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(Applies to Assisted Housing Inventory: Property List only)

Assisted Properties and Units by Funder, Summary
Geography Funder Properties Total Units Assisted Units HUD/RD Rental Assistance Units Public Housing ACC Units
Orange County Florida Housing Finance Corporation 160 29,739 27,438 298 94
Orange County HUD Multifamily 38 4,823 4,816 2,113
Orange County USDA Rural Development 7 302 302 251
Orange County Local Housing Finance Authority 36 6,808 5,787 141 30
Orange County HUD Public Housing 12 1,542 1,434 87 1,408
Orange County Total, All Funders 210 35,674 32,533 2,451 1,408

Notes: Many properties receive funding from more than one agency, so properties and units may appear in more than one row. "Assisted Units" refers to units with income and rent restrictions. "HUD/RD Rental Assistance Units" refers to units subsidized through project-based rental assistance contracts with HUD or USDA Rural Development. Additional data definitions and special notes available in AHI User Guide. See also AHI Map.

Sources: Data sources and last updates available in AHI User Guide.

Assisted Housing Inventory: Property List
Shim ID FHFC Key HUD REMS Public Housing Development # Florida DOR Parcel Development Name Street Address City Zip Code County County Size Housing Programs Total Units Assisted Units HUD/RD Rental Assistance Units Public Housing ACC Units FHFC Funded HUD Multifamily Funded HUD Public Housing Funded RD Funded LHFA Funded Target Population Occupancy Status Affordability Start Date Year built (property appraiser) Owner Type Overall year of subsidy expiration Latitude Longitude Census Tract Census Block Group Number of 0 BR Number of 1 BR Number of 2 BR Number of 3 BR Number of 4 or more BR Developer Name and Contact Information Owner Name and Contact information Units <=35% AMI Units 40-50% AMI Units 55-60% AMI Units 65-80% AMI Units >80% AMI 0 BR Av. Rent ($) 1 BR Av. Rent ($) 2 BR Av. Rent ($) 3 BR Av. Rent ($) 4+ BR Av. Rent ($) Average Rent/FMR ratio 0 BR Utility Allowance ($) 1 BR Utility Allowance ($) 2 BR Utility Allowance ($) 3 BR Utility Allowance ($) 4 BR Utility Allowance ($) Occupancy Rate Last Property Sale Price ($) Last Property Sale Date Just Value ($) Has Housing Credits 4% Has Housing Credits 9% Has SAIL Has State Bonds Has State HOME Has EHCL Has Demonstration Has PLP Has Rental Assistance/HUD Has Section 202 Capital Advance Has Section 202 Direct Loan Has Section 811 Has HUD Use Agreement Has Section 542 Has Section 207 Has Section 231 Has Public Housing RAD conversion Has Rental Assistance/RD Has Section 515 Has Section 514/516 Has Local Bonds HC 4% Funding Year HC 9% Funding Year SAIL Funding Year State Bonds Funding Year State HOME Funding Year HUD Rental Assistance Current Contract Start Date Section 202 Direct Loan Funding Date Rental Assistance/RD Funding Date Section 515 Funding Date Section 514/516 Funding Date HC 4% Expiration Date HC 9% Expiration Date SAIL Expiration Date State Bonds Expiration Date State HOME Expiration Date HUD Mark-to-Market Est. Expiration Date HUD Rental Assistance Expiration Date HUD Section 202 Capital Advance Expiration Date HUD Section 202 Direct Loan Maturity Date HUD Section 811 Capital Advance Expiration Date HUD Use Agreement Expiration Section 514/516 Maturity Date Section 515 Maturity Date Local Bonds Maturity Date FHFC Preservation Set-Aside In QCT 2022 In DDA 2022 Average Household Size (Persons) % of Households w/Elderly Member % of Households w/Children % White (non-Hispanic) % Asian (non-Hispanic) % Black (non-Hispanic) % Hispanic Average Annual Household Income ($) % $0-4,999 % $5,000-9,999 % $10,000-14,999 % $15,000-19,999 % $20,000 and above Average Annual Household Income (% AMI) % 0-30% AMI % 30-50% AMI % above 50% AMI # of Households Reporting Tenant Data Source Vacancy Rate, 2018-2022, Tract Vacancy Rate, 2018-2022, County Homeownership Rate, 2018-2022, Tract Homeownership Rate, 2018-2022, County Renter Rate, 2018-2022, Tract Renter Rate, 2018-2022, County Rental Vacancy Rate, 2018-2022, Tract Rental Vacancy Rate, 2018-2022, County % White, Non-Hispanic, 2018-2022, Tract % White, Non-Hispanic, 2018-2022, County % African-American, Non-Hispanic, 2018-2022, Tract % African-American, Non-Hispanic, 2018-2022, County % Hispanic, 2018-2022, Tract % Hispanic, 2018-2022, County % Asian, Non-Hispanic, 2018-2022, Tract % Asian, Non-Hispanic, 2018-2022, County % Other Race, Non-Hispanic, 2018-2022, Tract % Other Race, Non-Hispanic, 2018-2022, County Median Single Family Sale Price, 2023, Tract Median Single Family Sale Price, 2023, County Change in Median Single Family Sales Price, 2019-2023, Tract Change in Median Single Family Sales Price, 2019-2023, County Average Just Value/Sq. Ft, Single Family 2023, Tract ($) Average Just Value/Sq. Ft, Single Family 2023, County ($) Average Just Value/Sq. Ft, Multifamily 10+ Units 2023, Tract ($) Average Just Value/Sq. Ft, Multifamily 10+ Units 2023, County ($) Median Just Value/Sq. Ft, Single Family 2023, Tract ($) Median Just Value/Sq. Ft, Single Family 2023, County ($) Median Just Value/Sq. Ft, Multifamily 10+ Units 2023, Tract ($) Median Just Value/Sq. Ft, Multifamily 10+ Units 2023, County ($) Median Condo Sale Price, 2023, Tract Median Condo Sale Price, 2023, County % of Households with at least one child age 0-17, 2018-2022, Tract % of Households with at least one child age 0-17, 2018-2022, County % of Households with at least one person age 65 or older, 2018-2022, Tract % of Households with at least one person age 65 or older, 2018-2022, County Total Living Area Number of Buildings REAC Score (HUD only) REAC Inspection Date Construction Type (FHFC Only)' In unincorporated area
4914 - - - 17212930000100000 Barrington At Mirror Lake (post Lake Apartments) 700 Post Lake Place Apopka 32703 Orange Large Local Bonds 740 148 - - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy not avail. 1987 For-Profit 2025 28.667895002 -81.436999981 not avail. not avail. 112 328 216 84 - not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. - not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. - not avail. not avail. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2025 - N N not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 13% 57% 43% 41% 38% 19% 33% 5% 5% $427,000 $130,600 $176 $151 $167 $152 $210,000 3,236% 2,470% not avail. not avail. - - not avail.
7399 2764 - - 282115000000015 Brixton Landing 442 E 13th St Apopka 32703 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 80 80 x - - - - Elderly;Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 2015 2017 For-Profit 2067 28.661145013 -81.501711962 017600 1 0 40 40 0 0 Jonathan Wolf, 1105 Kensington Park Drive, Suite 200, Altamonte Springs, 32714, contact phone: 4073333233, email: jwolf@wendovergroup.com Wendover Housing Partners LLC 0 8 72 0 0 not avail. 578 624 not avail. not avail. 61 not avail. 73 101 not avail. not avail. 99 not avail. - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2015 - - - - - - - - - 2067 - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. Y N 1.23 80 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 23214 1 5 4 25 65 36.34 30 59 11 80 FHFC TIC Report 15% 13% 53% 57% 47% 43% 36% 41% 11% 38% 58% 19% 29% 33% 0% 5% 1% 5% $243,700 $427,000 $98,200 $130,600 $115 $176 $83 $151 $113 $167 $83 $152 $0 $210,000 4,645% 3,236% 2,179% 2,470% not avail. 1 - - New Construction x
588 - 800004244 - 282109197202650 Life Concepts Group Home I 27 W 1ST ST Apopka 32703 Orange Large Rental Assistance/HUD;Section 202 Direct Loan 6 6 6 - x - - - Persons with Disabilities Ready for Occupancy 1991 1991 Non-Profit 2031 28.677016985 -81.512105019 017703 3 - 6 - - - not avail. LIFE CONCEPTS GROUP HOMES l, INC 1509 E. Colonial Drive - Ste 300 Orlando, FL 32803-4504 (407) 218-4300 - 1484 - - - 131 - 0 - - - not avail. 215558 - - - - - - - - x - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2011 1994 - - - - - - - - - 2031 - 2031 - - - - - N N 1.00 25 not avail. 58 -1 -1 0 12717 8 -1 50 42 -1 22 83 17 0 12 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 5% 13% 57% 57% 43% 43% 28% 41% 30% 38% 32% 19% 35% 33% 2% 5% 1% 5% $312,500 $427,000 $114,700 $130,600 $142 $176 $77 $151 $152 $167 $85 $152 $187,500 $210,000 3,529% 3,236% 2,367% 2,470% 3776 1 81b 2021-12-13 not avail.
1630 - 800004245 - 282112689600540 Life Concepts Group Home II 222 N Wekiwa Springs Rd Apopka 32703 Orange Large Rental Assistance/HUD;Section 202 Direct Loan 15 15 15 - x - - - Persons with Disabilities Ready for Occupancy 1992 1970 Non-Profit 2032 28.681038999 -81.469138964 017807 2 4 11 - - - not avail. Life Concepts Group Home II, Inc. 1509 E. Colonial Drive - Ste 300 Orlando, FL 32803-4504 (407) 218-4300 1132 1288 - - - 124 0 0 - - - not avail. 142811 - - - - - - - - x - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2024 1995 - - - - - - - - - 2025 - 2032 - - - - - N N 1.00 20 not avail. 84 -1 4 12 13690 -1 -1 64 28 8 23 80 20 0 25 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 5% 13% 66% 57% 34% 43% 31% 41% 26% 38% 12% 19% 56% 33% 2% 5% 3% 5% $329,950 $427,000 $128,950 $130,600 $157 $176 $74 $151 $158 $167 $74 $152 $0 $210,000 5,147% 3,236% 2,179% 2,470% 3209 1 85c* 2022-05-10 not avail. x
1590 - 800004246 - 282110000000046 Life Concepts Independent Living I 251 ALABAMA AVE Apopka 32703 Orange Large Rental Assistance/HUD;Section 202 Capital Advance 10 9 9 - x - - - Persons with Disabilities Ready for Occupancy 1993 1993 Non-Profit 2037 28.674565991 -81.501184991 017703 1 0 9 0 0 0 not avail. LIFE CONCEPTS INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. 1509 E. Colonial Drive - Ste 300 Orlando, FL 32803-4504 (407) 218-4300 not avail. 806 not avail. not avail. not avail. 93 not avail. 55 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 271330 - - - - - - - - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2024 - - - - - - - - - - 2025 2037 - - - - - - N N -4.00 -4 not avail. 104 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 5% 13% 57% 57% 43% 43% 28% 41% 30% 38% 32% 19% 35% 33% 2% 5% 1% 5% $312,500 $427,000 $114,700 $130,600 $142 $176 $77 $151 $152 $167 $85 $152 $187,500 $210,000 3,529% 3,236% 2,367% 2,470% 6048 1 81b 2023-03-16 not avail.
160 - - - 282104000000014 Maine Ave Apts 499 PLYMOUTH ROCK PL Apopka 32703 Orange Large Rental Assistance/RD;Section 515 40 40 28 - - - x - Family Ready for Occupancy 1983 1983 Limited Dividend 2033 28.686082013 -81.520090961 017703 2 - 12 16 12 - not avail. not avail. - 379 411 448 - 39 - not avail. not avail. not avail. - not avail. 791979 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x x - - - - - - - - - 1983 1983 - - - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. - N N 2.74 22 32 11 0 24 87 24094 0 13 24 18 45 43 not avail. not avail. not avail. 82 RD Multi Family Tenant Report 5% 13% 57% 57% 43% 43% 28% 41% 30% 38% 32% 19% 35% 33% 2% 5% 1% 5% $312,500 $427,000 $114,700 $130,600 $142 $176 $77 $151 $152 $167 $85 $152 $187,500 $210,000 3,529% 3,236% 2,367% 2,470% 34730 14 - - not avail.
