2023 Estimates
Geography ACS Data Source Less than 30% Margin of Error (+/-) 30-49.9% Margin of Error (+/-) 50% or More Margin of Error (+/-) Total - Not computed Margin of Error (+/-)
Lee County 2023 1-Year 24661 2775 23106 3284 27864 3769 5247 1339

Notes: Counts refer to number of households paying less than 30%, 30-49.9%, and 50% or more of income for gross rent. Gross rent includes contract rent and utilities. The ACS is based on an annual sample of US households. The margin of error (+/-) is based on a 90% confidence level; that is, there is a 90% probability that the actual value falls within the range provided by subtracting and then adding the margin of error to the estimate. If margin of error is greater than the estimate, result is not statistically significantly different than zero. 1-year 2023 ACS estimates are available for 46 counties and 41 incorporated places. 5-year 2019-2023 estimates are used for the remaining counties and cities.

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 2023 American Community Survey 1-Year and 5-Year Estimates

Affordable and Available Rental Units per 100 Renters, Florida Regions, 2023
Geography County 0-30% AMI 0-40% AMI 0-50% AMI 0-60% AMI 0-80% AMI 0-120% AMI
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Lee 24 104 24 31 57 99

Notes: Affordable units are those for which a household at the given income limit (% AMI) would pay no more than 30% of income for gross rent. Affordable/available units are affordable at that income level and either vacant or occupied by a household below the income threshold. For additional explanation of affordable/available methods, see the 2022 Rental Market Study, pp. 34-68

Sources: Shimberg Center for Housing Studies analysis of 2021 American Community Survey PUMS

Surplus/Deficit of Affordable/Available Units by Income, Florida Regions, 2023
Geography County 0-30% AMI 0-40% AMI 0-50% AMI 0-60% AMI 0-80% AMI 0-120% AMI
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Lee -10,362 2,497 -18,311 -20,335 -17,333 -352

Notes: Affordable units are those for which a household at the given income limit (% AMI) would pay no more than 30% of income for gross rent. Affordable/available units are affordable at that income level and either vacant or occupied by a household below the income threshold. Surplus/Deficit of Affordable/Available Units for a particular income range shows the number of affordable/available units in the range minus the number of renter households in that range. For additional explanation of affordable/available methods, see the 2022 Rental Market Study, pp. 34-68

Sources: Shimberg Center for Housing Studies analysis of 2021 American Community Survey PUMS

Housing Units by Type of Structure, 2023 Estimates
Geography ACS Data Source 1, detached Margin of Error (+/-) 1, attached Margin of Error (+/-) 2 Margin of Error (+/-) 3 or 4 Margin of Error (+/-) 5 to 9 Margin of Error (+/-) 10 to 19 Margin of Error (+/-) 20 or more Margin of Error (+/-) Mobile Home or Trailer Margin of Error (+/-) Other Margin of Error (+/-) Total Margin of Error (+/-)
Lee County 2023 1-Year 252562 5129 33690 3402 11332 1995 17286 2221 26620 2799 28261 3019 46331 3673 35302 3185 718 434 452102 137

Notes: Counts refer to the number of households with monthly owner costs in each dollar range. Monthly owner costs including mortgage (if any), taxes, insurance, utilities, and association fees. The ACS is based on an annual sample of US households. The margin of error (+/-) is based on a 90% confidence level; that is, there is a 90% probability that the actual value falls within the range provided by subtracting and then adding the margin of error to the estimate. If margin of error is greater than the estimate, result is not statistically significantly different than zero. 1-year 2023 ACS estimates are available for 46 counties and 41 incorporated places. 5-year 2019-2023 estimates are used for the remaining counties and cities.

