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(Applies to Assisted Housing Inventory: Property List only)

Assisted Properties and Units by Funder, Summary
Geography Funder Properties Total Units Assisted Units HUD/RD Rental Assistance Units Public Housing ACC Units
Gainesville Florida Housing Finance Corporation 23 1,752 1,752 512 171
Gainesville HUD Multifamily 19 985 984 742
Gainesville Local Housing Finance Authority 3 210 210 85
Gainesville HUD Public Housing 4 595 498 0 568
Gainesville Total, All Funders 36 2,493 2,395 742 568

Notes: Many properties receive funding from more than one agency, so properties and units may appear in more than one row. "Assisted Units" refers to units with income and rent restrictions. "HUD/RD Rental Assistance Units" refers to units subsidized through project-based rental assistance contracts with HUD or USDA Rural Development. Additional data definitions and special notes available in AHI User Guide. See also AHI Map.

Sources: Data sources and last updates available in AHI User Guide.

Assisted Housing Inventory: Property List
Shim ID FHFC Key HUD REMS Public Housing Development # Florida DOR Parcel Development Name Street Address City Zip Code County County Size Housing Programs Total Units Assisted Units HUD/RD Rental Assistance Units Public Housing ACC Units FHFC Funded HUD Multifamily Funded HUD Public Housing Funded RD Funded LHFA Funded Target Population Occupancy Status Affordability Start Date Year built (property appraiser) Owner Type Overall year of subsidy expiration Latitude Longitude Census Tract Census Block Group Number of 0 BR Number of 1 BR Number of 2 BR Number of 3 BR Number of 4 or more BR Developer Name and Contact Information Owner Name and Contact information Units <=35% AMI Units 40-50% AMI Units 55-60% AMI Units 65-80% AMI Units >80% AMI 0 BR Av. Rent ($) 1 BR Av. Rent ($) 2 BR Av. Rent ($) 3 BR Av. Rent ($) 4+ BR Av. Rent ($) Average Rent/FMR ratio 0 BR Utility Allowance ($) 1 BR Utility Allowance ($) 2 BR Utility Allowance ($) 3 BR Utility Allowance ($) 4 BR Utility Allowance ($) Occupancy Rate Last Property Sale Price ($) Last Property Sale Date Just Value ($) Has Housing Credits 4% Has Housing Credits 9% Has SAIL Has State Bonds Has State HOME Has EHCL Has Demonstration Has PLP Has Rental Assistance/HUD Has Section 202 Capital Advance Has Section 202 Direct Loan Has Section 811 Has HUD Use Agreement Has Section 542 Has Section 207 Has Section 231 Has Public Housing RAD conversion Has Rental Assistance/RD Has Section 515 Has Section 514/516 Has Local Bonds HC 4% Funding Year HC 9% Funding Year SAIL Funding Year State Bonds Funding Year State HOME Funding Year HUD Rental Assistance Current Contract Start Date Section 202 Direct Loan Funding Date Rental Assistance/RD Funding Date Section 515 Funding Date Section 514/516 Funding Date HC 4% Expiration Date HC 9% Expiration Date SAIL Expiration Date State Bonds Expiration Date State HOME Expiration Date HUD Mark-to-Market Est. Expiration Date HUD Rental Assistance Expiration Date HUD Section 202 Capital Advance Expiration Date HUD Section 202 Direct Loan Maturity Date HUD Section 811 Capital Advance Expiration Date HUD Use Agreement Expiration Section 514/516 Maturity Date Section 515 Maturity Date Local Bonds Maturity Date FHFC Preservation Set-Aside In QCT 2022 In DDA 2022 Average Household Size (Persons) % of Households w/Elderly Member % of Households w/Children % White (non-Hispanic) % Asian (non-Hispanic) % Black (non-Hispanic) % Hispanic Average Annual Household Income ($) % $0-4,999 % $5,000-9,999 % $10,000-14,999 % $15,000-19,999 % $20,000 and above Average Annual Household Income (% AMI) % 0-30% AMI % 30-50% AMI % above 50% AMI # of Households Reporting Tenant Data Source Vacancy Rate, 2018-2022, Tract Vacancy Rate, 2018-2022, County Homeownership Rate, 2018-2022, Tract Homeownership Rate, 2018-2022, County Renter Rate, 2018-2022, Tract Renter Rate, 2018-2022, County Rental Vacancy Rate, 2018-2022, Tract Rental Vacancy Rate, 2018-2022, County % White, Non-Hispanic, 2018-2022, Tract % White, Non-Hispanic, 2018-2022, County % African-American, Non-Hispanic, 2018-2022, Tract % African-American, Non-Hispanic, 2018-2022, County % Hispanic, 2018-2022, Tract % Hispanic, 2018-2022, County % Asian, Non-Hispanic, 2018-2022, Tract % Asian, Non-Hispanic, 2018-2022, County % Other Race, Non-Hispanic, 2018-2022, Tract % Other Race, Non-Hispanic, 2018-2022, County Median Single Family Sale Price, 2023, Tract Median Single Family Sale Price, 2023, County Change in Median Single Family Sales Price, 2019-2023, Tract Change in Median Single Family Sales Price, 2019-2023, County Average Just Value/Sq. Ft, Single Family 2023, Tract ($) Average Just Value/Sq. Ft, Single Family 2023, County ($) Average Just Value/Sq. Ft, Multifamily 10+ Units 2023, Tract ($) Average Just Value/Sq. Ft, Multifamily 10+ Units 2023, County ($) Median Just Value/Sq. Ft, Single Family 2023, Tract ($) Median Just Value/Sq. Ft, Single Family 2023, County ($) Median Just Value/Sq. Ft, Multifamily 10+ Units 2023, Tract ($) Median Just Value/Sq. Ft, Multifamily 10+ Units 2023, County ($) Median Condo Sale Price, 2023, Tract Median Condo Sale Price, 2023, County % of Households with at least one child age 0-17, 2018-2022, Tract % of Households with at least one child age 0-17, 2018-2022, County % of Households with at least one person age 65 or older, 2018-2022, Tract % of Households with at least one person age 65 or older, 2018-2022, County Total Living Area Number of Buildings REAC Score (HUD only) REAC Inspection Date Construction Type (FHFC Only)' In unincorporated area
7235 2652 - - 09238007000 12th Road Home 1800 NW 12th Road Gainesville 32605 Alachua medium Legislative Appropriation 6 6 - x - - - - Persons with Disabilities Ready for Occupancy 2013 1964 Non-Profit 29.66408499 -82.346863031 001000 1 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. Arc of Alachua County, Inc. 2 0 4 0 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 100 242900 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. N N 1.00 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 13250 0 33 50 17 0 25.83 83 17 0 6 FHFC TIC Report 14% 12% 39% 55% 61% 45% 88% 59% 73% 60% 5% 19% 14% 11% 4% 6% 4% 4% $405,000 $320,000 $111,900 $93,700 $154 $140 $158 $125 $147 $141 $141 $114 $328,000 $180,000 934% 2,234% 1,255% 2,618% 3761 1 - - not avail.