328 - - - 282104000000014 Maine Avenue Villas 499 PLYMOUTH ROCK PL Apopka 32703 Orange Large Rental Assistance/RD;Section 515 40 40 33 - - - x - Family Ready for Occupancy 1986 1983 Limited Dividend 2036 28.686082013 -81.520090961 017703 2 - 12 28 - - not avail. not avail. - 396 426 - - 45 - not avail. not avail. - - not avail. 791979 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x x - - - - - - - - - 1986 1986 - - - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. - N N 1.97 37 16 11 3 32 86 22012 0 19 43 19 19 33 not avail. not avail. not avail. 63 RD Multi Family Tenant Report 5% 13% 57% 57% 43% 43% 28% 41% 30% 38% 32% 19% 35% 33% 2% 5% 1% 5% $312,500 $427,000 $114,700 $130,600 $142 $176 $77 $151 $152 $167 $85 $152 $187,500 $210,000 3,529% 3,236% 2,367% 2,470% 34730 14 - - not avail.
5040 - - - 282112000000007 Palm Key 518 Lake Bridge Lane Apopka 32703 Orange Large Local Bonds 328 328 - - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy not avail. 1987 For-Profit 2032 28.670261003 -81.470629015 017503 2 - 144 184 - - not avail. not avail. - not avail. not avail. - - not avail. - not avail. not avail. - - not avail. 9551109 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2032 - N N not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 1% 13% 59% 57% 41% 43% 100% 41% 42% 38% 16% 19% 37% 33% 3% 5% 2% 5% $369,193 $427,000 $129,193 $130,600 $149 $176 $127 $151 $154 $167 $137 $152 $0 $210,000 3,538% 3,236% 3,674% 2,470% 251554 20 - - not avail.
7938 3393 - - 282115000000001 Southwick Commons Southeast of E 6th St. and Alabama Ave. Apopka Apopka 32703 Orange Large DVF;Extremely Low Income;Housing Credits 4%;National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF);SAIL 195 195 x - - - - Family;Link Not Ready for Occupancy 2021 not avail. not avail. 2053 28.670423 -81.501562 017600 1 58 98 39 35 0 120 40 0 not avail. not avail. x - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2021 - 2021 - - - - - - - 2053 - 2053 - - - - - - - - - - N not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 15% 13% 53% 57% 47% 43% 36% 41% 11% 38% 58% 19% 29% 33% 0% 5% 1% 5% $243,700 $427,000 $98,200 $130,600 $115 $176 $83 $151 $113 $167 $83 $152 $0 $210,000 4,645% 3,236% 2,179% 2,470% - - not avail.
1954 2253 800004497 - 282115000000197 Taylor Apartments 131 East 15th Street Apopka 32703 Orange Large Housing Credits 9%;Rental Assistance/HUD;Section 221(d)(4) MKT 101 101 101 x x - - - Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 1970 2014 Non-Profit 2064 28.660961994 -81.508249008 017600 2 - 10 61 30 - not avail. Taylor Apopka 2012 Limited Partnership 20250 Harper Avenue - Detroit, MI 48225- 313-881-8150 21 0 80 0 0 - 1025 1078 1348 - 84 - 61 80 123 - 100 2700000 - x - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2012 - - - 2016 - - - - - 2064 - - - - 2036 - - - - - - N Y N 2.50 24 60 1 -1 -1 27 13866 24 8 37 5 26 19 80 17 3 98 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 15% 13% 53% 57% 47% 43% 36% 41% 11% 38% 58% 19% 29% 33% 0% 5% 1% 5% $243,700 $427,000 $98,200 $130,600 $115 $176 $83 $151 $113 $167 $83 $152 $0 $210,000 4,645% 3,236% 2,179% 2,470% 71853 14 93c 2022-07-21 A/P x
7470 2855 - - 282111913101000 Wellington Park 1225 Apley Circle Apopka 32703 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 120 120 x - - - - Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 2016 2017 For-Profit 2068 28.677008 -81.487325 017807 1 0 36 66 18 0 not avail. Wendover Housing Partners LLC 0 12 108 0 0 not avail. 613 756 869 not avail. 69 not avail. 79 104 123 not avail. 99 not avail. - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2016 - - - - - - - - - 2068 - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. N N 2.20 12 54 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 31646 0 1 4 7 88 43.82 12 59 29 119 FHFC TIC Report 5% 13% 66% 57% 34% 43% 31% 41% 26% 38% 12% 19% 56% 33% 2% 5% 3% 5% $329,950 $427,000 $128,950 $130,600 $157 $176 $74 $151 $158 $167 $74 $152 $0 $210,000 5,147% 3,236% 2,179% 2,470% not avail. 5 - - not avail. x
1088 971 - - 282112839700010 Willow Lake - Apopka 500 Monica Rose Drive Apopka 32703 Orange Large Extremely Low Income;Housing Credits 4% 428 428 x - - - - Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 1997 1999 For-Profit 2060 28.671457017 -81.47283597 017503 2 - 72 228 128 - Andrew Sossen, 591 West Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, 06830, contact phone: 2034228191, email: asossen@starwood.com 65 0 363 0 0 - 579 702 808 - 62 - 64 75 84 - 99 13111841 x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1998 - - - - - - - - - 2050 - - - - - - - - - - - - N N N 2.65 11 63 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 30401 0 4 6 10 79 39.96 25 54 21 424 FHFC TIC Report 1% 13% 59% 57% 41% 43% 100% 41% 42% 38% 16% 19% 37% 33% 3% 5% 2% 5% $369,193 $427,000 $129,193 $130,600 $149 $176 $127 $151 $154 $167 $137 $152 $0 $210,000 3,538% 3,236% 3,674% 2,470% 466055 20 - - New Construction
7899 3348 - - 292134000000012 Ekos at Lake Shadow 1001 2051 2057 W. Kennedy Blvd. Eatonville 32751 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 96 96 x - - - - Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 2021 not avail. not avail. 28.620091476 -81.401846174 015204 1 24 48 24 15 0 59 22 0 not avail. not avail. - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2021 - - - - - - - - - not avail. - - - - - - - - - - - Y not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 7% 13% 32% 57% 68% 43% 78% 41% 39% 38% 27% 19% 27% 33% 3% 5% 5% 5% $290,950 $427,000 $63,500 $130,600 $157 $176 $162 $151 $158 $167 $163 $152 $230,000 $210,000 2,352% 3,236% 892% 2,470% - - not avail.
1442 301 - - 292127946900001 Grand Reserve at Maitland Park 1939 Grand Isle Circle Maitland 32810 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;State Bonds 364 75 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1994 1996 For-Profit 2036 28.631122 -81.404860998 015204 2 - 84 212 58 10 not avail. Lecesse Development Corporation 0 75 0 0 0 - 441 549 670 759 56 - 30 31 34 34 98 8751169 x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1995 - - 2004 - - - - - - 2027 - - 2036 - - - - - - - - - N N N 2.43 28 51 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 28108 0 0 11 14 75 37.61 26 60 14 76 FHFC TIC Report 7% 13% 32% 57% 68% 43% 78% 41% 39% 38% 27% 19% 27% 33% 3% 5% 5% 5% $290,950 $427,000 $63,500 $130,600 $157 $176 $162 $151 $158 $167 $163 $152 $230,000 $210,000 2,352% 3,236% 892% 2,470% 223627 16 - - New Construction
7174 2573 - - 292125883400001 Uptown Maitland 525 Sybelia Parkway Maitland 32751 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 93 93 x - - - - Elderly;Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 2012 not avail. For-Profit 2064 28.63143301 -81.362320996 015601 2 - 64 25 4 - Jay Brock, 335 North Knowles Avenue, Suite 101, Winter Park, 32789, contact phone: 4077418682, email: jbrock@sashousing.org Southern Affordable Services Inc. 9 0 84 0 0 - 603 732 851 - 68 - 95 108 118 - 100 not avail. - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2012 - - - - - - - - - 2064 - - - - - - - - - - - N N Y 1.14 83 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 18507 3 11 22 23 41 29.49 54 41 5 92 FHFC TIC Report 6% 13% 63% 57% 37% 43% 94% 41% 79% 38% 3% 19% 12% 33% 3% 5% 2% 5% $725,000 $427,000 $170,000 $130,600 $253 $176 $135 $151 $244 $167 $135 $152 $0 $210,000 2,624% 3,236% 3,004% 2,470% not avail. 1 - - New Construction
1059 - - - 272213000000035 Crown Point Apts 300 VICTORY LANE Ocoee 32761 Orange Large Rental Assistance/RD;Section 515 34 34 34 - - - x - Family Ready for Occupancy 1985 1985 Limited Dividend 2035 28.578049004 -81.559003024 015001 1 - 12 22 - - not avail. not avail. - 555 655 - - 66 - not avail. not avail. - - not avail. 531776 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x x - - - - - - - - - 1985 1985 - - - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. - Y N 2.06 18 38 24 0 41 28 15661 0 21 26 29 24 35 not avail. not avail. not avail. 65 RD Multi Family Tenant Report 3% 13% 73% 57% 27% 43% 0% 41% 21% 38% 14% 19% 64% 33% 0% 5% 0% 5% $535,000 $427,000 $205,100 $130,600 $146 $176 $43 $151 $151 $167 $43 $152 $0 $210,000 6,321% 3,236% 2,054% 2,470% 26382 6 - - not avail.
135 - - - 282208000000071 Ocoee Garden Villas 1901 ADAIR STREET Ocoee 32761 Orange Large Rental Assistance/RD;Section 515 36 36 36 - - - x - Elderly Ready for Occupancy 1981 1981 Non-Profit 2040 28.59273699 -81.533613988 015002 1 - 32 4 - - not avail. not avail. - 595 630 - - 67 - not avail. not avail. - - not avail. 958110 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x x - - - - - - - - - 1981 1981 - - - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. - N N 1.10 88 0 84 0 6 34 16139 0 19 39 32 10 35 not avail. not avail. not avail. 41 RD Multi Family Tenant Report 4% 13% 79% 57% 21% 43% 0% 41% 31% 38% 25% 19% 33% 33% 2% 5% 10% 5% $300,000 $427,000 $7,600 $130,600 $158 $176 $60 $151 $162 $167 $60 $152 $0 $210,000 5,050% 3,236% 3,346% 2,470% 28509 9 - - not avail.
8284 3575 - - 292310000000041 Enclave at Canopy Park Rio Grande Ave and 45th Street Orange County Orange Large Extremely Low Income;Housing Credits 4%;National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF);SAIL;State Bonds 104 104 x - - - - Family;Link Not Ready for Occupancy 2023 not avail. not avail. 28.497895 -81.40019 014502 2 52 52 21 16 40 27 0 not avail. not avail. x - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2023 - 2023 2023 - - - - - - not avail. - not avail. not avail. - - - - - - - - - not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 37% 13% 16% 57% 84% 43% 71% 41% 8% 38% 69% 19% 18% 33% 2% 5% 3% 5% $238,750 $427,000 $138,750 $130,600 $117 $176 $127 $151 $107 $167 $143 $152 $132,500 $210,000 2,587% 3,236% 2,124% 2,470% - - not avail. x
8209 3493 - - 292221672200020 52 at Park 3255 W Colonial Drive Orlando 32808 Orange Large DVF;Housing Credits 4% 300 300 x - - - - Family Not Ready for Occupancy 2021 not avail. not avail. 2053 28.555147 -81.4153969999999 018700 2 18 162 108 12 0 0 300 0 0 not avail. not avail. x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2021 - - - - - - - - - 2053 - - - - - - - - - - - - N not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 13% 13% 42% 57% 58% 43% 15% 41% 25% 38% 59% 19% 14% 33% 0% 5% 2% 5% $266,750 $427,000 $106,750 $130,600 $150 $176 $83 $151 $137 $167 $68 $152 $395,500 $210,000 3,154% 3,236% 3,749% 2,470% - - Construction Category Not Found
7578 2945 - - 292207803204150 A&R of Residential Property in Orange County 4844 Southold Street Orlando 32808 Orange Large Legislative Appropriation 6 6 x - - - - Persons with Disabilities Ready for Occupancy 2017 1976 Non-Profit 2029 28.512485003 -81.317029969 012403 2 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. Attain 0 2 4 0 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. N N not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 3% 13% 53% 57% 47% 43% 26% 41% 10% 38% 68% 19% 15% 33% 4% 5% 3% 5% $271,000 $427,000 $111,000 $130,600 $130 $176 $129 $151 $128 $167 $127 $152 $238,000 $210,000 3,537% 3,236% 2,391% 2,470% not avail. 1 - - not avail.