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 2023 American Community Survey 1-Year and 5-Year Estimates

Vacancy and Occupancy Status, 2023 Estimates
Geography ACS Data Source For Rent For Sale Only Rented or Sold Not Occupied Seasonal,Recreational or Occasional Use For Migrant Workers Other Vacant Total Vacant Total Occupied Total Units
Lee County 2023 1-Year 10357 4539 2265 79537 403 28663 125764 326338 452102

Notes: The ACS is based on an annual sample of US households. The margin of error (+/-) is based on a 90% confidence level; that is, there is a 90% probability that the actual value falls within the range provided by subtracting and then adding the margin of error to the estimate. If margin of error is greater than the estimate, result is not statistically significantly different than zero. 1-year 2023 ACS estimates are available for 46 counties and 41 incorporated places. 5-year 2019-2023 estimates are used for the remaining counties and cities.

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 2023 American Community Survey 1-Year and 5-Year Estimates

Substandard Housing, 2023 Estimates
Geography ACS Data Source 1.01 or More Persons per Room Share of Occupied Units (%) No Fuel Used Share of Occupied Units (%) Lacking Complete Kitchen Facilities Share of Occupied Units (%) Lacking Complete Plumbing Facilities Share of Occupied Units (%)
Lee County 2023 1-Year 9230 2.8 7334 2.2 11417 2.5 8176 1.8

Notes: The ACS is based on an annual sample of US households. The margin of error (+/-) is based on a 90% confidence level; that is, there is a 90% probability that the actual value falls within the range provided by subtracting and then adding the margin of error to the estimate. If margin of error is greater than the estimate, result is not statistically significantly different than zero. 1-year 2023 ACS estimates are available for 46 counties and 41 incorporated places. 5-year 2019-2023 estimates are used for the remaining counties and cities.

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 2023 American Community Survey 1-Year and 5-Year Estimates

Wage and Rent Comparison by Industry, 2023
Geography Industry 2022 Average Hourly Wage (2023 $) 2022 Average Annual Wage (2023 $) Maximum Affordable Rent (30% of Income) HUD 2BR Fair Market Rent % Income Needed for 2 BR FMR # of Workers in 2022 2023 3-Person Median Income Annual Wage as Percent of 3-Person AMI
Lee County Accommodation And Food Services $14.84 $30,870 $772 $1,451 56% 33,818 $76,600 40%