1486 - 800003899 - 07905000000 Alternative Housing, Inc. 1342 NW 45TH AVE Gainesville 32605 Alachua medium Rental Assistance/HUD;Section 202 Direct Loan 12 12 12 - x - - - Persons with Disabilities Ready for Occupancy 1987 1986 Non-Profit 2027 29.696168988 -82.340189024 001203 1 - 12 - - - not avail. Alternative Housing, Inc. 3303 NW 83rd St - Gainesville, FL 32606-6227 352-334-4060 - 889 - - - 104 - 0 - - - not avail. 350900 - - - - - - - - x - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2013 1988 - - - - - - - - - 2027 - 2027 - - - - - N N -4.00 -4 not avail. -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 0 104 -4 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 5% 12% 42% 55% 58% 45% 81% 59% 56% 60% 18% 19% 13% 11% 3% 6% 10% 4% $249,000 $320,000 $97,800 $93,700 $138 $140 $105 $125 $134 $141 $113 $114 $141,000 $180,000 2,181% 2,234% 1,244% 2,618% 5149 1 83c 2022-05-16 not avail.
7233 2623 800241635 - 15616000000 Arbours at Tumblin Creek 1309 SW 13th Street Gainesville 32608 Alachua medium Housing Credits 9%;Section 221(d)(4) MKT 64 64 - x x - - - Elderly;Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 2013 2018 For-Profit 2065 29.638402001 -82.339059982 000806 1 0 36 28 0 0 Samuel Johnston, 33 Inverness Center Parkway, Suite LL130, Birmingham, 35242, contact phone: 2059813300, email: sam@cahabavalley.net 7 0 57 0 0 not avail. 669 744 not avail. not avail. 93 not avail. 77 88 not avail. not avail. 99 not avail. - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2013 - - - - - - - - - 2065 - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. Y N 1.10 73 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 18878 2 16 23 19 40 30.58 56 34 10 62 FHFC TIC Report 14% 12% 10% 55% 90% 45% 68% 59% 52% 60% 7% 19% 14% 11% 22% 6% 6% 4% $0 $320,000 -$200,000 $93,700 $150 $140 $116 $125 $149 $141 $99 $114 $185,000 $180,000 1,682% 2,234% 716% 2,618% 30927 1 81b 2022-04-06 New Construction
1264 - 800003978 - 16106130000 Carver Gardens 1101 SE 15TH ST Gainesville 32641 Alachua medium Rental Assistance/HUD 100 100 100 - x - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1970 1970 Non-Profit 2034 29.640919003 -82.305229028 000700 3 - 24 36 40 - not avail. FFAH Carver Gardens LLC 69 NW Newport Avenue Suite 200 - Bend, OR 97703- 9494439101 - 931 1027 1204 - 85 - 51 66 83 - not avail. 2360000 - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2014 - - - - - - - - - - 2034 - - - - - - - N N 2.50 18 not avail. 1 -1 1 2 9553 26 16 30 11 17 14 90 9 1 88 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 14% 12% 65% 55% 35% 45% 8% 59% 30% 60% 63% 19% 5% 11% 0% 6% 3% 4% $170,000 $320,000 $60,250 $93,700 $95 $140 $95 $125 $93 $141 $83 $114 $0 $180,000 2,783% 2,234% 3,794% 2,618% 80917 13 93b 2018-11-30 not avail.
7701 3034 - - 07879005004 Deer Creek Senior Housing 2200 55th Boulevard Gainesville 32641 Alachua medium Housing Credits 9%;Predevelopment Loan Program 62 62 - x - - - - Elderly;Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 2017 2022 Non-Profit 2071 29.705963 -82.353483 001202 3 40 22 7 0 55 0 0 not avail. not avail. - x - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2019 - - - - - - - - - 2071 - - - - - - - - - - - N N 1.15 100 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 22658 0 3 10 27 60 36.39 27 65 8 62 FHFC TIC Report 6% 12% 72% 55% 28% 45% 82% 59% 64% 60% 14% 19% 14% 11% 2% 6% 6% 4% $280,000 $320,000 $100,000 $93,700 $144 $140 $85 $125 $144 $141 $74 $114 $164,000 $180,000 2,603% 2,234% 2,317% 2,618% - - not avail.