65 220 - - 312221000000097 Academy at Waterford Lakes 700 Egret Landing Place Orlando 32825 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 228 228 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1996 1997 For-Profit 2048 28.557367999 -81.224144986 016724 1 - 36 96 72 24 Ron Juskiewicz, 1920 Main Street, Suite 150, Irvine, 92614, contact phone: 9492694715, email: rjuskiewicz@avanath.com Avanath Capital Management LLC 35 0 193 0 0 - 426 697 822 875 60 - 83 104 117 136 99 9019153 - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1996 - - - - - - - - - 2048 - - - - - - - - - - - N N N 2.66 18 57 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 30637 2 7 10 6 75 39.88 31 45 24 224 FHFC TIC Report 15% 13% 37% 57% 63% 43% 26% 41% 35% 38% 10% 19% 40% 33% 12% 5% 2% 5% $316,000 $427,000 $95,000 $130,600 $176 $176 $119 $151 $174 $167 $60 $152 $258,000 $210,000 2,673% 3,236% 1,288% 2,470% 244927 16 - - New Construction x
1873 921 - - 292308279100070 Acclaim at Conroy 4901 Cason Cove Drive Orlando 32811 Orange Large SAIL 172 172 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1997 1998 For-Profit 2043 28.499098014 -81.445285995 014606 3 - 48 72 44 8 not avail. Avanath Capital Management LLC 0 0 172 0 0 - 824 868 1031 1071 71 - not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 100 7679565 - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1998 - - - - - - - - - 2043 - - - - - - - - - - N Y Y 2.70 10 62 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 31992 0 4 5 6 84 41.88 26 44 30 170 FHFC TIC Report 16% 13% 14% 57% 86% 43% 24% 41% 14% 38% 27% 19% 53% 33% 1% 5% 5% 5% $0 $427,000 $0 $130,600 $73 $176 $137 $151 $73 $167 $140 $152 $206,000 $210,000 3,271% 3,236% 880% 2,470% 126599 1 - - New Construction
7759 3156 - - 292226017000001 Amelia Court at Creative Village II 667 West Amelia Street Orlando 32801 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 105 84 x - - - - Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 2019 not avail. not avail. 2071 28.549524005 -81.388732037 018901 2 30 15 60 16 16 12 40 0 not avail. not avail. - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2019 - - - - - - - - - 2071 - - - - - - - - - - - Y 2.57 23 55 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 34487 2 7 21 4 66 44.85 37 19 44 82 FHFC TIC Report 22% 13% 39% 57% 61% 43% 65% 41% 53% 38% 27% 19% 15% 33% 2% 5% 2% 5% $470,000 $427,000 -$5,000 $130,600 $199 $176 $306 $151 $189 $167 $99 $152 $772,500 $210,000 1,649% 3,236% 3,155% 2,470% - - not avail.
979 35 - - 292236190801030 Anderson Oaks 708 E Anderson St Orlando 32801 Orange Large Local Bonds;State HOME 12 12 x - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy 1992 1972 For-Profit 2025 28.536419989 -81.367891022 010300 1 - 12 - - - Jill McReynolds, 6900 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Suite 300, Orlando, 32809, contact phone: 4074475686, email: jill@cfhands.org Central Florida H.A.N.D.S. 0 3 0 9 0 - 601 - - - 71 - 114 - - - 100 342338 - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - 1992 - - - - - - - - - 2009 - - - - - - - - 2025 N N Y 1.09 27 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 32427 0 0 18 9 73 51.82 27 18 55 11 FHFC TIC Report 6% 13% 18% 57% 82% 43% 50% 41% 67% 38% 5% 19% 20% 33% 1% 5% 7% 5% $614,150 $427,000 $259,150 $130,600 $256 $176 $149 $151 $255 $167 $125 $152 $325,000 $210,000 600% 3,236% 3,507% 2,470% 6165 1 - - Rehab
2061 - 800003900 - 292221000000039 Antioch Manor 3850 W. D. Judge Drive Orlando 32808 Orange Large Rental Assistance/HUD 102 101 101 - x - - - Elderly Ready for Occupancy 1981 1981 Non-Profit 2027 28.559066005 -81.426035027 018700 2 0 101 0 0 0 not avail. HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ORLANDO 390 N Bumby Ave - ORLANDO, FL 32803- (407) 895-3300 not avail. 921 not avail. not avail. not avail. 96 not avail. 44 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 4614254 - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2022 - - - - - - - - - - 2027 - - - - - - - Y N 1.00 100 not avail. 3 2 3 8 14165 -1 10 56 19 15 23 82 18 0 100 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 13% 13% 42% 57% 58% 43% 15% 41% 25% 38% 59% 19% 14% 33% 0% 5% 2% 5% $266,750 $427,000 $106,750 $130,600 $150 $176 $83 $151 $137 $167 $68 $152 $395,500 $210,000 3,154% 3,236% 3,749% 2,470% 92270 3 96b 2022-02-07 not avail.
247 49 - - 302310303200780 Ashley Place 4501-1 Nikki Court Orlando 32822 Orange Large SAIL 96 39 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1989 1989 For-Profit 2031 28.49859598 -81.294412995 013511 1 - - 48 48 - not avail. Leland Enterprises Inc. 0 0 39 0 0 - 725 867 940 - 68 - - not avail. not avail. - 99 3583913 - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1989 - - - - - - - - - 2031 - - - - - - - - - - N Y Y 2.28 38 44 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 26987 3 5 28 5 59 36.21 44 28 28 39 FHFC TIC Report 8% 13% 71% 57% 29% 43% 32% 41% 21% 38% 6% 19% 72% 33% 1% 5% 0% 5% $339,000 $427,000 $100,450 $130,600 $159 $176 $59 $151 $162 $167 $59 $152 $0 $210,000 3,048% 3,236% 3,927% 2,470% 107493 12 - - New Construction x
7608 2988 - - 292203419802140 Attain's 2017 CRH #1 5320 Eggleston Avenue Orlando 32810 Orange Large Legislative Appropriation 6 6 x - - - - Persons with Disabilities Not Ready for Occupancy 2017 1965 Non-Profit 2029 28.608564999 -81.405216978 015202 1 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. Attain 0 2 4 0 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 240000 2017-10 not avail. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. N N not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 11% 13% 39% 57% 61% 43% 17% 41% 32% 38% 35% 19% 25% 33% 2% 5% 6% 5% $303,000 $427,000 $109,500 $130,600 $162 $176 $105 $151 $165 $167 $115 $152 $0 $210,000 3,137% 3,236% 2,187% 2,470% not avail. 1 - - not avail. x
7620 2989 - - 302236744003140 Attain's 2017 CRH #2 8624 Caracas Avenue Orlando 32825 Orange Large Legislative Appropriation 6 6 x - - - - Persons with Disabilities Not Ready for Occupancy 2017 1961 Non-Profit 2029 28.537395014 -81.266311994 016716 1 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. Attain 0 2 4 0 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 262000 2017-10 not avail. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. N N not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 6% 13% 83% 57% 17% 43% 0% 41% 48% 38% 9% 19% 33% 33% 8% 5% 2% 5% $445,000 $427,000 $140,000 $130,600 $156 $176 $151 $155 $167 $152 $293,000 $210,000 3,569% 3,236% 4,218% 2,470% not avail. 1 - - not avail. x
571 1188 - - 312225000000056 Avalon Reserve 14451 Avalon Reserve Blvd Orlando 32828 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;SAIL;State Bonds 300 300 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2002 2004 For-Profit 2055 28.553996002 -81.167680966 016744 2 - - 204 80 16 Scott Zimmerman, 501 North Magnolia Avenue, Orlando, 32801, contact phone: 4074471780, email: szimmerman@banyanadvisor.com Banyan Realty Advisors 12 0 288 0 0 - - 778 905 1019 68 - - 82 87 91 99 13357213 x - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2003 - 2002 2002 - - - - - - 2055 - 2054 2054 - - - - - - - - - N N Y 2.45 19 52 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 29568 0 3 4 11 82 40.12 26 50 24 298 FHFC TIC Report 0% 13% 40% 57% 60% 43% 41% 44% 38% 4% 19% 46% 33% 2% 5% 3% 5% $447,600 $427,000 $171,700 $130,600 $172 $176 $113 $151 $168 $167 $113 $152 $0 $210,000 2,735% 3,236% 2,354% 2,470% 318652 13 - - New Construction x
2277 3276 - - 292225050000001 Baptist Terrace 414 East Pine Street Orlando 32801 Orange Large Housing Credits 4% 197 197 x - - - - Elderly;Family Ready for Occupancy 1968 not avail. Non-Profit 2052 28.541098013 -81.371871001 010202 3 106 91 0 0 0 not avail. 28 17 98 54 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 8760030 x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2020 - - - - - - - - - 2052 - - - - - - - - - - - - - N Y 1.11 100 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 19514 1 3 29 31 36 32.99 52 35 13 196 FHFC TIC Report 17% 13% 36% 57% 64% 43% 31% 41% 66% 38% 5% 19% 21% 33% 2% 5% 5% 5% $575,000 $427,000 $152,350 $130,600 $263 $176 $151 $151 $256 $167 $172 $152 $362,500 $210,000 555% 3,236% 1,966% 2,470% 147498 1 - - not avail.