Lee County Administrative And Waste Services $23.21 $48,267 $1,207 $1,451 36% 20,122 $76,600 63%
Lee County Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing And Hunting $20.22 $42,053 $1,051 $1,451 41% 1,334 $76,600 55%
Lee County Arts, Entertainment, And Recreation $20.17 $41,962 $1,049 $1,451 41% 8,478 $76,600 55%
Lee County Construction $29.6 $61,577 $1,539 $1,451 28% 36,329 $76,600 80%
Lee County Durable Goods Manufacturing $32.56 $67,724 $1,693 $1,451 26% 5,861 $76,600 88%
Lee County Educational And Health Services $32.82 $68,259 $1,706 $1,451 26% 60,919 $76,600 89%
Lee County Educational Services $26.7 $55,545 $1,389 $1,451 31% 16,668 $76,600 73%
Lee County Finance And Insurance $48.02 $99,882 $2,497 $1,451 17% 6,820 $76,600 130%
Lee County Financial Activities $42.78 $88,980 $2,225 $1,451 20% 14,382 $76,600 116%
Lee County Goods Producing $29.82 $62,028 $1,551 $1,451 28% 45,737 $76,600 81%
Lee County Health Care And Social Assistance $35.12 $73,048 $1,826 $1,451 24% 44,251 $76,600 95%
Lee County Information $38.74 $80,587 $2,015 $1,451 22% 2,974 $76,600 105%
Lee County Leisure And Hospitality $15.91 $33,093 $827 $1,451 53% 42,296 $76,600 43%
Lee County Management Of Companies And Enterprises $69.01 $143,534 $3,588 $1,451 12% 2,412 $76,600 187%
Lee County Manufacturing $32.32 $67,216 $1,680 $1,451 26% 7,794 $76,600 88%
Lee County Mining, Quarrying, And Oil And Gas Extraction $34.27 $71,279 $1,782 $1,451 24% 281 $76,600 93%
Lee County Natural Resources And Mining $22.66 $47,132 $1,178 $1,451 37% 1,615 $76,600 62%
Lee County Nondurable Goods Manufacturing $31.58 $65,679 $1,642 $1,451 27% 1,933 $76,600 86%
Lee County Other Services $22.82 $47,469 $1,187 $1,451 37% 8,999 $76,600 62%
Lee County Professional And Business Services $35.36 $73,542 $1,839 $1,451 24% 39,592 $76,600 96%
Lee County Professional And Technical Services $44.93 $93,461 $2,337 $1,451 19% 17,058 $76,600 122%
Lee County Public Administration $34.96 $72,714 $1,818 $1,451 24% 12,313 $76,600 95%
Lee County Real Estate And Rental And Leasing $38.05 $79,147 $1,979 $1,451 22% 7,562 $76,600 103%
Lee County Retail Trade $20.5 $42,630 $1,066 $1,451 41% 41,778 $76,600 56%
Lee County Service-Providing $28.78 $59,856 $1,496 $1,451 29% 239,806 $76,600 78%
Lee County Trade,Transportation, And Utilities $25.03 $52,060 $1,301 $1,451 33% 57,944 $76,600 68%
Lee County Transportation And Warehousing $28.96 $60,242 $1,506 $1,451 29% 7,608 $76,600 79%
Lee County Utilities $54.99 $114,384 $2,860 $1,451 15% 895 $76,600 149%
Lee County Wholesale Trade $42.34 $88,064 $2,202 $1,451 20% 7,664 $76,600 115%