1655 1072 - - 08159010001 Eden Park at Ironwood 1400 NE 39th Avenue Gainesville 32609 Alachua medium Housing Credits 4%;Local Bonds;SAIL 104 104 - x - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy 2000 2004 For-Profit 2037 29.688526467 -82.307422916 001902 1 - - 40 64 - not avail. Jennings Development Group, Inc. 0 0 104 0 0 - - 687 770 - 85 - - 188 229 - 96 2070800 x - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x 2005 - 2000 - - - - - - - 2037 - 2032 - - - - - - - - - - 2035 N Y N 2.31 29 50 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 33533 2 0 13 8 77 46.49 24 32 44 101 FHFC TIC Report 13% 12% 37% 55% 63% 45% 43% 59% 32% 60% 58% 19% 7% 11% 0% 6% 3% 4% $266,000 $320,000 $122,500 $93,700 $118 $140 $70 $125 $138 $141 $65 $114 $0 $180,000 3,135% 2,234% 3,165% 2,618% 121020 1 - - New Construction
3100 1417 800004562 - 08197002006 Forest Green Apartments 3501 Northeast 15th Street Gainesville 32609 Alachua medium Housing Credits 4%;Local Bonds;Rental Assistance/HUD 100 100 85 x x - - x Family Ready for Occupancy 1971 1972 For-Profit 2050 29.683971014 -82.305113022 000400 1 - 20 35 35 10 Gregory Perlman, 15301 Ventura Blvd B-570, Sherman Oaks, 91403, contact phone: 8188088600, email: greg@ghcapital.com Forest & Village Preservation LP 250 West 55th Street, 35th Floor - New York, NY 10019- 212-798-4070 0 0 100 0 0 - 1093 1173 1467 not avail. 106 - 76 106 121 not avail. 99 19500000 2020-5 1569800 x - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - x 2020 - - - - 2020 - - - - 2034 - - - - - 2040 - - - - - - 2040 N N N 2.80 9 not avail. 1 -1 2 5 11320 35 10 29 5 21 15 84 13 3 151 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 7% 12% 59% 55% 41% 45% 0% 59% 48% 60% 29% 19% 10% 11% 3% 6% 10% 4% $207,500 $320,000 $70,000 $93,700 $123 $140 $87 $125 $120 $141 $98 $114 $0 $180,000 2,966% 2,234% 2,475% 2,618% 86053 20 98b 2022-09-01 Acquisition/Rehab
1306 2563 800004110 - 10970000000 Gardenia Gardens Apartments 1727 NE 8th Ave Gainesville 32641 Alachua medium Housing Credits 9%;Rental Assistance/HUD 100 100 100 x x - - - Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 1967 1968 For-Profit 2064 29.657638008 -82.301998978 000600 2 - - 36 64 - Joe Richardson, 1727 NE 8th Avenue, Gainesville, 32601, contact phone: 3523718400, email: joe.richardson1@cox.net Gardenia Garden Apartments Limited Partnership 1727 Northeast 8th Avenue - Gainesville, FL 32641- 3523786992 20 0 80 0 0 not avail. not avail. 1373 1478 not avail. 85 not avail. not avail. 77 89 not avail. 98 1505400 - x - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2012 - - - 2012 - - - - - 2064 - - - - 2032 - - - - - - Y Y N 2.80 3 91 4 -1 1 4 9308 48 13 14 6 19 12 86 13 1 95 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 12% 12% 39% 55% 61% 45% 7% 59% 2% 60% 95% 19% 1% 11% 0% 6% 2% 4% $132,250 $320,000 $33,250 $93,700 $94 $140 $76 $125 $88 $141 $72 $114 $0 $180,000 4,163% 2,234% 3,070% 2,618% 100084 9 67b* 2023-07-17 not avail.
7296 2698 - - 06088100002 Glen Springs Home 2717 NW 31st Avenue Gainesville 32605 Alachua medium Legislative Appropriation 6 6 - x - - - - Persons with Disabilities Ready for Occupancy 2014 2015 For-Profit 29.680568003 -82.36308897 001100 4 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. Arc of Alachua County, Inc. 2 0 4 0 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 100 58500 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. N N 1.00 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 10193 0 67 33 0 0 20.00 100 0 0 6 FHFC TIC Report 8% 12% 70% 55% 30% 45% 43% 59% 73% 60% 7% 19% 6% 11% 6% 6% 8% 4% $360,000 $320,000 $118,250 $93,700 $131 $140 $98 $125 $129 $141 $79 $114 $235,000 $180,000 1,755% 2,234% 4,270% 2,618% not avail. 1 - - not avail.
7466 2845 - - 15969003000 Grove at Sweetwater Preserve 225 Southeast 19th Place Gainesville 32641 Alachua medium Housing Credits 9%;SAIL 96 96 - x - - - - Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 2016 2020 For-Profit 2068 29.632306 -82.319219 000700 2 0 24 36 28 8 not avail. Pinnacle Housing Group LLC 29 0 67 0 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2016 2016 - - - - - - - - 2068 2068 - - - - - - - - - - not avail. N N 3.23 8 80 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 17168 14 9 26 12 38 21.77 69 27 4 91 FHFC TIC Report 14% 12% 65% 55% 35% 45% 8% 59% 30% 60% 63% 19% 5% 11% 0% 6% 3% 4% $170,000 $320,000 $60,250 $93,700 $95 $140 $95 $125 $93 $141 $83 $114 $0 $180,000 2,783% 2,234% 3,794% 2,618% not avail. 4 - - not avail.
1073 - 800004144 - 06014016000 Hampton Court 6415 NW 23RD TER Gainesville 32653 Alachua medium Rental Assistance/HUD 42 42 42 - x - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1980 1980 Non-Profit 2035 29.714272013 -82.359884988 001803 3 - 16 22 4 - not avail. NHDC Hampton Court Apt., Inc. 9692 Haven Avenue, Suite 100 - c/o National CORE Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730-3857 909-483-2444 - 922 984 1138 - 94 - 99 133 141 - not avail. 844900 - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2015 - - - - - - - - - - 2035 - - - - - - - N N 2.10 20 not avail. 5 -1 -1 0 17610 8 3 38 21 31 26 73 17 10 40 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 9% 12% 82% 55% 18% 45% 33% 59% 52% 60% 28% 19% 12% 11% 5% 6% 3% 4% $242,500 $320,000 $57,500 $93,700 $139 $140 $75 $125 $140 $141 $75 $114 $0 $180,000 2,362% 2,234% 3,995% 2,618% 35412 6 95b 2021-12-27 not avail.
7720 3096 - - 11235005000 Harper's Pointe 2220 E. University Avenue Gainesville 32641 Alachua medium Housing Credits 9% 66 66 - x - - - - Elderly;Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 2018 2020 not avail. 2070 29.652411011 -82.295323965 000600 3 33 33 7 0 59 0 0 not avail. not avail. - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2018 - - - - - - - - - 2070 - - - - - - - - - - - N 1.10 79 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 17722 0 3 40 25 32 28.70 65 33 2 63 FHFC TIC Report 12% 12% 39% 55% 61% 45% 7% 59% 2% 60% 95% 19% 1% 11% 0% 6% 2% 4% $132,250 $320,000 $33,250 $93,700 $94 $140 $76 $125 $88 $141 $72 $114 $0 $180,000 4,163% 2,234% 3,070% 2,618% - - not avail.