8206 3490 - - 292219000000023 Barnett Villas 4849 W. Colonial Drive Orlando 32808 Orange Large DVF;Housing Credits 4%;State Bonds 156 156 x - - - - Family Not Ready for Occupancy 2021 not avail. not avail. 2053 28.554666 -81.444349 012000 2 60 84 12 0 39 100 17 0 not avail. not avail. x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2021 - - 2021 - - - - - - 2053 - - 2053 - - - - - - - - - N not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 6% 13% 41% 57% 59% 43% 33% 41% 7% 38% 77% 19% 11% 33% 3% 5% 2% 5% $227,500 $427,000 $87,500 $130,600 $130 $176 $106 $151 $129 $167 $106 $152 $0 $210,000 4,879% 3,236% 1,917% 2,470% - - Construction Category Not Found x
113 67 - - 282223000000018 Beacon Hill 7493 Beacon Hill Loop Orlando 32818 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;State Bonds 192 192 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1998 1999 For-Profit 2030 28.558095004 -81.482520002 014904 2 - - 96 96 - not avail. Redwood-Kairos Real Estate Partners 0 0 192 0 0 - - 764 883 - 66 - - 91 94 - 99 7499571 x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1998 - - 1998 - - - - - - 2030 - - 2030 - - - - - - - - - N Y N 2.82 12 65 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 31792 1 4 5 3 87 41.39 22 52 26 185 FHFC TIC Report 7% 13% 15% 57% 85% 43% 53% 41% 9% 38% 77% 19% 10% 33% 1% 5% 3% 5% $228,000 $427,000 $29,250 $130,600 $133 $176 $150 $151 $133 $167 $97 $152 $196,500 $210,000 5,057% 3,236% 2,098% 2,470% 219095 24 - - New Construction x
8212 3496 - - 292226185302000 Beacon at Creative Village W Amelia street and N Parramore Avenue Orlando 32801 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 85 76 x - - - - Family;Link Not Ready for Occupancy 2022 1955 not avail. 28.548831 -81.388516 018901 2 4 38 43 13 0 45 18 0 not avail. not avail. - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2022 - - - - - - - - - not avail. - - - - - - - - - - - Y not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 22% 13% 39% 57% 61% 43% 65% 41% 53% 38% 27% 19% 15% 33% 2% 5% 2% 5% $470,000 $427,000 -$5,000 $130,600 $199 $176 $306 $151 $189 $167 $99 $152 $772,500 $210,000 1,649% 3,236% 3,155% 2,470% - - Construction Category Not Found
911 519 - - 292307280100010 Bella Capri 4822 Cason Cove Drive Orlando 32811 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 248 248 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1993 1994 For-Profit 2025 28.498468994 -81.444042037 014606 3 - 56 136 56 - Albert Berriz, 320 N. Main Street, Suite 200, Ann Arbor, 481041127, contact phone: 7347698520, email: albertmberriz@mckinley.com 0 0 248 0 0 - 620 716 825 - 68 - 84 121 149 - 100 12335667 - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1993 - - - - - - - - - 2025 - - - - - - - - - - - N Y Y 2.23 12 46 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 27573 1 1 8 10 80 38.33 26 57 17 245 FHFC TIC Report 16% 13% 14% 57% 86% 43% 24% 41% 14% 38% 27% 19% 53% 33% 1% 5% 5% 5% $0 $427,000 $0 $130,600 $73 $176 $137 $151 $73 $167 $140 $152 $206,000 $210,000 3,271% 3,236% 880% 2,470% 241044 20 - - New Construction
6397 1313 - - 302320059100010 Belle Isle 4503 Cove Drive Orlando 32812 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 336 252 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2003 2005 For-Profit 2055 28.475475003 -81.328938977 013606 2 - 68 156 48 64 Brian Spear, 700 West Morse Blvd., Suite 220, Winter Park, 32789, contact phone: 4077418600, email: undisclosed CED Companies 0 157 95 0 0 - 560 670 778 825 60 - 99 133 155 193 99 16680788 - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2003 - - - - - - - - - 2055 - - - - - - - - - - - N Y Y 2.38 26 45 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 31811 3 2 22 8 65 42.58 39 30 31 252 FHFC TIC Report 5% 13% 48% 57% 52% 43% 100% 41% 22% 38% 8% 19% 62% 33% 7% 5% 2% 5% $407,500 $427,000 $140,500 $130,600 $171 $176 $125 $151 $172 $167 $73 $152 $0 $210,000 3,755% 3,236% 2,619% 2,470% 380433 25 - - New Construction
50 1060 - - 292422114200030 Berkshire Club 1915 Stable Drive Orlando 32837 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 288 288 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2001 2003 For-Profit 2053 28.383565004 -81.406898974 017013 3 - 56 144 56 32 not avail. CED Companies 43 0 245 0 0 - 607 721 835 927 66 - 111 144 161 194 99 11735152 - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2001 - - - - - - - - - 2053 - - - - - - - - - - - N N Y 2.29 31 37 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 27572 4 11 12 9 64 37.41 43 35 22 287 FHFC TIC Report 20% 13% 73% 57% 27% 43% 5% 41% 21% 38% 6% 19% 63% 33% 6% 5% 4% 5% $375,000 $427,000 $125,000 $130,600 $170 $176 $55 $151 $170 $167 $55 $152 $0 $210,000 3,901% 3,236% 2,870% 2,470% 314606 1 - - New Construction x
2128 1029 - - 292317887600031 Brentwood Club on Millenia Boulevard 5000 Millenia Boulevard Orlando 32839 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;State Bonds 312 312 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2002 2002 For-Profit 2034 28.478430001 -81.440255009 016911 3 - 52 172 56 32 not avail. CED Companies 0 0 312 0 0 - 652 770 888 985 68 - 74 90 108 126 99 not avail. x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2002 - - 2002 - - - - - - 2034 - - 2034 - - - - - - - - - N N N 2.41 7 55 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 29635 1 5 9 8 78 40.26 29 46 25 298 FHFC TIC Report 18% 13% 0% 57% 100% 43% 74% 41% 17% 38% 31% 19% 49% 33% 3% 5% 1% 5% $427,000 $130,600 $176 $109 $151 $167 $69 $152 $210,000 3,010% 3,236% 480% 2,470% 150131 15 - - New Construction
1082 247 - - 312208000000011 Brooke Commons 10237 Eastern Lake Avenue Orlando 32817 Orange Large State Bonds 288 159 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1999 2000 For-Profit 2031 28.592243003 -81.243960979 016504 1 - 56 112 96 24 not avail. CED Companies 0 0 159 0 0 - 781 935 1117 1183 74 - not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 98 14365493 - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1999 - - - - - - - - - 2031 - - - - - - - - - N N Y 2.44 24 48 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 34089 1 2 8 7 83 45.45 18 43 39 166 FHFC TIC Report 10% 13% 55% 57% 45% 43% 65% 41% 40% 38% 7% 19% 50% 33% 1% 5% 3% 5% $359,150 $427,000 $132,650 $130,600 $165 $176 $165 $151 $164 $167 $157 $152 $0 $210,000 3,590% 3,236% 2,825% 2,470% 334379 38 - - New Construction x
2183 118 - - 282415000000007 Buena Vista Point 11856 Reedy Creek Drive Orlando 32836 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 324 324 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1992 1994 For-Profit 2024 28.393173012 -81.50654899 017108 3 - 72 204 48 - Scott Zimmerman, 501 North Magnolia Avenue, Orlando, 32801, contact phone: 4074471780, email: szimmerman@banyanadvisor.com 0 0 324 0 0 - 641 775 895 - 70 - 69 81 87 - 100 not avail. - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1992 - - - - - - - - - 2024 - - - - - - - - - - - N N Y 2.21 9 50 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 27760 0 1 3 13 82 38.92 27 58 15 319 FHFC TIC Report 14% 13% 63% 57% 37% 43% 29% 41% 45% 38% 5% 19% 24% 33% 19% 5% 8% 5% $1,294,200 $427,000 $644,200 $130,600 $245 $176 $183 $151 $224 $167 $211 $152 $364,500 $210,000 4,581% 3,236% 2,338% 2,470% 297234 12 - - New Construction x
2055 1187 - - 302303000000006 Camellia Pointe 6400 Camellia Garden Drive Orlando 32822 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 169 169 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2002 2004 For-Profit 2054 28.52388502 -81.29703804 013405 1 - - 109 48 12 not avail. 25 0 144 0 0 - - 758 875 965 65 - - 82 86 84 99 6606442 - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2002 - - - - - - - - - 2054 - - - - - - - - - - - N Y Y 2.49 20 50 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 28232 2 10 4 11 73 37.73 31 50 19 166 FHFC TIC Report 7% 13% 41% 57% 59% 43% 25% 41% 20% 38% 8% 19% 71% 33% 1% 5% 0% 5% $330,000 $427,000 $97,750 $130,600 $174 $176 $102 $151 $175 $167 $102 $152 $185,000 $210,000 2,346% 3,236% 3,029% 2,470% 181015 8 - - New Construction x
8341 3603 - - 302235640800026 Cardinal Pointe 7530 Snyder Drive Orlando 32822 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 120 120 x - - - - Elderly Not Ready for Occupancy 2024 1959 not avail. 28.537089 -81.283202 016715 1 60 48 12 0 12 108 0 0 not avail. not avail. - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2024 - - - - - - - - - not avail. - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 10% 13% 67% 57% 33% 43% 42% 41% 23% 38% 13% 19% 49% 33% 8% 5% 7% 5% $355,450 $427,000 $137,450 $130,600 $172 $176 $196 $151 $172 $167 $196 $152 $0 $210,000 2,899% 3,236% 4,400% 2,470% - - ESS x
8230 3510 - - 292406000000035 Catchlight Crossings 5621 Destination Pkwy Orlando 32819 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;State Bonds 300 152 x - - - - Family;Link Not Ready for Occupancy 2021 not avail. not avail. 2053 28.427426 -81.45287 017001 3 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 24 0 92 36 0 not avail. not avail. x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2021 - - 2021 - - - - - - 2053 - - 2053 - - - - - - - - - Y not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 37% 13% 39% 57% 61% 43% 45% 41% 34% 38% 37% 19% 21% 33% 2% 5% 7% 5% $277,450 $427,000 $117,450 $130,600 $151 $176 $212 $151 $146 $167 $226 $152 $390,000 $210,000 1,730% 3,236% 2,622% 2,470% - - Construction Category Not Found x
6 - 800003988 - 292223160011032 Catherine Booth Towers 633 LAKE DOT CIR Orlando 32801 Orange Large Rental Assistance/HUD;Section 202 Capital Advance 125 125 125 - x - - - Elderly Ready for Occupancy 1997 1980 Non-Profit 2039 28.551901993 -81.385184983 018901 2 - 125 - - - not avail. CATHERINE BOOTH RESIDENCE, INC. 1424 NORTHEAST EXPRESSWAY - ATLANTA, GA 30329-0000 (404) 728-1300 - 910 - - - 77 - 0 - - - not avail. 6711548 - - - - - - - - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2024 - - - - - - - - - - 2029 2039 - - - - - - N Y 1.10 99 not avail. 21 26 3 50 12057 7 6 61 22 4 20 91 9 0 117 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 22% 13% 39% 57% 61% 43% 65% 41% 53% 38% 27% 19% 15% 33% 2% 5% 2% 5% $470,000 $427,000 -$5,000 $130,600 $199 $176 $306 $151 $189 $167 $99 $152 $772,500 $210,000 1,649% 3,236% 3,155% 2,470% 133898 1 90b* 2022-01-26 not avail.
1898 1030 - - 302226000000020 Chapel Trace 562 Chapel Trace Drive Orlando 32807 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;State Bonds 312 312 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2001 2004 For-Profit 2042 28.552641989 -81.287348979 013202 2 - 72 168 72 - Paul Sween, 2905 Northwest Boulevard, Suite 150, Plymouth , 55441, contact phone: 7633545603, email: psween@dominiuminc.com Dominium LLC 0 0 312 0 0 - 633 749 863 - 69 - 77 105 121 - 100 12649195 x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2019 - - 2003 - - - - - - 2042 - - 2035 - - - - - - - - - N N N 2.20 18 41 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 31980 0 4 7 6 82 44.36 22 46 32 309 FHFC TIC Report 7% 13% 41% 57% 59% 43% 79% 41% 16% 38% 9% 19% 66% 33% 5% 5% 4% 5% $325,000 $427,000 $114,600 $130,600 $173 $176 $136 $151 $178 $167 $102 $152 $0 $210,000 3,270% 3,236% 1,831% 2,470% 344379 15 - - New Construction x
2217 - 800067144 - 302221000000010 Citrus Gardens 1301 Citrus Gardens Drive Orlando 32806 Orange Large Rental Assistance/HUD;Section 202 Capital Advance 55 55 55 - x - - - Elderly Ready for Occupancy 2001 2001 Non-Profit 2042 28.562891003 -81.313170018 018203 1 - 55 - - - not avail. DISCIPLES HOUSING INC. 170 E Center Street - Marion, OH 43302- 740-382-4885 - not avail. - - - 54 - not avail. - - - not avail. 2071929 - - - - - - - - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2023 - - - - - - - - - - 2028 2042 - - - - - - N Y 1.10 100 not avail. 13 -1 19 69 15334 -1 6 54 20 20 25 76 24 0 54 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 8% 13% 30% 57% 70% 43% 0% 41% 46% 38% 9% 19% 44% 33% 1% 5% 0% 5% $346,000 $427,000 $125,500 $130,600 $180 $176 $146 $151 $181 $167 $157 $152 $0 $210,000 749% 3,236% 1,051% 2,470% 35608 15 85 2023-12-08 not avail. x
2081 166 - - 292316000000017 Citrus Glen 5351 Limelight Circle Orlando 32839 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Housing Credits 9%;SAIL;State Bonds 176 176 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1993 1994 For-Profit 2073 28.48525702 -81.410505959 016904 2 - - 88 88 - not avail. Leland Enterprises Inc. 0 0 176 0 0 - - 677 789 - 63 - - 117 153 - 99 5155900 x x x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2021 1994 1993 2021 - - - - - - 2073 2046 2045 2073 - - - - - - - - - N Y N 2.56 9 58 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 29965 0 2 7 11 79 39.90 27 53 20 176 FHFC TIC Report 20% 13% 57% 57% 43% 43% 42% 41% 6% 38% 26% 19% 55% 33% 11% 5% 2% 5% $297,500 $427,000 $95,000 $130,600 $139 $176 $85 $151 $136 $167 $66 $152 $102,500 $210,000 3,527% 3,236% 3,943% 2,470% 197858 23 - - New Construction x
992 167 - - 292316000000017 Citrus Glen II 5351 Limelight Circle Orlando 32839 Orange Large Housing Credits 9%;SAIL 96 96 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1996 1994 For-Profit 2049 28.48525702 -81.410505959 016904 2 - - 48 48 - not avail. Leland Enterprises Inc. 15 0 81 0 0 - - 641 759 - 60 - - 118 155 - 99 5155900 - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1996 1997 - - - - - - - - 2048 2049 - - - - - - - - - - N Y N 2.59 11 64 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 27663 2 5 11 17 65 36.48 48 29 23 94 FHFC TIC Report 20% 13% 57% 57% 43% 43% 42% 41% 6% 38% 26% 19% 55% 33% 11% 5% 2% 5% $297,500 $427,000 $95,000 $130,600 $139 $176 $85 $151 $136 $167 $66 $152 $102,500 $210,000 3,527% 3,236% 3,943% 2,470% 197858 12 - - New Construction x
72310 - - FL004000012 302232727500030 Citrus Sq/johnson Manor 4775 Curry Ford Rd Orlando 32812 Orange Large Public Housing 127 40 87 40 - - x - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1983 1983 Public Housing Authority 28.525502979 -81.327292016 013300 3 not avail. 40 0 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 1562258 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N Y 1.30 97.5 0 10 3 5 67.5 13764 0 2.5 67.5 25 5 16.06 92.5 5 2 40 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 9% 13% 48% 57% 52% 43% 67% 41% 31% 38% 4% 19% 57% 33% 6% 5% 2% 5% $329,900 $427,000 $102,950 $130,600 $176 $176 $127 $151 $175 $167 $119 $152 $130,000 $210,000 3,137% 3,236% 2,936% 2,470% 32053 4 - - not avail.