Notes: Based on average annual wages for industry sector, converted to hourly wages by dividing by 2000 (assumes 40-hour work week, 50 weeks per year). 2022 wage data converted to 2023 dollars using the Consumer Price Index.

Sources: Florida Department of Commerce, 2022 Occupational Employment Statistics and Wages; 2023 HUD Fair Market Rent

Wage and Rent Comparison by Occupation, 2023
Geography Occupation Median Hourly Wage (2023 $) Maximum Affordable Rent (30% of Income) 2023 HUD 2BR Fair Market Rent % Income Needed for 2 BR, Median Wage Worker # of Workers in 2022 Annual Wage as a % AMI for a Family of 3
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA All Occupations $19.78 $1,029 $1,451 42% 286,420 54%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics $24.26 $1,262 $1,451 34% 1,780 66%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Bartenders $14.53 $756 $1,451 58% 1,580 39%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Carpenters $23.44 $1,219 $1,451 36% 3,190 64%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Cashiers $13.73 $714 $1,451 61% 7,630 37%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Child, Family, and School Social Workers $24.37 $1,267 $1,451 34% 490 66%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Childcare Workers $14.35 $746 $1,451 58% 560 39%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Construction Laborers $18.43 $958 $1,451 45% 3,950 50%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Cooks, Restaurant $15.72 $817 $1,451 53% 4,430 43%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Customer Service Representatives $18.55 $965 $1,451 45% 7,480 50%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Dental Assistants $23.09 $1,201 $1,451 36% 680 63%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Dishwashers $14.09 $733 $1,451 59% 1,460 38%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Electricians $24.4 $1,269 $1,451 34% 1,760 66%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education $34.64 $1,801 $1,451 24% 2,210 94%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Farmworkers and Laborers, Crop, Nursery, and Greenhouse $13.53 $703 $1,451 62% 310 37%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Fast Food and Counter Workers $13.38 $696 $1,451 63% 6,860 36%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Firefighters $29.9 $1,555 $1,451 28% 1,060 81%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Food Preparation Workers $15.42 $802 $1,451 54% 2,270 42%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Hairdressers, Hairstylists, and Cosmetologists $17.75 $923 $1,451 47% 970 48%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers $24.39 $1,268 $1,451 34% 1,210 66%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers $23.14 $1,203 $1,451 36% 2,450 63%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Home Health and Personal Care Aides $15.03 $782 $1,451 56% 2,360 41%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Hotel, Motel, and Resort Desk Clerks $14.78 $768 $1,451 57% 750 40%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners $14.11 $734 $1,451 59% 3,580 38%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Landscaping and Groundskeeping Workers $17.09 $889 $1,451 49% 4,930 46%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Laundry and Dry-Cleaning Workers $12.52 $651 $1,451 67% 380 34%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses $25.97 $1,350 $1,451 32% 1,130 71%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Light Truck Drivers $18.9 $983 $1,451 44% 2,170 51%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners $14.68 $763 $1,451 57% 2,610 40%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Medical Assistants $19.2 $998 $1,451 44% 2,380 52%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Mental Health and Substance Abuse Social Workers $23.74 $1,234 $1,451 35% 160 64%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Middle School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education $34.64 $1,801 $1,451 24% 1,060 94%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Nursing Assistants $17.8 $926 $1,451 47% 2,650 48%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Office Clerks, General $18.88 $982 $1,451 44% 6,300 51%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Painters, Construction and Maintenance $19.09 $993 $1,451 44% 1,320 52%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Paralegals and Legal Assistants $25.89 $1,346 $1,451 32% ** 70%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Paramedics $23.33 $1,213 $1,451 36% 220 63%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Pharmacy Technicians $18.93 $985 $1,451 44% 1,060 51%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters $24.86 $1,293 $1,451 34% 1,520 67%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers $30.26 $1,574 $1,451 28% 790 82%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Preschool Teachers, Except Special Education $14.65 $762 $1,451 57% 630 40%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Receptionists and Information Clerks $15.99 $832 $1,451 52% 2,400 43%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Registered Nurses $39.62 $2,060 $1,451 21% 6,030 108%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Retail Salespersons $14.85 $772 $1,451 56% 11,330 40%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Roofers $23.09 $1,201 $1,451 36% 1,900 63%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Secondary School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education $34.65 $1,802 $1,451 24% 1,410 94%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive $19.05 $991 $1,451 44% 2,990 52%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Security Guards $14.76 $767 $1,451 57% 2,160 40%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Substitute Teachers, Short-Term $15.41 $801 $1,451 54% 590 42%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Tellers $18.14 $943 $1,451 46% 330 49%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Veterinary Technologists and Technicians $18.77 $976 $1,451 45% 340 51%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA Waiters and Waitresses $14.54 $756 $1,451 58% 8,550 39%

Notes: Statewide FMRs come from the National Low Income Housing Coalition's Out of Reach report and are averages weighted by the number of renters in each county. 2022 wage data converted to 2023 dollars using the Consumer Price Index.

Sources: Florida Department of Commerce, 2022 Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages; 2023 HUD Fair Market Rent