8321 3612 - - 11288002000 Hawthorne Heights 2420 SE Hawthorne Road Gainesville 32641 Alachua medium Extremely Low Income;Housing Credits 4%;National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF);SAIL;State Bonds 86 86 - x - - - - Elderly Not Ready for Occupancy 2024 not avail. not avail. 29.645696 -82.293299 000600 3 74 12 16 0 47 23 0 not avail. not avail. x - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2024 - 2024 2024 - - - - - - not avail. - not avail. not avail. - - - - - - - - - not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 12% 12% 39% 55% 61% 45% 7% 59% 2% 60% 95% 19% 1% 11% 0% 6% 2% 4% $132,250 $320,000 $33,250 $93,700 $94 $140 $76 $125 $88 $141 $72 $114 $0 $180,000 4,163% 2,234% 3,070% 2,618% - - ESS
2121 1083 800004175 - 09640001000 Horizon House Apartments 1515 NW 10 Street Gainesville 32601 Alachua medium Rental Assistance/HUD;SAIL 40 40 28 x x - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1971 1971 Non-Profit 2051 29.66612699 -82.334868024 000301 2 - - 24 16 - Jeffrey Reed, 448 Depot Street NE, Christiansburg, 24073, contact phone: 5403822002, email: jreed@chpc2.org Horizon Sunset Apartments LLC 150 Mount Vernon Street Suite 500 - Boston, MA 02125- 6178227300 6 34 0 0 0 - - 1525 1675 - 111.3 - - 113 164 - 87 898400 - - x - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2000 - - 2023 - - - - - - 2051 - - - 2043 - - - - - - N Y N 2.70 10 85 6 -1 2 4 16673 25 6 21 4 44 23 65 29 6 49 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 14% 12% 26% 55% 74% 45% 67% 59% 56% 60% 31% 19% 7% 11% 2% 6% 5% 4% $225,000 $320,000 $65,000 $93,700 $147 $140 $120 $125 $145 $141 $98 $114 $130,000 $180,000 1,911% 2,234% 1,905% 2,618% 39756 1 86c* 2018-09-20 Acquisition/Rehab
2150 - 800004178 - 08260000000 Housing For The Handicapped Alachua Co I- 6th St. 3781 NW 6TH ST Gainesville 32609 Alachua medium Rental Assistance/HUD;Section 202 Direct Loan 13 12 12 - x - - - Persons with Disabilities Ready for Occupancy 1985 1985 Non-Profit 2026 29.687702008 -82.329377039 000302 1 0 12 0 0 0 not avail. Housing for the Handicapped of Alachua County, Inc 3303 NW 83rd St - Gainesville, FL 32606-6227 3523344060 not avail. 1184 not avail. not avail. not avail. 135 not avail. 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 471100 - - - - - - - - x - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2009 1987 - - - - - - - - - 2026 - 2026 - - - - - N N 1.00 36 not avail. 55 -1 -1 0 13005 -1 -1 82 18 -1 22 82 18 0 11 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 11% 12% 54% 55% 46% 45% 30% 59% 58% 60% 20% 19% 13% 11% 4% 6% 5% 4% $229,250 $320,000 $89,250 $93,700 $136 $140 $103 $125 $134 $141 $96 $114 $0 $180,000 1,706% 2,234% 2,506% 2,618% 5870 1 99a 2021-07-21 not avail.
1454 - 800004179 - 15635002001 Housing For The Handicapped Alachua Co II-9th St. 934 SW 9TH ST Gainesville 32601 Alachua medium Rental Assistance/HUD;Section 202 Direct Loan 12 12 12 - x - - - Persons with Disabilities Ready for Occupancy 1987 1987 Non-Profit 2027 29.64261902 -82.333535972 000806 1 - 12 - - - not avail. Housing for the Handicapped of Alachua County, Inc 3303 NW 83rd St - Gainesville, FL 32606-6227 3523344060 - 970 - - - 121 - 77 - - - not avail. 415300 - - - - - - - - x - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2011 1989 - - - - - - - - - 2027 - 2027 - - - - - Y N 1.20 50 not avail. 67 -1 -1 0 12162 -1 -1 64 36 -1 20 100 0 0 12 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 14% 12% 10% 55% 90% 45% 68% 59% 52% 60% 7% 19% 14% 11% 22% 6% 6% 4% $0 $320,000 -$200,000 $93,700 $150 $140 $116 $125 $149 $141 $99 $114 $185,000 $180,000 1,682% 2,234% 716% 2,618% 6599 2 89c 2023-05-31 not avail.
1624 466 - - 08160002001 Lewis Place at Ironwood 4121 NE 15th Street Gainesville 32609 Alachua medium Housing Credits 4%;SAIL 112 112 - x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1999 2000 Non-Profit 2032 29.69109999 -82.305374035 001902 1 - - 56 56 - John Corbett, 2001 West Blue Heron Blvd., Riviera Beach, 33404, contact phone: 5616556775, email: jcorbett@gotpi.org 0 0 112 0 0 - - 751 859 - 90 - - 160 196 - 95 2240000 x - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2000 - 1999 - - - - - - - 2032 - 2031 - - - - - - - - - - N Y N 2.83 4 69 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 32782 2 1 7 7 83 43.28 21 44 35 109 FHFC TIC Report 13% 12% 37% 55% 63% 45% 43% 59% 32% 60% 58% 19% 7% 11% 0% 6% 3% 4% $266,000 $320,000 $122,500 $93,700 $118 $140 $70 $125 $138 $141 $65 $114 $0 $180,000 3,135% 2,234% 3,165% 2,618% 129237 10 - - New Construction
7617 2984 - - 06102025000 Magnolia Place Home at the Arc of Alachua County 3256 NW 36th Street Gainesville 32605 Alachua medium Legislative Appropriation 6 6 - x - - - - Persons with Disabilities Ready for Occupancy 2017 2020 Non-Profit 2029 001100 1 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 2 0 4 0 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. N N 1.00 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 8510 0 83 17 0 0 16.67 100 0 0 6 FHFC TIC Report 8% 12% 70% 55% 30% 45% 43% 59% 73% 60% 7% 19% 6% 11% 6% 6% 8% 4% $360,000 $320,000 $118,250 $93,700 $131 $140 $98 $125 $129 $141 $79 $114 $235,000 $180,000 1,755% 2,234% 4,270% 2,618% not avail. 1 - - not avail.