7736 3123 - - 302309634601000 Citrus Square 5625 Hickey Drive Orlando 32822 Orange Large Housing Credits 4% 87 74 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2018 1983 not avail. 2050 28.501778002 -81.31248002 013605 2 9 56 18 4 22 20 14 18 0 not avail. not avail. x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2018 - - - - - - - - - 2050 - - - - - - - - - - - - Y not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 14% 13% 48% 57% 52% 43% 53% 41% 51% 38% 10% 19% 27% 33% 7% 5% 6% 5% $500,000 $427,000 $187,500 $130,600 $171 $176 $102 $151 $168 $167 $118 $152 $152,000 $210,000 2,382% 3,236% 1,890% 2,470% - - not avail.
6492 1408 - - 292226374300010 City View at Hughes Square 595 West Church Street Orlando 32805 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Local Bonds;State HOME 266 107 x - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy 2003 2003 For-Profit 2036 28.540632985 -81.386192991 018901 4 - 119 133 14 - Eileen Pope, 100 N. Tryon Street, 11th Floor, Charlotte, 28255, contact phone: 9803872727, email: Eileen.M.Pope@baml.com 0 27 80 0 0 - 525 631 632 - 65 - 123 165 213 - 94 18205638 x - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x 2004 - - - 2003 - - - - - 2036 - - - 2035 - - - - - - - - 2035 N N N 1.50 19 20 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 32131 2 2 7 11 79 48.71 19 47 34 131 FHFC TIC Report 22% 13% 39% 57% 61% 43% 65% 41% 53% 38% 27% 19% 15% 33% 2% 5% 2% 5% $470,000 $427,000 -$5,000 $130,600 $199 $176 $306 $151 $189 $167 $99 $152 $772,500 $210,000 1,649% 3,236% 3,155% 2,470% 464002 1 - - New Construction
6550 1455 - - 292131136500010 Clarcona Groves 5462 Clarcona Key Boulevard Orlando 32810 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;SAIL;State Bonds 264 264 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2004 2006 For-Profit 2057 28.61381138 -81.452691206 015106 3 - - 144 88 32 Kristin Miller, 340 Pemberwick Road, Greenwich, 06831, contact phone: 2038690900, email: millerk@richmancapital.com Richman Group 0 159 105 0 0 - - 688 803 905 59 - - 72 78 86 99 182896 x - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2023 - 2005 2023 - - - - - - 2057 - 2056 2056 - - - - - - - - - N N N 2.88 7 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 28196 0 2 4 9 84 38.68 25 59 16 256 FHFC TIC Report 7% 13% 74% 57% 26% 43% 0% 41% 13% 38% 63% 19% 13% 33% 2% 5% 10% 5% $305,000 $427,000 $101,750 $130,600 $140 $176 $49 $151 $139 $167 $49 $152 $0 $210,000 3,723% 3,236% 2,236% 2,470% 3862 11 - - New Construction x
1950 - 800004014 - 292203262819100 College Park Towers 5200 EGGLESTON AVE Orlando 32810 Orange Large Rental Assistance/HUD 102 102 102 - x - - - Elderly Ready for Occupancy 1981 1981 Non-Profit 2041 28.606331012 -81.405484025 015202 2 - 102 - - - not avail. CPT I LP 795 Ridge Lake Boulevard, Suite 300 - Memphis, TN 38120- 415-572-4511 - 1641 - - - 119 - 47 - - - not avail. 5183824 - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2021 - - - - - - - - - - 2041 - - - - - - - N N 1.10 97 not avail. 19 17 1 60 13865 -1 6 61 24 10 22 86 14 0 102 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 11% 13% 39% 57% 61% 43% 17% 41% 32% 38% 35% 19% 25% 33% 2% 5% 6% 5% $303,000 $427,000 $109,500 $130,600 $162 $176 $105 $151 $165 $167 $115 $152 $0 $210,000 3,137% 3,236% 2,187% 2,470% 90061 1 98c 2022-03-25 not avail. x
6644 - 800219352 - 292203584400451 College Park Towers II 5212 Eggleston Ave Orlando 32810 Orange Large Rental Assistance/HUD;Section 202 Capital Advance 68 68 68 - x - - - Elderly Ready for Occupancy 2007 2007 Non-Profit 2047 28.606876004 -81.406511982 015202 2 - 68 - - - not avail. CPT II LP 795 Ridge Lake Boulevard, Suite 300 - Memphis, TN 38120- 415-572-4511 - not avail. - - - 62 - not avail. - - - not avail. 4810662 - - - - - - - - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2022 - - - - - - - - - - 2042 2047 - - - - - - N N 1.10 100 not avail. 21 7 -1 60 13359 -1 9 59 26 6 22 93 7 0 68 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 11% 13% 39% 57% 61% 43% 17% 41% 32% 38% 35% 19% 25% 33% 2% 5% 6% 5% $303,000 $427,000 $109,500 $130,600 $162 $176 $105 $151 $165 $167 $115 $152 $0 $210,000 3,137% 3,236% 2,187% 2,470% 48641 1 99b 2023-08-29 not avail. x
2230 188 - - 302315159100020 Commander Place 5286 Commander Drive Orlando 32819 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 216 216 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1994 1996 For-Profit 2046 28.486545989 -81.306673037 013512 2 - - 132 84 - Robert Barolak, 152 West 57th Street, 60th Floor, New York, 10019, contact phone: 9174214503, email: BBarolak@HarmonyHousing.Org 0 0 216 0 0 - - 690 820 - 65 - - 122 138 - 99 3485599 - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1994 - - - - - - - - - 2046 - - - - - - - - - - - N Y Y 2.80 10 68 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 32140 0 2 3 4 91 41.87 17 59 24 214 FHFC TIC Report 7% 13% 27% 57% 73% 43% 0% 41% 13% 38% 18% 19% 62% 33% 0% 5% 7% 5% $285,000 $427,000 $103,500 $130,600 $166 $176 $115 $151 $165 $167 $111 $152 $175,000 $210,000 4,135% 3,236% 1,462% 2,470% 102780 9 - - New Construction
7496 2862 - - 292226017000001 Concord Court at Creative Village 680 Concord Street Orlando 32801 Orange Large DVF;Housing Credits 9%;SAIL 116 93 x - - - - Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 2016 not avail. For-Profit 2068 28.549861 -81.388517 018901 2 0 24 0 92 0 not avail. Southern Affordable Services Inc. 0 12 81 0 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2016 2016 - - - - - - - - 2068 2068 - - - - - - - - - - not avail. N Y 2.96 7 71 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 35794 4 4 17 7 68 45.27 33 15 52 90 FHFC TIC Report 22% 13% 39% 57% 61% 43% 65% 41% 53% 38% 27% 19% 15% 33% 2% 5% 2% 5% $470,000 $427,000 -$5,000 $130,600 $199 $176 $306 $151 $189 $167 $99 $152 $772,500 $210,000 1,649% 3,236% 3,155% 2,470% not avail. 1 - - not avail.
6599 1524 - - 292303014201000 Covenant on the Lakes Senior 2210 South Rio Grande Ave. Orlando 32805 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 122 122 x - - - - Elderly;Family Ready for Occupancy 2004 1996 Non-Profit 2056 28.518456984 -81.402902986 011600 2 - 61 61 - - not avail. Picerne Affordable Development, LLC 16 0 106 0 0 - 593 687 - - 66 - 70 96 - - 96 not avail. - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2004 - - - - - - - - - 2056 - - - - - - - - - - - N Y N 1.24 82 2 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 17820 0 12 29 26 33 27.84 64 31 5 111 FHFC TIC Report 29% 13% 60% 57% 40% 43% 24% 41% 12% 38% 69% 19% 17% 33% 0% 5% 3% 5% $272,000 $427,000 $101,000 $130,600 $127 $176 $59 $151 $123 $167 $46 $152 $89,000 $210,000 2,534% 3,236% 3,655% 2,470% 151951 1 - - New Construction x
560 1207 - - 292310000000028 Crescent Club 4100 S. Rio Grande Avenue Orlando 32839 Orange Large Housing Credits 9%;SAIL 215 215 x - - - - Elderly;Family Ready for Occupancy 2002 1975 Non-Profit 2054 28.501258995 -81.401806968 014503 3 - 141 74 - - Todd Borck, 2430 Via Sienna Avenue, Winter Park, 32789, contact phone: 4076876905, email: borcktodd@gmail.com TLB of Central Florida LLC 41 0 174 0 0 - 604 733 - - 68 - 72 102 - - 99 18250000 2021-2 6512435 - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2002 2002 - - - - - - - - 2054 2054 - - - - - - - - - - N Y N 1.13 68 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 18058 3 16 24 20 37 28.74 62 29 9 213 FHFC TIC Report 23% 13% 43% 57% 57% 43% 49% 41% 23% 38% 42% 19% 26% 33% 2% 5% 6% 5% $272,000 $427,000 $122,000 $130,600 $112 $176 $94 $151 $104 $167 $79 $152 $110,000 $210,000 1,563% 3,236% 2,086% 2,470% 156339 6 - - Acquisition/Rehab x
2152 210 - - 312222000000016 Cricket Club 1400 Cricket Club Circle Orlando 32828 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 248 248 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1993 1994 For-Profit 2025 28.565094983 -81.198962983 016742 1 - 56 136 56 - Michael Kelly, 7400 East Orchard Road, Suite 250 South, Greenwood Village, 80111, contact phone: 3038575673, email: mkelly@traleecapital.com Tralee Capital Partners LLC 0 0 248 0 0 - 649 784 906 - 69 - 63 73 83 - 98 8803429 - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1993 - - - - - - - - - 2025 - - - - - - - - - - - N N Y 2.35 16 50 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 29042 1 2 4 10 83 39.69 20 64 16 246 FHFC TIC Report 5% 13% 14% 57% 86% 43% 77% 41% 39% 38% 12% 19% 39% 33% 1% 5% 9% 5% $319,000 $427,000 $106,000 $130,600 $181 $176 $144 $151 $181 $167 $167 $152 $0 $210,000 794% 3,236% 2,387% 2,470% 240793 18 - - New Construction x
1893 2505 800004032 - 292305883000030 Crossroads Apartments 4381 Crossroads Court Orlando 32811 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Rental Assistance/HUD;State Bonds;State HOME 94 94 94 x x - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1984 1984 For-Profit 2062 28.509647981 -81.433267017 014605 1 - - 52 42 - J. David Page, 5403 West Gray Street, Tampa, 33609, contact phone: 2534603000, email: jdpage@vaughnbay.net Standard Crossroads Owner LLC 1901 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 395 - Los Angeles, CA 90067- 310-553-5711 0 19 75 0 0 - - 1300 1477 - 101 - - 82 118 - 99 3986231 x - - x x - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2010 - - 2010 2010 2009 - - - - 2062 - - 2062 2062 - 2029 - - - - - - Y Y Y 3.10 14 not avail. -1 -1 1 6 15147 30 4 25 10 30 20 74 22 4 93 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 28% 13% 73% 57% 27% 43% 41% 41% 6% 38% 88% 19% 5% 33% 0% 5% 0% 5% $233,300 $427,000 $94,550 $130,600 $134 $176 $81 $151 $134 $167 $81 $152 $0 $210,000 2,309% 3,236% 5,642% 2,470% 98869 18 76c* 2023-08-15 not avail.