Households by Tenure, Race/Ethnicity, and Income (% AMI), 2015-2019
Geography Tenure Race/Ethnicity Household Income Households
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied American Indian or Alaska Native alone, non-Hispanic 30% or Less of HAMFI 15
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied American Indian or Alaska Native alone, non-Hispanic 30.01 to 50% HAMFI 0
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied American Indian or Alaska Native alone, non-Hispanic 50.01 to 80% HAMFI 115
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied American Indian or Alaska Native alone, non-Hispanic 80.01 to 100% of HAMFI 80
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied American Indian or Alaska Native alone, non-Hispanic Greater than 100% of HAMFI 150
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied Asian alone, non-Hispanic 30% or Less of HAMFI 205
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied Asian alone, non-Hispanic 30.01 to 50% HAMFI 260
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied Asian alone, non-Hispanic 50.01 to 80% HAMFI 315
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied Asian alone, non-Hispanic 80.01 to 100% of HAMFI 205
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied Asian alone, non-Hispanic Greater than 100% of HAMFI 1,705
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied Black or African-American alone, non-Hispanic 30% or Less of HAMFI 735
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied Black or African-American alone, non-Hispanic 30.01 to 50% HAMFI 1,105
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied Black or African-American alone, non-Hispanic 50.01 to 80% HAMFI 1,740
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied Black or African-American alone, non-Hispanic 80.01 to 100% of HAMFI 815
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied Black or African-American alone, non-Hispanic Greater than 100% of HAMFI 2,970
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied Hispanic, any race 30% or Less of HAMFI 2,165
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied Hispanic, any race 30.01 to 50% HAMFI 2,535
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied Hispanic, any race 50.01 to 80% HAMFI 5,360
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied Hispanic, any race 80.01 to 100% of HAMFI 2,285
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied Hispanic, any race Greater than 100% of HAMFI 8,050
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied Pacific Islander alone, non-Hispanic 30% or Less of HAMFI 0
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied Pacific Islander alone, non-Hispanic 30.01 to 50% HAMFI 0
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied Pacific Islander alone, non-Hispanic 50.01 to 80% HAMFI 35
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied Pacific Islander alone, non-Hispanic 80.01 to 100% of HAMFI 0
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied Pacific Islander alone, non-Hispanic Greater than 100% of HAMFI 0
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied White alone, non-Hispanic 30% or Less of HAMFI 14,380
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied White alone, non-Hispanic 30.01 to 50% HAMFI 15,135
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied White alone, non-Hispanic 50.01 to 80% HAMFI 26,615
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied White alone, non-Hispanic 80.01 to 100% of HAMFI 16,500
Lee County, Florida Owner occupied White alone, non-Hispanic Greater than 100% of HAMFI 94,630
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied American Indian or Alaska Native alone, non-Hispanic 30% or Less of HAMFI 0
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied American Indian or Alaska Native alone, non-Hispanic 30.01 to 50% HAMFI 0
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied American Indian or Alaska Native alone, non-Hispanic 50.01 to 80% HAMFI 0
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied American Indian or Alaska Native alone, non-Hispanic 80.01 to 100% of HAMFI 0
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied American Indian or Alaska Native alone, non-Hispanic Greater than 100% of HAMFI 10
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied Asian alone, non-Hispanic 30% or Less of HAMFI 110
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied Asian alone, non-Hispanic 30.01 to 50% HAMFI 95
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied Asian alone, non-Hispanic 50.01 to 80% HAMFI 225
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied Asian alone, non-Hispanic 80.01 to 100% of HAMFI 115
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied Asian alone, non-Hispanic Greater than 100% of HAMFI 210
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied Black or African-American alone, non-Hispanic 30% or Less of HAMFI 2,505
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied Black or African-American alone, non-Hispanic 30.01 to 50% HAMFI 1,695
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied Black or African-American alone, non-Hispanic 50.01 to 80% HAMFI 1,995
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied Black or African-American alone, non-Hispanic 80.01 to 100% of HAMFI 1,090
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied Black or African-American alone, non-Hispanic Greater than 100% of HAMFI 1,730
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied Hispanic, any race 30% or Less of HAMFI 4,345
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied Hispanic, any race 30.01 to 50% HAMFI 4,380
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied Hispanic, any race 50.01 to 80% HAMFI 4,710
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied Hispanic, any race 80.01 to 100% of HAMFI 2,175
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied Hispanic, any race Greater than 100% of HAMFI 3,660
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied Pacific Islander alone, non-Hispanic 30% or Less of HAMFI 0
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied Pacific Islander alone, non-Hispanic 30.01 to 50% HAMFI 0
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied Pacific Islander alone, non-Hispanic 50.01 to 80% HAMFI 0
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied Pacific Islander alone, non-Hispanic 80.01 to 100% of HAMFI 4
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied Pacific Islander alone, non-Hispanic Greater than 100% of HAMFI 0
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied White alone, non-Hispanic 30% or Less of HAMFI 6,670
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied White alone, non-Hispanic 30.01 to 50% HAMFI 7,395
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied White alone, non-Hispanic 50.01 to 80% HAMFI 9,365
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied White alone, non-Hispanic 80.01 to 100% of HAMFI 5,670
Lee County, Florida Renter occupied White alone, non-Hispanic Greater than 100% of HAMFI 17,070