1262 - 800004309 - 07240004003 New Horizons Properties I - Joyce Apts. 3010 SW 35th Pl Gainesville 32608 Alachua medium Rental Assistance/HUD;Section 202 Direct Loan 8 8 8 - x - - - Persons with Disabilities Ready for Occupancy 1985 1985 Non-Profit 2025 29.62140698 -82.368897964 001515 3 - 8 - - - not avail. New Horizons Properties, Inc. 4300 SW 13th St - Gainesville, FL 32608-0000 (352) 332-7828 - 714 - - - 91 - 0 - - - not avail. 263700 - - - - - - - - x - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2024 1988 - - - - - - - - - 2025 - 2025 - - - - - Y N -4.00 -4 not avail. -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 0 104 -4 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 23% 12% 4% 55% 96% 45% 100% 59% 53% 60% 20% 19% 14% 11% 10% 6% 3% 4% $0 $320,000 $0 $93,700 $104 $140 $123 $125 $90 $141 $115 $114 $174,500 $180,000 282% 2,234% 171% 2,618% 4569 1 85c 2021-12-06 not avail.
1388 - 800004311 - 07240001001 New Horizons Properties IIi - Transitions 3800 SW 34th ST Gainesville 32608 Alachua medium Rental Assistance/HUD;Section 202 Direct Loan 8 8 8 - x - - - Persons with Disabilities Ready for Occupancy 1990 1977 Non-Profit 2030 29.61861501 -82.374783988 001519 1 1 7 - - - not avail. New Horizons Properties III, Inc. 4300 SW 13th ST - Gainesville, FL 32608-0000 (352) 374-5632 996 1125 - - - 131 0 0 - - - not avail. 6376900 - - - - - - - - x - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2023 1992 - - - - - - - - - 2024 - 2030 - - - - - Y N 1.00 36 not avail. 45 -1 -1 0 13108 -1 -1 50 40 10 22 73 27 0 11 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 22% 12% 1% 55% 99% 45% 87% 59% 29% 60% 14% 19% 22% 11% 33% 6% 2% 4% $0 $320,000 $0 $93,700 $80 $140 $97 $125 $84 $141 $101 $114 $0 $180,000 1,275% 2,234% 447% 2,618% 210525 21 82b 2021-12-06 not avail.
1447 - 800004001 - 10071003001 New Horizons Properties Iv - Choice Apts 2101 NE 2ND ST Gainesville 32609 Alachua medium Rental Assistance/HUD;Section 811 Capital Advance 16 16 16 - x - - - Persons with Disabilities Ready for Occupancy 1997 1997 Non-Profit 2038 29.671685994 -82.319525034 000400 3 - 4 12 - - not avail. New Horizons Properties IV Inc 4300 SW 13TH ST - GAINESVILLE, FL 32608-0000 (352) 374-5600 x8286 - 607 615 - - 76 - 92 105 - - not avail. 763900 - - - - - - - - x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2024 - - - - - - - - - - 2025 - - 2037 - - - - N N 1.30 35 not avail. 20 -1 80 0 10199 -1 18 65 12 6 16 95 5 0 20 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 7% 12% 59% 55% 41% 45% 0% 59% 48% 60% 29% 19% 10% 11% 3% 6% 10% 4% $207,500 $320,000 $70,000 $93,700 $123 $140 $87 $125 $120 $141 $98 $114 $0 $180,000 2,966% 2,234% 2,475% 2,618% 12627 4 93b 2023-03-03 not avail.
74250 2863 - FL063000002 10044000000 Oak Park - Gainesville 100 NE 8th Avenue Gainesville 32601 Alachua medium Elderly Housing Community Loan;Public Housing 101 101 - 171 x - x - - Elderly;Family Ready for Occupancy 1970 1968 Public Housing Authority 29.659596984 -82.323914972 000301 2 60 41 0 0 0 not avail. Housing Authority City of Gainesville 0 21 80 0 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 4147500 - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. Y N 1.10 56.49 0.65 19 -1 1 6.49 12761 14.47 5.92 53.95 11.84 13.82 14.18 85.06 11 4 154 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 14% 12% 26% 55% 74% 45% 67% 59% 56% 60% 31% 19% 7% 11% 2% 6% 5% 4% $225,000 $320,000 $65,000 $93,700 $147 $140 $120 $125 $145 $141 $98 $114 $130,000 $180,000 1,911% 2,234% 1,905% 2,618% 64116 1 - - not avail.
1321 3207 800004109 - 10071002002 Pine Grove Apts 1901 NE 2nd Street Gainesville 32609 Alachua medium Elderly Housing Community Loan;Housing Credits 4%;Rental Assistance/HUD 97 97 96 x x - - - Elderly Ready for Occupancy 1985 1984 Non-Profit 2042 29.669355992 -82.319857042 000400 3 24 72 not avail. PINE GROVE VOA AFFORDABLE HOUSING LP 1660 Duke Street - Attn: Earlene Ford Alexandria, VA 22314- 7033415000 0 20 77 0 0 922 1022 not avail. not avail. not avail. 129 60 68 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 4418500 x - - - - x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2023 - - - - 2022 - - - - not avail. - - - - - 2042 - - - - - - - N N 1.00 85 0 57 2 2 21 14172 1 9 55 21 14 24 77 23 0 98 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 7% 12% 59% 55% 41% 45% 0% 59% 48% 60% 29% 19% 10% 11% 3% 6% 10% 4% $207,500 $320,000 $70,000 $93,700 $123 $140 $87 $125 $120 $141 $98 $114 $0 $180,000 2,966% 2,234% 2,475% 2,618% 71585 1 90b* 2021-06-30 not avail.
7696 3189 - - not avail. Pine Hill Home TBD Gainesville Alachua medium Legislative Appropriation;Local Bonds 6 6 - x - - - x Persons with Disabilities Not Ready for Occupancy 2017 not avail. Non-Profit 2031 0 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 2 0 4 0 0 not avail. not avail. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 12% 55% 45% 59% 60% 19% 11% 6% 4% $320,000 $93,700 $140 $125 $141 $114 $180,000 2,234% 2,618% - - Construction Category Not Found
74140 - - FL063000003 11123000000 Pine, Lake, Forest, Caroline 2626 E University Ave Apt 2 Gainesville 32641 Alachua medium Public Housing 244 239 - 239 - - x - - Elderly;Family Ready for Occupancy 1970 not avail. Public Housing Authority 29.652353008 -82.290006989 000600 3 not avail. 36 93 110 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 7557400 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Y N 3.20 12.44 71.29 4 -1 0 2.87 18068 12.83 14.44 25.13 10.7 36.9 19.99 71.29 17 12 209 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 12% 12% 39% 55% 61% 45% 7% 59% 2% 60% 95% 19% 1% 11% 0% 6% 2% 4% $132,250 $320,000 $33,250 $93,700 $94 $140 $76 $125 $88 $141 $72 $114 $0 $180,000 4,163% 2,234% 3,070% 2,618% not avail. not avail. - - not avail.