7370 2727 - - 312219000000026 Dean Woods Place 9800 Dean Woods Place Orlando 32825 Orange Large Housing Credits 4% 48 48 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2014 1989 For-Profit 2046 28.563124984 -81.248259973 016713 4 0 0 0 48 0 Jay Brock, 335 North Knowles Avenue, Suite 101, Winter Park, 32789, contact phone: 4077418682, email: jbrock@sashousing.org Southern Affordable Services Inc. 0 0 48 0 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. 842 not avail. 63 not avail. not avail. not avail. 168 not avail. 98 1578893 x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2014 - - - - - - - - - 2046 - - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. N N 3.40 4 89 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 37867 2 0 13 4 81 46.30 21 30 49 47 FHFC TIC Report 3% 13% 70% 57% 30% 43% 0% 41% 25% 38% 6% 19% 62% 33% 3% 5% 4% 5% $328,000 $427,000 $109,500 $130,600 $183 $176 $147 $151 $184 $167 $64 $152 $0 $210,000 3,186% 3,236% 2,606% 2,470% 53741 12 - - not avail. x
5039 - - - 292236322000021 Delaney Apt. 507 Delaney Ave. Orlando 32803 Orange Large Local Bonds 8 8 - - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy not avail. 1920 Non-Profit 2025 28.53635 -81.374513983 010300 2 8 - - - - not avail. not avail. not avail. - - - - not avail. not avail. - - - - not avail. 225211 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2025 - N Y not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 6% 13% 18% 57% 82% 43% 50% 41% 67% 38% 5% 19% 20% 33% 1% 5% 7% 5% $614,150 $427,000 $259,150 $130,600 $256 $176 $149 $151 $255 $167 $125 $152 $325,000 $210,000 600% 3,236% 3,507% 2,470% 4615 1 - - not avail.
411 - 800004049 - 302305209000010 Dixie Grove Apartments 1901 WATAUGA AVE Orlando 32812 Orange Large HUD Mark-to-Market;Refi Section 221(d)(4);Rental Assistance/HUD 44 44 44 - x - - - Elderly Ready for Occupancy 1983 1983 For-Profit 2034 28.520131981 -81.33447799 013702 3 - 16 24 4 - not avail. DIXIE GROVE APARTMENTS,LTD. 1022 W. 23rd Street - Suite 300 Panama City, FL 32405-0000 (850) 769-8981 - 827 970 1216 - 80 - 53 80 113 - not avail. 1573990 - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2024 - - - - - - - - - 2034 2034 - - - - - - - N Y 1.70 50 not avail. 6 3 6 89 16896 8 14 33 19 25 25 75 19 6 36 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 5% 13% 40% 57% 60% 43% 33% 41% 47% 38% 18% 19% 33% 33% 0% 5% 2% 5% $392,000 $427,000 $94,000 $130,600 $205 $176 $123 $151 $200 $167 $115 $152 $167,000 $210,000 2,443% 3,236% 2,389% 2,470% 37581 10 89c 2022-01-26 not avail.
2174 244 - - 292310226000010 Dunwoodie Place 4213 Dunwoodie Boulevard Orlando 32839 Orange Large Housing Credits 4% 172 172 x - - - - Elderly;Family Ready for Occupancy 1984 1999 For-Profit 2042 28.500530984 -81.405904964 014503 3 - - 147 25 - Jonathan ("Yoni") Gruskin, 201 Santa Monica Boulevard, Suite 550, Santa Monica, 90401, contact phone: 3034897187, email: yoni@lincolnavecap.com 0 0 172 0 0 - - 696 855 - 66 - - 117 123 - 99 24590000 2021-8 4066540 x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2021 - - - - - - - - - 2042 - - - - - - - - - - - - N Y N 2.18 8 52 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 36027 0 1 5 4 91 50.56 12 43 45 171 FHFC TIC Report 23% 13% 43% 57% 57% 43% 49% 41% 23% 38% 42% 19% 26% 33% 2% 5% 6% 5% $272,000 $427,000 $122,000 $130,600 $112 $176 $94 $151 $104 $167 $79 $152 $110,000 $210,000 1,563% 3,236% 2,086% 2,470% 171387 44 - - Acquisition/Rehab x
7848 3279 - - 292315000000020 Durham Place Lake Jessamine Drive; Approximately 725 feet North Orlando 32839 Orange Large Extremely Low Income;Housing Credits 9%;National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF);SAIL 102 102 x - - - - Family;Homeless;Link;Persons with Disabilities Ready for Occupancy 2020 not avail. Non-Profit 2072 28.485757 -81.392108 014301 3 53 37 12 20 0 82 0 0 not avail. not avail. - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2020 2020 - - - - - - - - 2072 2072 - - - - - - - - - - N 1.90 14 46 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 25723 6 2 11 6 75 36.82 25 57 18 83 FHFC TIC Report 23% 13% 64% 57% 36% 43% 43% 41% 31% 38% 15% 19% 35% 33% 12% 5% 7% 5% $420,000 $427,000 $127,000 $130,600 $169 $176 $141 $151 $165 $167 $158 $152 $136,000 $210,000 2,692% 3,236% 2,609% 2,470% - - not avail. x
7169 2539 - - 292207000000004 Emerald Villas 5450 Cholla Way Orlando 32808 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Local Bonds 264 264 x - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy 2011 1974 For-Profit 2043 28.583459984 -81.451986992 012307 4 24 56 164 20 - Matthew Allen, 315 S. Biscayne Blvd., Miami, 33131, contact phone: 3054609900, email: mallen@relatedgroup.com Related Group of Florida 0 0 264 0 0 469 501 655 815 - 61 48 72 90 114 - 99 4275486 x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x 2011 - - - - - - - - - 2043 - - - - - - - - - - - - N Y N 1.88 21 40 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 35146 0 0 8 3 88 50.60 13 42 45 256 FHFC TIC Report 2% 13% 51% 57% 49% 43% 0% 41% 9% 38% 62% 19% 19% 33% 0% 5% 10% 5% $278,950 $427,000 $113,950 $130,600 $120 $176 $70 $151 $120 $167 $66 $152 $0 $210,000 4,015% 3,236% 2,522% 2,470% 267697 28 - - not avail. x
8290 3578 - - 292207000000076 Emerald Villas III 3204 El Primo Way Orlando 32808 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;State Bonds 90 90 x - - - - Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 2022 not avail. not avail. 28.585141 -81.454572 012307 4 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 0 23 56 11 0 not avail. not avail. x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2023 - - 2023 - - - - - - not avail. - - not avail. - - - - - - - - - not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 2% 13% 51% 57% 49% 43% 0% 41% 9% 38% 62% 19% 19% 33% 0% 5% 10% 5% $278,950 $427,000 $113,950 $130,600 $120 $176 $70 $151 $120 $167 $66 $152 $0 $210,000 4,015% 3,236% 2,522% 2,470% - - not avail. x
7745 3138 - - 292220140800010 Fairlawn Village 1491 Mercy Drive Orlando 32808 Orange Large Extremely Low Income;Housing Credits 4%;National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF);SAIL;State Bonds 116 116 x - - - - Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 2019 2022 not avail. 2071 28.56176502 -81.429413018 018700 2 27 89 18 0 98 0 0 not avail. not avail. x - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2019 - 2019 2019 - - - - - - 2071 - 2071 2071 - - - - - - - - - N 2.35 12 59 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 25681 6 4 9 12 69 34.79 36 47 17 106 FHFC TIC Report 13% 13% 42% 57% 58% 43% 15% 41% 25% 38% 59% 19% 14% 33% 0% 5% 2% 5% $266,750 $427,000 $106,750 $130,600 $150 $176 $83 $151 $137 $167 $68 $152 $395,500 $210,000 3,154% 3,236% 3,749% 2,470% - - not avail.
448 260 - - 292434266300010 Falcon Trace 1635 Peregrine Falcons Way Orlando 32837 Orange Large Local Bonds;SAIL 252 252 x - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy 1998 1999 For-Profit 2050 28.362813004 -81.401232975 017021 3 - 48 132 56 16 Michael Hornbrook, 321 North Clark Street, Suite 500, Chicago, 60654, contact phone: 3124456341, email: michael.hornbrook@lakesidecapitallp.com Lakeside Capital Advisors LP 0 0 252 0 0 - 864 1074 1204 1321 84 - not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 99 51435800 2020-2 11843730 - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - 1998 - - - - - - - - - 2050 - - - - - - - - - - 2032 N N Y 2.85 10 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 34945 1 2 5 4 88 47.29 15 38 47 241 FHFC TIC Report 26% 13% 69% 57% 31% 43% 52% 41% 29% 38% 6% 19% 45% 33% 14% 5% 6% 5% $485,000 $427,000 $185,000 $130,600 $160 $176 $139 $151 $157 $167 $139 $152 $275,000 $210,000 3,443% 3,236% 3,858% 2,470% 278067 14 - - New Construction x
7942 3397 - - 292221000000020 Fern Grove 3750 WD Judge Drive Orlando 32808 Orange Large Extremely Low Income;Housing Credits 4%;National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF);SAIL;State Bonds 138 138 x - - - - Elderly;Family;Link Not Ready for Occupancy 2021 not avail. not avail. 2073 28.558842835 -81.423355631 018700 2 70 68 26 0 54 58 0 not avail. not avail. x - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2021 - 2021 2021 - - - - - - 2073 - 2073 2073 - - - - - - - - - N not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 13% 13% 42% 57% 58% 43% 15% 41% 25% 38% 59% 19% 14% 33% 0% 5% 2% 5% $266,750 $427,000 $106,750 $130,600 $150 $176 $83 $151 $137 $167 $68 $152 $395,500 $210,000 3,154% 3,236% 3,749% 2,470% - - not avail.
