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HUD Fair Market Rent, 2024
Geography 0 Bedroom FMR ($) 1 Bedroom FMR ($) 2 Bedroom FMR ($) 3 Bedroom FMR ($) 4 Bedroom FMR ($)
St. Lucie 1278 1286 1573 2175 2433

Sources: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 2024 Fair Market Rents

HUD Median Income for Counties and MSAs, Family of Four, 2023
Geography Median Income ($)
St. Lucie County $84,800

Sources: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 2023 Median Income

Florida Housing Income Limits, 2023
Geography AMI Category 1 Person Limit ($) 2 Person Limit ($) 3 Person Limit ($) 4 Person Limit ($)
Saint Lucie County 30% 17790 20340 22890 25410
Saint Lucie County 50% 29650 33900 38150 42350
Saint Lucie County 60% 35580 40680 45780 50820
Saint Lucie County 80% 47440 54240 61040 67760
Saint Lucie County 120% 71160 81360 91560 101640

Sources: Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 2023 Combined Income and Rent Limits by County

Florida Housing Rent Limits, 2023
Geography AMI Category 0 Bedroom Limit ($) 1 Bedroom Limit ($) 2 Bedroom Limit ($) 3 Bedroom Limit ($) 4 Bedroom Limit ($)
Saint Lucie County 30% 444 476 572 660 737
Saint Lucie County 50% 741 794 953 1101 1228
Saint Lucie County 60% 889 953 1144 1321 1474
Saint Lucie County 80% 1186 1271 1526 1762 1966
Saint Lucie County 120% 1779 1906 2289 2643 2949

Sources: Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 2023 Combined Income and Rent Limits by County

Disclaimer: The Shimberg Center for Housing Studies has compiled housing and demographic information for the convenience of consumers, policy makers, planners, program administrators and other interested parties throughout Florida. The Shimberg Center is committed to ensuring that the data in the Florida Housing Data Clearinghouse is as accurate as possible, consistent with any limitations on the inherent accuracy of the original data sources. Although every effort has been made to ensure that information is comprehensive and accurate, errors and omissions may exist. The Clearinghouse and the information included therein is provided on an "as is" basis. The Shimberg Center for Housing Studies, the Florida Housing Data Clearinghouse, the University of Florida, or any of their respective faculty, staff, or administration specifically disclaim any warranty, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular use. The entire risk as to quality and performance is with the user. Persons who notice information that is incomplete, incorrect, or out of date should contact the Shimberg Center at (800) 259-5705 or email fhdc-comments@shimberg.ufl.edu.