7861 3293 - - 06496000000 Royal Park 301 NW 39th Rd. Gainesville 32607 Alachua medium Extremely Low Income;Housing Credits 4%;SAIL;State Bonds 192 192 - x - - - - Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 2020 not avail. not avail. 2073 29.655767179 -82.380734655 001605 6 - 36 120 36 - 8 10 130 44 0 not avail. not avail. x - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2021 - 2020 2020 - - - - - - 2073 - 2072 2072 - - - - - - - - - N not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 22% 12% 27% 55% 73% 45% 84% 59% 63% 60% 13% 19% 16% 11% 2% 6% 6% 4% $255,000 $320,000 $109,000 $93,700 $129 $140 $116 $125 $125 $141 $115 $114 $154,500 $180,000 1,040% 2,234% 677% 2,618% - - not avail.
8150 - - - 15552005000 ST FRANCIS HOUSE 2105 SW 14th St Gainesville 32608-1509 Alachua medium Section 8 Mod Rehab 16 16 - - x - - - not avail. Ready for Occupancy not avail. 1971 not avail. 29.632556001 -82.34006296 000809 1 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 27% 12% 12% 55% 88% 45% 41% 59% 59% 60% 12% 19% 15% 11% 7% 6% 8% 4% $0 $320,000 $0 $93,700 $139 $140 $120 $125 $146 $141 $124 $114 $156,000 $180,000 1,468% 2,234% 1,084% 2,618% not avail. not avail. not avail.
1414 1083 800004475 - 09542003000 Sunset Apartments 1515 NW 10 Street Gainesville 32601 Alachua medium Rental Assistance/HUD;SAIL 40 40 25 x x - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1971 1970 Non-Profit 2051 29.665687987 -82.337422996 000301 2 - - 24 16 - Jeffrey Reed, 448 Depot Street NE, Christiansburg, 24073, contact phone: 5403822002, email: jreed@chpc2.org CHPC Gainesville Horizon Sunset LLC 448 Depot Street, NE - Christiansburg, VA 24073- 540-382-2002 6 34 0 0 0 - - 688 756 - 111.3 - - 121 177 - 87 1195000 - - x - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2000 - - 2023 - - - - - - 2051 - - - 2043 - - - - - - N Y N 85 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 14% 12% 26% 55% 74% 45% 67% 59% 56% 60% 31% 19% 7% 11% 2% 6% 5% 4% $225,000 $320,000 $65,000 $93,700 $147 $140 $120 $125 $145 $141 $98 $114 $130,000 $180,000 1,911% 2,234% 1,905% 2,618% 39671 1 76c 2019-08-14 Acquisition/Rehab
1263 - 800004310 - 07296020022 Sunset Satellite Apartments 3440 SW 28TH TERRACE Gainesville 32608 Alachua medium Rental Assistance/HUD;Section 223(f) Refi/Purchase 20 20 20 - x - - - Persons with Disabilities Ready for Occupancy 1986 1986 Non-Profit 2053 29.619017006 -82.365845024 001517 1 - 20 - - - not avail. New Horizons Properties II, Inc. 4300 SW 13th Street - Gainsville, FL 32608- 352-374-5600 - 834 - - - 107 - 85 - - - not avail. 351200 - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2018 - - - - - - - - - - 2038 - - - - - - - Y N 1.00 44 not avail. 38 -1 -1 6 10513 -1 -1 85 8 8 18 88 12 0 16 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 14% 12% 9% 55% 91% 45% 100% 59% 36% 60% 19% 19% 16% 11% 16% 6% 12% 4% $170,000 $320,000 $65,250 $93,700 $139 $140 $113 $125 $133 $141 $115 $114 $174,800 $180,000 1,750% 2,234% 446% 2,618% 7886 2 77c* 2023-07-20 not avail.
1284 2680 800004509 - 14282000000 The 400 Apartments 400 NW 1st Avenue Gainesville 32601 Alachua medium Housing Credits 9%;Rental Assistance/HUD 101 101 101 x x - - - Elderly;Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 1979 1979 For-Profit 2066 29.653069996 -82.328793994 000500 1 - 101 - - - J. David Page, 5403 West Gray Street, Tampa, 33609, contact phone: 2534603000, email: jdpage@vaughnbay.net GE4 Apartments LLC 5403 W Gray ST - Tampa, FL 33609- 25325347215 21 0 80 0 0 - 1104 - - - 116 - 0 - - - 97 2110700 - x - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2014 - - - 2015 - - - - - 2066 - - - - 2035 - - - - - - not avail. N N 1.10 72 0 40 2 -1 5 13237 2 7 63 19 9 22 86 14 0 103 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 14% 12% 44% 55% 56% 45% 39% 59% 78% 60% 12% 19% 6% 11% 2% 6% 2% 4% $295,000 $320,000 $108,000 $93,700 $157 $140 $125 $125 $153 $141 $123 $114 $257,250 $180,000 1,795% 2,234% 1,636% 2,618% 72608 1 94b 2021-07-22 A/P
74334 - - FL063000004 15969003000 The Grove at Sweetwater Preserve 175 SE 19th Pl Gainesville 32641 Alachua medium Public Housing 30 30 - 30 - - x - - not avail. Ready for Occupancy 2020 2020 Public Housing Authority 29.632317996 -82.318718025 000700 2 0 7 12 11 0 not avail. not avail. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N N 3.00 15.38 69.23 7 -1 -1 11.54 21295 12 4 24 20 40 23.45 73.08 15 12 26 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 14% 12% 65% 55% 35% 45% 8% 59% 30% 60% 63% 19% 5% 11% 0% 6% 3% 4% $170,000 $320,000 $60,250 $93,700 $95 $140 $95 $125 $93 $141 $83 $114 $0 $180,000 2,783% 2,234% 3,794% 2,618% - - not avail.