Notes: '-' indicates value that is not statistically significantly different than zero.

Sources: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 2015-2019 Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) dataset.

Households by Tenure, Race/Ethnicity, and Cost Burden, 2015-2019
Geography Tenure Race/Ethnicity 30% or less 30.1-50% More than 50% Not computed
Lee County Owner American Indian or Alaska Native alone, non-Hispanic 270 15 75 0
Lee County Owner Asian alone, non-Hispanic 2,105 235 330 15
Lee County Owner Black or African-American alone, non-Hispanic 5,060 1,395 895 15
Lee County Owner Hispanic, any race 14,655 3,290 2,185 260
Lee County Owner Pacific Islander alone, non-Hispanic 0 0 35 0
Lee County Owner White alone, non-Hispanic 126,710 20,985 16,595 2,965
Lee County Owner other (including multiple races, non-Hispanic) 1,005 290 175 15
Lee County Renter American Indian or Alaska Native alone, non-Hispanic 10 0 0 0
Lee County Renter Asian alone, non-Hispanic 460 125 115 55
Lee County Renter Black or African-American alone, non-Hispanic 4,240 1,900 2,455 415
Lee County Renter Hispanic, any race 9,020 4,515 5,400 330
Lee County Renter Pacific Islander alone, non-Hispanic 4 0 0 0
Lee County Renter White alone, non-Hispanic 23,685 10,425 10,880 1,180
Lee County Renter other (including multiple races, non-Hispanic) 595 310 250 15

Notes: '-' indicates value that is not statistically significantly different than zero.

Sources: Sources: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 2015-2019 Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) dataset.

Households by Tenure, Race, and Age of Householder, 2017-2021
Geography Race/Ethnicity Age of Householder Owners Renters Total Homeownership Rate
Lee County White, Non-Hispanic 64 or Younger 78,856 32,627 111,483 71.0%
Lee County White, Non-Hispanic 65 & Older 96,815 14,575 111,390 87.0%
Lee County Black, Non-Hispanic 64 or Younger 5,655 8,264 13,919 41.0%
Lee County Black, Non-Hispanic 65 & Older 2,784 762 3,546 79.0%
Lee County Other, Non-Hispanic 64 or Younger 4,668 2,051 6,719 69.0%
Lee County Other, Non-Hispanic 65 & Older 2,676 526 3,202 84.0%
Lee County Hispanic 64 or Younger 21,091 20,441 41,532 51.0%
Lee County Hispanic 65 & Older 4,483 2,070 6,553 68.0%

Notes: '-' signifies value that is not statistically significantly different from zero.

Sources: Shimberg Center tabulation of U.S. Census Bureau, 2017-2021 American Community Survey.

Households by Tenure, Household Type, and Cost Burden, 2017-2021
Geography Household Type Owner/Not Cost Burdened Owner Cost Burdened Renter/Not Cost Burdened Renter Cost Burdened
Lee County Married Couple Household 103,816 22,438 16,766 10,270
Lee County Male Only Headed Family 5,760 1,943 3,277 2,207
Lee County Female Only Headed Family 10,338 4,407 5,716 7,388
Lee County Non-family household 43,976 24,350 15,498 20,194

Notes: '-' signifies value that is not statistically significantly different from zero. "Cost Burdened" households are those paying more than 30% of income for housing costs."