409 271 - - 292133000000097 Forest Edge 2201 Weston Lane Orlando 32810 Orange Large Housing Credits 9%;SAIL 48 48 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1990 1992 Non-Profit 2026 28.613739986 -81.411406007 015202 4 - - 16 32 - Robert Ansley, 101 South Terry Avenue, Orlando, 32805, contact phone: 4076481623, email: ansley@orlandoneighborhood.org Orlando Neighborhood Improvement Corp. 0 0 48 0 0 - - 715 800 - 64 - - 124 159 - 99 1424273 - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1994 1990 - - - - - - - - 2026 2022 - - - - - - - - - - N N N 2.65 7 65 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 40646 0 0 2 5 93 54.42 12 37 51 43 FHFC TIC Report 11% 13% 39% 57% 61% 43% 17% 41% 32% 38% 35% 19% 25% 33% 2% 5% 6% 5% $303,000 $427,000 $109,500 $130,600 $162 $176 $105 $151 $165 $167 $115 $152 $0 $210,000 3,137% 3,236% 2,187% 2,470% 55058 6 - - New Construction x
1781 - 800004098 - 292133000000062 Forest Hills Apartments 7214 FOREST CITY RD Orlando 32810 Orange Large Rental Assistance/HUD 60 60 60 - x - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1980 1980 Non-Profit 2036 28.622558 -81.416437999 015104 1 - 20 40 - - not avail. NHDC Forest Hills Apartments, Inc. 9692 Haven Avenue, Suite 100 - c/o National CORE Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730-3831 909-204-3500 - 1089 1259 - - 69 - 65 120 - - not avail. 1800681 - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2016 - - - - - - - - - - 2036 - - - - - - - N N 1.90 40 not avail. 5 -1 2 62 14077 8 9 47 15 21 21 76 22 2 55 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 3% 13% 61% 57% 39% 43% 0% 41% 27% 38% 22% 19% 39% 33% 3% 5% 9% 5% $282,500 $427,000 $103,000 $130,600 $161 $176 $92 $151 $165 $167 $71 $152 $108,000 $210,000 3,675% 3,236% 2,807% 2,470% 121376 15 88c 2023-01-31 not avail. x
7277 2634 - - 302310511000010 Fountains at Lingo Cove 6532 Pershing Avenue Orlando 32822 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 110 110 x - - - - Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 2013 2015 For-Profit 2065 28.497344017 -81.296345024 013511 1 0 6 24 69 11 Jay Brock, 335 North Knowles Avenue, Suite 101, Winter Park, 32789, contact phone: 4077418682, email: jbrock@sashousing.org Southern Affordable Services Inc. 11 0 99 0 0 not avail. 438 583 718 954 48 not avail. 80 98 120 149 99 75140 - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2013 - - - - - - - - - 2065 - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. Y Y 3.07 8 80 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 28362 7 8 12 8 64 35.11 38 41 21 107 FHFC TIC Report 8% 13% 71% 57% 29% 43% 32% 41% 21% 38% 6% 19% 72% 33% 1% 5% 0% 5% $339,000 $427,000 $100,450 $130,600 $159 $176 $59 $151 $162 $167 $59 $152 $0 $210,000 3,048% 3,236% 3,927% 2,470% not avail. 7 - - New Construction
6797 1803 - - 292320283803000 Fountains at Millenia I 5316 Millenia Boulevard Orlando 32839 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 162 145 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2006 2007 For-Profit 2038 28.473617993 -81.44079296 016911 4 - 6 22 134 - Paul Missigman, 200 East Canton Avenue, Suite 102, Winter Park, 32789, contact phone: 4077418574, email: P.Missigman@atlantichousing.com Atlantic Housing Partners, LLLP 25 0 120 0 0 - 619 745 861 - 64 - 89 107 129 - 99 not avail. - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2006 - - - - - - - - - 2038 - - - - - - - - - - - N N N 3.16 8 76 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 35874 2 4 10 4 79 45.06 26 33 41 144 FHFC TIC Report 18% 13% 0% 57% 100% 43% 74% 41% 17% 38% 31% 19% 49% 33% 3% 5% 1% 5% $427,000 $130,600 $176 $109 $151 $167 $69 $152 $210,000 3,010% 3,236% 480% 2,470% 211107 5 - - New Construction
6957 - - - 292320283802000 Fountains at Millenia II 5324 Millenia Boulevard Orlando 32839 Orange Large Local Bonds 32 32 - - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy 2007 2008 For-Profit 28.473279992 -81.44017798 016911 4 - - - 32 - Paul Missigman, 200 East Canton Avenue, Suite 102, Winter Park, 32789, contact phone: 4077418574, email: P.Missigman@atlantichousing.com Atlantic Housing Partners, LLLP - - - 861 - 63 - - - 128 - 99 4123956 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N N N 3.29 6 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 38399 0 6 6 13 74 50.00 29 45 26 31 FHFC TIC Report 18% 13% 0% 57% 100% 43% 74% 41% 17% 38% 31% 19% 49% 33% 3% 5% 1% 5% $427,000 $130,600 $176 $109 $151 $167 $69 $152 $210,000 3,010% 3,236% 480% 2,470% 118756 1 - - New Construction
6863 1941 - - 292320283803000 Fountains at Millenia III 5316 Millenia Boulevard Orlando 32839 Orange Large Local Bonds;SAIL 82 82 x - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy 2007 2007 For-Profit 2039 28.473617993 -81.44079296 016911 4 - 4 11 67 - Paul Missigman, 200 East Canton Avenue, Suite 102, Winter Park, 32789, contact phone: 4077418574, email: P.Missigman@atlantichousing.com Atlantic Housing Partners, LLLP 9 0 49 0 0 - 631 753 859 - 64 - 84 110 129 - 98 4123956 - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - 2007 - - - - - - - - - 2039 - - - - - - - - - - N N N 3.14 5 74 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 32546 3 2 7 9 79 40.71 26 45 29 58 FHFC TIC Report 18% 13% 0% 57% 100% 43% 74% 41% 17% 38% 31% 19% 49% 33% 3% 5% 1% 5% $427,000 $130,600 $176 $109 $151 $167 $69 $152 $210,000 3,010% 3,236% 480% 2,470% 118756 2 - - New Construction
6958 2121 - - 292320283803000 Fountains at Millenia IV 5316 Millenia Boulevard Orlando 32839 Orange Large Local Bonds;SAIL 100 100 x - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy 2007 2007 For-Profit 2042 28.473617993 -81.44079296 016911 4 - 8 8 72 12 Paul Missigman, 200 East Canton Avenue, Suite 102, Winter Park, 32789, contact phone: 4077418574, email: P.Missigman@atlantichousing.com Atlantic Housing Partners, LLLP 0 0 70 0 30 - 619 763 861 944 63 - 89 98 128 160 98 4123956 - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - 2010 - - - - - - - - - 2042 - - - - - - - - - - N N N 3.14 9 77 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 32370 2 3 5 10 79 40.69 26 45 29 91 FHFC TIC Report 18% 13% 0% 57% 100% 43% 74% 41% 17% 38% 31% 19% 49% 33% 3% 5% 1% 5% $427,000 $130,600 $176 $109 $151 $167 $69 $152 $210,000 3,010% 3,236% 480% 2,470% 118756 3 - - New Construction
7139 2479 - - 302310303200981 Fountains at Pershing Park 3169 Pershing Park Drive Orlando 32822 Orange Large Exchange;Housing Credits 9% 92 82 x - - - - Elderly;Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 2010 2011 For-Profit 2062 28.500559986 -81.294746008 013505 2 - 46 37 9 - Jay Brock, 335 North Knowles Avenue, Suite 101, Winter Park, 32789, contact phone: 4077418682, email: jbrock@sashousing.org Southern Affordable Services Inc. 19 0 63 0 0 - 635 755 857 - 70 - 105 135 140 - 99 160000 1999-12 3981562 - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2010 - - - - - - - - - 2062 - - - - - - - - - - - N N Y 1.28 91 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 21175 0 1 40 14 45 32.88 56 33 11 80 FHFC TIC Report 18% 13% 51% 57% 49% 43% 12% 41% 25% 38% 3% 19% 68% 33% 2% 5% 1% 5% $327,500 $427,000 $82,500 $130,600 $175 $176 $93 $151 $172 $167 $64 $152 $141,500 $210,000 3,073% 3,236% 3,894% 2,470% 45157 9 - - New Construction x
296 277 800248522 - 302329000000010 Fox Hollow 3536 Prairie Fox Lane Orlando 32812 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Housing Credits 9%;SAIL;Section 223(f) Refi/Purchase;State Bonds 155 155 x x - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1990 1991 For-Profit 2055 28.455094992 -81.337381984 013606 1 - - 75 80 - John Corbett, 2001 West Blue Heron Blvd., Riviera Beach, 33404, contact phone: 5616556775, email: jcorbett@gotpi.org Partnership Inc. 0 0 155 0 0 - - 757 878 - 66 - - 91 99 - 99 5003135 x x x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2006 1990 1990 2006 - - - - - - 2038 2022 2022 2038 - - - - - - - - - Y Y Y 2.97 8 69 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 35952 1 3 5 9 83 45.53 26 36 38 150 FHFC TIC Report 5% 13% 48% 57% 52% 43% 100% 41% 22% 38% 8% 19% 62% 33% 7% 5% 2% 5% $407,500 $427,000 $140,500 $130,600 $171 $176 $125 $151 $172 $167 $73 $152 $0 $210,000 3,755% 3,236% 2,619% 2,470% 173834 17 - - Acquisition/Rehab x
2242 1076 - - 292317887600050 Glenn on Millenia Boulevard 5202 Millenia Blvd. Orlando 32839 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Local Bonds;SAIL 192 173 x - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy 2001 2002 For-Profit 2034 28.47631202 -81.441053972 016911 3 - 32 96 40 24 not avail. CED Companies 0 0 173 0 0 - 621 745 871 966 65 - 79 97 118 146 99 9363927 x - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x 2002 - 2001 - - - - - - - 2034 - 2033 - - - - - - - - - - 2034 N N N 2.57 14 57 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 37528 1 2 5 5 87 50.18 17 42 41 175 FHFC TIC Report 18% 13% 0% 57% 100% 43% 74% 41% 17% 38% 31% 19% 49% 33% 3% 5% 1% 5% $427,000 $130,600 $176 $109 $151 $167 $69 $152 $210,000 3,010% 3,236% 480% 2,470% 246131 11 - - New Construction
7238 2654 - - 302214295201030 Glyn Street Group Home Renovation 2914 Glyn Street Orlando 32807 Orange Large Legislative Appropriation 6 6 x - - - - Persons with Disabilities Ready for Occupancy 2013 1990 Non-Profit 28.582437014 -81.28349498 016413 2 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. Central Florida Communities, Inc. 2 0 4 0 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 100 145093 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. N N 1.00 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 12446 0 0 100 0 0 23.33 100 0 0 6 FHFC TIC Report 2% 13% 55% 57% 45% 43% 46% 41% 26% 38% 20% 19% 52% 33% 0% 5% 1% 5% $315,000 $427,000 $90,100 $130,600 $177 $176 $107 $151 $181 $167 $107 $152 $0 $210,000 1,882% 3,236% 3,154% 2,470% 2892 1 - - not avail. x
4901 - - - 292304000000009 Governor's Manor 2861 Lb Mcleod Road Orlando 32805 Orange Large Local Bonds 120 120 - - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy not avail. 1970 Non-Profit 2031 28.511399002 -81.413296965 011600 3 - 23 97 - - not avail. not avail. - not avail. not avail. - - not avail. - not avail. not avail. - - not avail. 3663677 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2031 - Y N not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 29% 13% 60% 57% 40% 43% 24% 41% 12% 38% 69% 19% 17% 33% 0% 5% 3% 5% $272,000 $427,000 $101,000 $130,600 $127 $176 $59 $151 $123 $167 $46 $152 $89,000 $210,000 2,534% 3,236% 3,655% 2,470% 138959 9 - - not avail.
8263 3561 - - 292233901801012 Grand East Village 1199 Bruton Boulevard Orlando Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 92 92 x - - - - Elderly;Link Not Ready for Occupancy 2023 1968 not avail. 2075 28.526286 -81.425044 011702 2 59 33 10 0 82 0 0 not avail. not avail. - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2023 - - - - - - - - - 2075 - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 23% 13% 40% 57% 60% 43% 48% 41% 4% 38% 85% 19% 10% 33% 0% 5% 1% 5% $192,500 $427,000 $80,000 $130,600 $109 $176 $65 $151 $106 $167 $53 $152 $0 $210,000 1,529% 3,236% 4,373% 2,470% - -
1441 300 - - 302322639500040 Grand Reserve at Lee Vista 6201 Bent Pine Drive Orlando 32822 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;State Bonds 338 68 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1994 1996 For-Profit 2036 28.472941992 -81.30166703 013507 3 - 78 200 50 10 not avail. Lecesse Development Corporation 0 68 0 0 0 - 478 578 619 468 56 - 23 26 29 43 98 18080137 x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1995 - - 2004 - - - - - - 2027 - - 2036 - - - - - - - - - N N Y 0.40 6 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 4636 79 0 4 4 12 34.06 10 8 82 335 FHFC TIC Report 11% 13% 11% 57% 89% 43% 69% 41% 18% 38% 13% 19% 63% 33% 4% 5% 1% 5% $240,000 $427,000 -$800 $130,600 $119 $176 $178 $151 $116 $167 $194 $152 $278,250 $210,000 2,976% 3,236% 799% 2,470% 412886 14 - - New Construction
408 306 - - 292315014800162 Green Gables - Orlando 5201 Via Alizar Avenue Orlando 32839 Orange Large Local Bonds;State HOME 95 95 x - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy 1997 1986 Non-Profit 2049 28.490477017 -81.407462992 016906 1 21 64 - 10 - Jill McReynolds, 6900 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Suite 300, Orlando, 32809, contact phone: 4074475686, email: jill@cfhands.org Central Florida H.A.N.D.S. 0 19 76 0 0 611 542 - 888 - 65 50 83 - 158 - 99 3099023 - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - 1997 - - - - - - - - - 2049 - - - - - - - - 2028 N Y N 1.47 22 26 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 26391 0 0 19 15 66 40.00 37 36 27 89 FHFC TIC Report 43% 13% 8% 57% 92% 43% 84% 41% 3% 38% 43% 19% 40% 33% 11% 5% 3% 5% $221,000 $427,000 $9,000 $130,600 $140 $176 $128 $151 $141 $167 $135 $152 $130,950 $210,000 1,623% 3,236% 885% 2,470% 56999 10 - - Acquisition/Rehab x
73620 - - FL004000001 292235321201000 Griffin Park 808 Dunbar Ct Orlando 32805 Orange Large Public Housing 6 0 0 - - x - - Elderly;Family Ready for Occupancy 1941 1940 Public Housing Authority 28.532713008 -81.386426008 010400 1 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 2586784 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Y N -4.00 -4 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 0 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 28% 13% 10% 57% 90% 43% 7% 41% 9% 38% 74% 19% 15% 33% 0% 5% 2% 5% $195,000 $427,000 $77,500 $130,600 $127 $176 $66 $151 $128 $167 $57 $152 $0 $210,000 2,162% 3,236% 3,373% 2,470% 86140 15 - - not avail.
8118 - - - 292228533500010 HOMES FOR BETTER LIVING PHASE II 2803 W Arlington St Orlando 32805-1107 Orange Large Section 8 Mod Rehab 87 87 - x - - - not avail. Ready for Occupancy not avail. 1972 not avail. 28.551533985 -81.415382969 018300 2 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 21% 13% 50% 57% 50% 43% 17% 41% 25% 38% 57% 19% 16% 33% 0% 5% 2% 5% $265,000 $427,000 $123,500 $130,600 $124 $176 $76 $151 $127 $167 $65 $152 $0 $210,000 1,383% 3,236% 3,963% 2,470% not avail. not avail. not avail.