6698 1574 800251305 - 11288001000 Tiger Bay Court 2415 S.E. 4th Lane Gainesville 32541 Alachua medium Housing Credits 9%;Section 223(f) Refi/Purchase 96 96 - x x - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2006 2007 For-Profit 2058 29.646902005 -82.292523991 000600 3 - - 32 64 - John Corbett, 2001 West Blue Heron Blvd., Riviera Beach, 33404, contact phone: 5616556775, email: jcorbett@gotpi.org Partnership Inc. 0 46 50 0 0 - - 709 760 - 81 - - 152 194 - 95 6216000 2021-2 2120000 - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2006 - - - - - - - - - 2058 - - - - - - - - - - - N Y Y 2.84 8 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 24322 0 10 16 11 63 33.29 40 52 8 89 FHFC TIC Report 12% 12% 39% 55% 61% 45% 7% 59% 2% 60% 95% 19% 1% 11% 0% 6% 2% 4% $132,250 $320,000 $33,250 $93,700 $94 $140 $76 $125 $88 $141 $72 $114 $0 $180,000 4,163% 2,234% 3,070% 2,618% 121499 6 - - New Construction
1347 1417 800004562 - 08197002001 Village Green Apartments 3501 Northeast 15th Street Gainesville 32609 Alachua medium Housing Credits 4%;Rental Assistance/HUD 100 100 77 x x - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1972 1971 For-Profit 2050 29.682643991 -82.305113022 000400 1 - 20 35 35 10 Gregory Perlman, 15301 Ventura Boulevard B-570, Sherman Oaks, 91403, contact phone: 8188088600, email: greg@ghcapital.com Forest & Village Preservation LP 250 West 55th Street, 35th Floor - New York, NY 10019- 212-798-4070 0 0 100 0 0 - 1093 1173 1467 1265 106 - 111 117 165 192 99 19500000 2020-5 1635400 x - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2020 - - - - 2020 - - - - 2034 - - - - - 2040 - - - - - - N N N 2.83 9 73 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 11953 39 8 26 6 21 15.79 84 12 4 187 FHFC TIC Report 7% 12% 59% 55% 41% 45% 0% 59% 48% 60% 29% 19% 10% 11% 3% 6% 10% 4% $207,500 $320,000 $70,000 $93,700 $123 $140 $87 $125 $120 $141 $98 $114 $0 $180,000 2,966% 2,234% 2,475% 2,618% 96387 20 98b 2022-09-01 Acquisition/Rehab
2077 896 - - 11301000000 Village Oaks 501 Southeast 18th Street Gainesville 32641 Alachua medium Housing Credits 9% 91 91 - x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1999 1975 For-Profit 2051 29.647873007 -82.301508972 000700 3 - 88 3 - - Yash Kakkar, 8895 North Military Trail, Suite 201E, Palm Beach Gardens, 33410, contact phone: 5616277988, email: ykakkar@creativechoice.net Creative Choice Homes, Inc. 14 5 72 0 0 - 524 401 - - 76 - 67 93 - - 93 835600 - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1999 - - - - - - - - - 2051 - - - - - - - - - - - N N N 1.14 45 7 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 12870 15 17 35 18 14 20.75 82 15 3 71 FHFC TIC Report 14% 12% 65% 55% 35% 45% 8% 59% 30% 60% 63% 19% 5% 11% 0% 6% 3% 4% $170,000 $320,000 $60,250 $93,700 $95 $140 $95 $125 $93 $141 $83 $114 $0 $180,000 2,783% 2,234% 3,794% 2,618% 53593 14 - - Acquisition/Rehab
8319 3608 - - 07176005000 Williston Pointe SW 25th Terrace and SW Williston Road Gainesville 32608 Alachua medium Housing Credits 9% 80 80 - x - - - - Family Not Ready for Occupancy 2024 not avail. not avail. 29.610125 -82.36052 110800 1 40 40 0 8 72 0 0 not avail. not avail. - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2024 - - - - - - - - - not avail. - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 12% 12% 48% 55% 52% 45% 78% 59% 81% 60% 3% 19% 8% 11% 4% 6% 3% 4% $329,950 $320,000 $110,950 $93,700 $129 $140 $127 $125 $124 $141 $127 $114 $0 $180,000 883% 2,234% 6,535% 2,618% - - Non-ESS
74100 - - FL063000001 15969003000 Woodland Park, Eastwood Meadows 1900 SE 4th St Apt 1 Gainesville 32641 Alachua medium Public Housing 220 128 - 128 - - x - - Elderly;Family Ready for Occupancy 1970 2020 Public Housing Authority 29.63398302 -82.316413001 000700 2 not avail. 14 27 87 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 7532900 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N N 3.20 10.26 78.63 5 -1 1 3.42 18195 23.64 7.27 23.64 10 35.45 20.12 69.23 16 15 117 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 14% 12% 65% 55% 35% 45% 8% 59% 30% 60% 63% 19% 5% 11% 0% 6% 3% 4% $170,000 $320,000 $60,250 $93,700 $95 $140 $95 $125 $93 $141 $83 $114 $0 $180,000 2,783% 2,234% 3,794% 2,618% 173360 100 - - not avail.

Notes: Data definitions and special notes available in AHI User Guide. See also AHI Map. Properties with HUD Public Housing funding often comprise multiple complexes or buildings; download Public Housing Buildings for a statewide, address-level list.

Sources: Data sources and last updates available in AHI User Guide.