Sources: Shimberg Center tabulation of U.S. Census Bureau, 2017-2021 American Community Survey.

Household Pulse Survey: Last Month's Payment Status for Owner-Occupied Housing Units, Florida
Geography Caught up on mortgage Not caught up Did not report Owned free and clear
Florida 6,076,656 592,315 88,301 4,026,883

Notes: Universe is statewide total population 18 years and older in owner-occupied housing units. Numbers refer to adult population (not households).

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau Household Pulse Survey, Phase 4.2 Cycle 09 Household Pulse Survey: August 20 - September 16. See the Household Pulse Survey.

Household Pulse Survey: Likelihood of Having to Leave this House in Next Two Months Due to Foreclosure, Florida
Geography Very likely to leave home due to forelcousre in next 2 months Somewhat likely Not very likely Not likely at all Did not report
Florida - 67,777 232,395 243,185 48,957

Notes: Universe is statewide total population 18 years and older in owner-occupied housing units with a mortgage, that are not current on mortgage payments; populations in owner-occupied units where the mortgage is current or without a mortgage are not included. Numbers refer to adult population (not households).

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau Household Pulse Survey, Phase 4.2 Cycle 09 Household Pulse Survey: August 20 - September 16. See the Household Pulse Survey.

Household Pulse Survey: Last Month's Payment Status for Renter-Occupied Housing Units, Florida
Geography Caught up on rent payments Not caught up Did not report Occupied without rent
Florida 3,844,579 743,360 22,918 270,347

Notes: Universe is statewide total population 18 years and older in renter-occupied housing units. Numbers refer to adult population (not households).

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau Household Pulse Survey, Phase 4.2 Cycle 09 Household Pulse Survey: August 20 - September 16. See the Household Pulse Survey.

Household Pulse Survey: Likelihood of Having to Leave this House in Next Two Months Due to Eviction,Florida
Geography Very likely to leave home due to eviction in next 2 months Somewhat likely Not very likely Not likely at all Did not report
Florida 22,874 77,854 190,294 317,484 134,854

Notes: Universe is statewide total population 18 years and older in renter-occupied housing units, that are not current on rent payments; population in units that are current on rent payments is not included. Numbers refer to adult population (not households).

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau Household Pulse Survey, Phase 4.2 Cycle 09 Household Pulse Survey: August 20 - September 16. See the Household Pulse Survey.

Household Pulse Survey: Change in Monthly Rent During the Last 12 Months, Florida
Geography No change in rent in last 12 months Rent decreased Rent increased by <$100 Rent increased by <$100-$249 Rent increased by <$250-$500 Rent increased by more than $500 Did not report Occupied without rent
Florida 1,156,648 16,344 598,861 1,650,216 832,608 337,533 18,645 270,347

Notes: Universe is statewide total population 18 years and older in renter-occupied housing units. Numbers refer to adult population (not households).

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau Household Pulse Survey, Phase 4.2 Cycle 09 Household Pulse Survey: August 20 - September 16. See the Household Pulse Survey.

Disclaimer: The Shimberg Center for Housing Studies has compiled housing and demographic information for the convenience of consumers, policy makers, planners, program administrators and other interested parties throughout Florida. The Shimberg Center is committed to ensuring that the data in the Florida Housing Data Clearinghouse is as accurate as possible, consistent with any limitations on the inherent accuracy of the original data sources. Although every effort has been made to ensure that information is comprehensive and accurate, errors and omissions may exist. The Clearinghouse and the information included therein is provided on an "as is" basis. The Shimberg Center for Housing Studies, the Florida Housing Data Clearinghouse, the University of Florida, or any of their respective faculty, staff, or administration specifically disclaim any warranty, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular use. The entire risk as to quality and performance is with the user. Persons who notice information that is incomplete, incorrect, or out of date should contact the Shimberg Center at (800) 259-5705 or email fhdc-comments@shimberg.ufl.edu.