Homeless Assistance Programs-Housing Inventory Count
Project Name Address City State Zip County Continuum of Care Provider Name Project Type Site or Tenant Based Units HH w/ Children Beds HH w/o Children Beds HH w/ only Children Total Beds McKinney Vento-funded Emergency Solutions Grant-Emergency Shelter Emergency Solutions Grant-Rapid Rehousing Continuum of Care-Safe Haven Continuum of Care-Transitional Housing Continuum of Care-Permanent Supportive Housing Continuum of Care-Rapid Rehousing Continuum of Care-SRO Shelter + Care Section 8 Mod Rehab SRO Supportive Housing Program Other Federal Funding VASH Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program VA Grant and Per Diem Program VA Community Contract Safe Haven Program VA Contract Residential Services VA Community Contract Safe Haven HHS Runaway and Homeless Youth Basic Center Program HHS Runaway and Homeless Youth Transitional Living Program HHS Runaway and Homeless Youth Maternity Group Homes HHS Runaway and Homeless Demonstration Project HOPWA Other Federal Funding
Family Promise | Emergency Shelter 229 SW 5TH ST GAINESVILLE FL 32601 Alachua Gainesville/Alachua, Putnam Counties CoC Family Promise Gainesville Emergency Shelter Site-based - single site 4 0 0 12 x x - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - x
Graceland Dorm 3055 NE 28TH DR GAINESVILLE FL 32609 Alachua Gainesville/Alachua, Putnam Counties CoC Alachua County Coalition for the Homeless and Hungry Emergency Shelter Site-based - single site 0 100 0 102 x x - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - x
HUD VASH | Permanent Supportive Housing 1900 SE 4TH ST GAINESVILLE FL 32641 Alachua Gainesville/Alachua, Putnam Counties CoC Gainesville Housing Authority Permanent Supportive Housing Tenant-based - scattered site 8 187 0 218 - - - - - - - - - - - x x - - - - - - - - - - -
HUD VASH | Permanent Supportive Housing 703 NE 1ST ST GAINESVILLE FL 32601 Alachua Gainesville/Alachua, Putnam Counties CoC Alachua County Housing Authority Permanent Supportive Housing Tenant-based - scattered site 25 306 0 376 - - - - - - - - - - - x x - - - - - - - - - - -
Rapid Rehousing 229 SW 5TH ST GAINESVILLE FL 32601 Alachua Gainesville/Alachua, Putnam Counties CoC Family Promise Gainesville Rapid Rehousing Tenant-based - scattered site 5 0 20 x - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ACCHH | Permanent Supportive Housing 3055 NE 28th Street Gainesville FL 32609 Alachua Gainesville/Alachua, Putnam Counties CoC Alachua County Coalition for the Homeless and Hungry Permanent Supportive Housing Tenant-based - scattered site 0 13 0 13 x - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PSH Expansion 3055 NE 28th Drive Gainesville FL 32609 Alachua Gainesville/Alachua, Putnam Counties CoC Alachua County Coalition for the Homeless and Hungry Permanent Supportive Housing Site-based - clustered / multiple sites 0 14 0 14 x - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
RRH-CoC Funded 229 SW 5th Street Gainesville FL 32601 Alachua Gainesville/Alachua, Putnam Counties CoC Family Promise Gainesville Rapid Rehousing Tenant-based - scattered site 6 0 0 19 x - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sources: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 2023 Housing Inventory Count

AHI - Lost Properties Inventory
LPI ID Shim ID FHFC HPP key Name Address City Zip County Total Units Estimated Assisted Units HUD/RD Rental Assistance Units Housing Program(s) FHFC Funded RD Funded LHFA Funded HUD Funded Year of Loss Tax Credit or Bond Property No Longer Under Use Restrictions HUD Section 8 Expired Contract/Opt-Out HUD Prepaid Mortgage HUD Assigned Mortgage RD Prepaid Mortgage Year Built/Funded Type of Ownership Population Served Latitude Longitude
15 1211 144 Cedar Ridge 412 Southwest 69th Street Gainesville 32607 Alachua 8 3 - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation x - - - 1999 - - - - - 1995 not avail. not avail. 29.648517314 -82.4162746122
310 1000310 287 Gardens of Gainesville 75 SW 75 Street Gainesville 32607 Alachua 27 5 - Rental Assistance/HUD x - - - 9999 - x - - - 1995 not avail. not avail. 29.6522249886 -82.4214405312
433 1310 - Glen Springs Manor 2130 NW 31st Avenue Gainesville 32605 Alachua 136 136 136 Rental Assistance/HUD - - - x 2009 - x x - - 1970 For-Profit Family 29.6839698226 -82.352424199
822 1060 259 Savannah 316 S.W. 62nd Boulevard Gainesville 32607 Alachua 178 178 - State Bonds x - - - 2021 - - - - - 2001 For-Profit Family 29.649382789 -82.4085219815
443 1357 - Seminary Lane 1019 NW 5th Ave Gainesville 32601 Alachua 53 53 53 Rental Assistance/HUD - - - x 2009 - x - - - 1979 Other Family 29.6561985703 -82.3377893324
598 1758 873 Tree Trail 2510 Northeast 9th Street Gainesville 32609 Alachua 108 108 - Housing Credits 9% x - - - 2012 x - - - - 1991 For-Profit Family 29.675630857 -82.31583393
583 2300 - University Village Apartments 3200 Radio Gainesville 32611 Alachua 220 220 - Section 221(d)(3) BMIR - - - x 2012 - - - - - 1972 Non-Profit Family 29.634458771 -82.370080753

Notes: Data definitions and special notes available in AHI User Guide.

Sources: Assisted Housing Inventory, Shimberg Center; property lists from HUD, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, and USDA RD.

Public Housing Agencies
Name Address City Zip Code County Phone Number Public Housing Units Housing Choice Vouchers PHA Size Performance Designation Occupancy Rate Operating Subsidy Capital Fund'
Alachua County 703 NE 1st St Gainesville 32601 Alachua 3523722549 276 1163 276 Standard Performer 69.7 1994884 1041958
Gainesville Housing Authority 1900 SE 4th St Gainesville 32641 Alachua 3528725502 574 1914 640 Standard Performer 70.6 3572534 1962652

Notes: Operating and Capital Fund amounts refer to available authorized funding in dollars from the latest year. For more information, see HUD's public housing agency data dictionary

Sources: HUD Public Housing Authorities dataset

Disclaimer: The Shimberg Center for Housing Studies has compiled housing and demographic information for the convenience of consumers, policy makers, planners, program administrators and other interested parties throughout Florida. The Shimberg Center is committed to ensuring that the data in the Florida Housing Data Clearinghouse is as accurate as possible, consistent with any limitations on the inherent accuracy of the original data sources. Although every effort has been made to ensure that information is comprehensive and accurate, errors and omissions may exist. The Clearinghouse and the information included therein is provided on an "as is" basis. The Shimberg Center for Housing Studies, the Florida Housing Data Clearinghouse, the University of Florida, or any of their respective faculty, staff, or administration specifically disclaim any warranty, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular use. The entire risk as to quality and performance is with the user. Persons who notice information that is incomplete, incorrect, or out of date should contact the Shimberg Center at (800) 259-5705 or email fhdc-comments@shimberg.ufl.edu.