7700 3179 - - 292218801105000 Hawthorne Park 5386 Silver Star Road Orlando 32808 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 120 120 x - - - - Elderly;Family;Link;Persons with Disabilities Ready for Occupancy 2019 2022 not avail. 2071 28.576059 -81.45464 012100 2 60 60 14 0 106 0 0 not avail. not avail. - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2019 - - - - - - - - - 2071 - - - - - - - - - - - N N 1.14 72 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 25587 2 2 13 3 80 40.67 18 60 22 116 FHFC TIC Report 5% 13% 37% 57% 63% 43% 87% 41% 15% 38% 66% 19% 14% 33% 0% 5% 4% 5% $241,500 $427,000 $103,500 $130,600 $128 $176 $71 $151 $123 $167 $71 $152 $113,400 $210,000 4,021% 3,236% 3,567% 2,470% - - not avail. x
4904 - - - 312205000000053 Heather Glen 10801 Heather Ridge Circle Orlando 32817 Orange Large Local Bonds 396 396 - - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy not avail. 1986 For-Profit 2031 28.600460998 -81.22995901 016503 2 - 198 198 - - not avail. not avail. - not avail. not avail. - - not avail. - not avail. not avail. - - not avail. 20173606 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2031 - Y Y not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 24% 13% 50% 57% 50% 43% 88% 41% 63% 38% 8% 19% 23% 33% 3% 5% 3% 5% $405,000 $427,000 $148,100 $130,600 $175 $176 $163 $151 $175 $167 $163 $152 $0 $210,000 1,670% 3,236% 2,080% 2,470% 334492 21 - - not avail. x
2065 1080 - - 292315000000063 Hidden Cove - Orlando 4900 S Rio Grande Ave Orlando 32839 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;State HOME 128 103 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2001 1972 Non-Profit 2064 28.489471985 -81.401815015 016906 2 - 88 40 - - Robert Ansley, 101 South Terry Avenue, Orlando, 32805, contact phone: 4076481623, email: ansley@orlandoneighborhood.org Orlando Neighborhood Improvement Corp. 0 21 82 0 0 - 612 746 - - 71 - 88 122 - - 99 3920858 x - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2023 - - - 2001 - - - - - not avail. - - - 2064 - - - - - - - - N Y N 1.78 25 33 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 30138 1 1 5 13 81 44.03 15 45 40 88 FHFC TIC Report 43% 13% 8% 57% 92% 43% 84% 41% 3% 38% 43% 19% 40% 33% 11% 5% 3% 5% $221,000 $427,000 $9,000 $130,600 $140 $176 $128 $151 $141 $167 $135 $152 $130,950 $210,000 1,623% 3,236% 885% 2,470% 87445 17 - - Rehab x
30 357 - - 292315014800110 Hidden Creek Villas 2001 Rivertree Circle Orlando 32839 Orange Large Housing Credits 9%;SAIL 304 304 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1995 1996 For-Profit 2048 28.48199998 -81.406766037 016907 3 - - 208 64 32 Scott Zimmerman, 501 North Magnolia Avenue, Orlando, 32801, contact phone: 4074471780, email: szimmerman@banyanadvisor.com Banyan Realty Advisors 0 61 243 0 0 - - 732 902 1022 65 - - 76 86 83 99 9464976 - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1996 1995 - - - - - - - - 2048 2047 - - - - - - - - - - N Y N 2.51 7 60 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 30014 2 5 8 8 76 40.19 29 45 26 299 FHFC TIC Report 29% 13% 15% 57% 85% 43% 78% 41% 4% 38% 58% 19% 31% 33% 1% 5% 5% 5% $230,000 $427,000 $59,000 $130,600 $136 $176 $114 $151 $138 $167 $119 $152 $117,000 $210,000 4,222% 3,236% 1,521% 2,470% 345625 18 - - New Construction x
4906 3652 800242433 - 302233000000024 Hollowbrook Apartments 5465 Curry Ford Road Orlando 32812 Orange Large Local Bonds;Section 223(f) Refi/Purchase 144 144 x x - - x Family Ready for Occupancy not avail. 1969 Non-Profit 2051 28.525763992 -81.315278989 013300 4 - 28 104 12 - not avail. not avail. - not avail. not avail. not avail. - not avail. - not avail. not avail. not avail. - not avail. 4785033 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x 2024 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2032 - N Y not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 9% 13% 48% 57% 52% 43% 67% 41% 31% 38% 4% 19% 57% 33% 6% 5% 2% 5% $329,900 $427,000 $102,950 $130,600 $176 $176 $127 $151 $175 $167 $119 $152 $130,000 $210,000 3,137% 3,236% 2,936% 2,470% 161136 12 - - not avail.
72620 - - FL004000009 292229395101000 Ivey Lane Homes 4405 Edgemoor St Orlando 32811 Orange Large Public Housing 184 181 181 - - x - - Elderly;Family Ready for Occupancy 1971 1971 Public Housing Authority 28.542944001 -81.436765036 014601 1 not avail. 20 47 112 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 2085400 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Y Y 3.10 22.6 58.21 2 1 3 27.4 27516 0.68 1.37 28.77 10.27 58.9 32.11 52.74 29 18 146 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 19% 13% 31% 57% 69% 43% 28% 41% 5% 38% 70% 19% 15% 33% 2% 5% 9% 5% $245,000 $427,000 $90,000 $130,600 $136 $176 $66 $151 $145 $167 $64 $152 $0 $210,000 4,576% 3,236% 1,845% 2,470% 67616 16 - - not avail.
8006 3461 - - 282435584401190 Jade Bridge LBV Factory Stores Drive & Poinciana Blvd Orlando 32819 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;State Bonds 218 218 x - - - - Elderly;Family Not Ready for Occupancy 2021 not avail. not avail. 2054 28.347772 -81.484548 017015 1 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 0 0 218 0 0 not avail. not avail. x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2021 - - 2022 - - - - - - 2053 - - 2054 - - - - - - - - - Y not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 29% 13% 68% 57% 32% 43% 20% 41% 30% 38% 7% 19% 50% 33% 9% 5% 4% 5% $521,500 $427,000 $170,500 $130,600 $170 $176 $203 $151 $169 $167 $203 $152 $265,000 $210,000 4,000% 3,236% 2,720% 2,470% - - Construction Category Not Found x
7857 3289 - - 292220455001000 Jernigan Gardens 1488 Mercy Drive Orlando 32808 Orange Large Housing Credits 4% 256 256 x - - - - Family Not Ready for Occupancy 2020 1973 not avail. 2052 28.561923019 -81.431212025 018700 3 96 160 0 0 256 0 0 not avail. not avail. x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2020 - - - - - - - - - 2052 - - - - - - - - - - - - N not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 13% 13% 42% 57% 58% 43% 15% 41% 25% 38% 59% 19% 14% 33% 0% 5% 2% 5% $266,750 $427,000 $106,750 $130,600 $150 $176 $83 $151 $137 $167 $68 $152 $395,500 $210,000 3,154% 3,236% 3,749% 2,470% - - not avail.
3127 2422 - - 292236198802030 Kinneret 515 South Delaney Avenue Orlando 32801 Orange Large Elderly Housing Community Loan;Housing Credits 4%;Local Bonds 280 280 x - - - x Elderly;Family Ready for Occupancy 1967 1969 For-Profit 2054 28.53588602 -81.374261017 010300 2 56 224 0 0 0 not avail. 0 34 246 0 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 9211784 x - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x 2022 - - - - - - - - - 2054 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2022 N N Y not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 6% 13% 18% 57% 82% 43% 50% 41% 67% 38% 5% 19% 20% 33% 1% 5% 7% 5% $614,150 $427,000 $259,150 $130,600 $256 $176 $149 $151 $255 $167 $125 $152 $325,000 $210,000 600% 3,236% 3,507% 2,470% 136747 1 - - Rehab
2062 - 800004211 - 292236198802030 Kinneret II 517 S Delaney Ave Orlando 32801 Orange Large Rental Assistance/HUD 112 112 112 - x - - - Elderly Ready for Occupancy 1979 1969 Non-Profit 2042 28.535794992 -81.374009979 010300 2 - 112 - - - not avail. Kinneret Preservation LP 250 West 55th Street, 35th Floor - New York, NY 10019- 212-798-4070 - 946 - - - 103 - 0 - - - not avail. 9211784 - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2022 - - - - - - - - - - 2042 - - - - - - - N Y 1.10 97 not avail. 40 -1 1 55 14619 2 3 54 30 11 24 83 14 3 115 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 6% 13% 18% 57% 82% 43% 50% 41% 67% 38% 5% 19% 20% 33% 1% 5% 7% 5% $614,150 $427,000 $259,150 $130,600 $256 $176 $149 $151 $255 $167 $125 $152 $325,000 $210,000 600% 3,236% 3,507% 2,470% 136747 1 69c 2019-07-15 not avail.
689 - - - 292236439200130 Lake Davis Apartments 1301 Catherine St Orlando 32801 Orange Large Local Bonds 36 36 - - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy not avail. 1973 Non-Profit 2031 28.532592016 -81.362803961 010300 1 - 36 - - - not avail. not avail. - not avail. - - - not avail. - not avail. - - - not avail. 1181601 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2031 - N Y not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 6% 13% 18% 57% 82% 43% 50% 41% 67% 38% 5% 19% 20% 33% 1% 5% 7% 5% $614,150 $427,000 $259,150 $130,600 $256 $176 $149 $151 $255 $167 $125 $152 $325,000 $210,000 600% 3,236% 3,507% 2,470% 21111 1 - - not avail.
72570 - - FL004000004 292233460102000 Lake Mann Homes 3551 Eccleston St Orlando 32805 Orange Large Public Housing 210 207 207 - - x - - Elderly;Family Ready for Occupancy 1951 1951 Public Housing Authority 28.533417004 -81.421181989 011701 3 not avail. 21 91 95 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 576795 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N N 2.60 20.9 58.76 3 1 6 29.38 23554 0.56 16.38 20.9 11.3 50.85 27.48 58.19 29 13 177 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 28% 13% 63% 57% 37% 43% 27% 41% 6% 38% 82% 19% 8% 33% 0% 5% 4% 5% $249,500 $427,000 $105,000 $130,600 $123 $176 $72 $151 $117 $167 $67 $152 $0 $210,000 2,247% 3,236% 4,643% 2,470% 18960 9 - - not avail.
7161 2518 - - 282223473301001 Lake Sherwood 1724 London Crest Drive Orlando 32818 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Local Bonds 90 90 x - - - x Elderly;Family Ready for Occupancy 2011 2006 For-Profit 2043 28.557249018 -81.491482016 014904 1 - - - 72 18 Jay Brock, 335 North Knowles Avenue, Suite 101, Winter Park, 32789, contact phone: 4077418682, email: jbrock@sashousing.org Southern Affordable Services Inc. 0 0 90 0 0 - - - 813 938 59 - - - 126 152 99 141 x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x 2011 - - - - - - - - - 2043 - - - - - - - - - - - - N Y N 3.36 3 87 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 33014 3 0 4 4 88 40.49 18 58 24 90 FHFC TIC Report 7% 13% 15% 57% 85% 43% 53% 41% 9% 38% 77% 19% 10% 33% 1% 5% 3% 5% $228,000 $427,000 $29,250 $130,600 $133 $176 $150 $151 $133 $167 $97 $152 $196,500 $210,000 5,057% 3,236% 2,098% 2,470% 254 3 - - not avail. x
1585 435 - - 292133000000063 Lake Weston Point 2201 Weston Point Drive Orlando 32810 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Housing Credits 9% 240 240 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1998 1999 For-Profit 2051 28.615343989 -81.411265024 015202 4 - - 56 120 64 Mark Moorhouse, 2905 Northwest Boulevard, Suite 150, Plymouth , 55441, contact phone: 7633545613, email: mmoorhouse@dominiuminc.com Dominium LLC 36 0 204 0 0 - - 704 809 927 59 - - 88 102 117 99 6852341 x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2019 1998 - - - - - - - - 2051 2030 - - - - - - - - - - - N N N 2.79 13 63 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 32210 0 4 6 9 80 41.81 24 44 32 231 FHFC TIC Report 11% 13% 39% 57% 61% 43% 17% 41% 32% 38% 35% 19% 25% 33% 2% 5% 6% 5% $303,000 $427,000 $109,500 $130,600 $162 $176 $105 $151 $165 $167 $115 $152 $0 $210,000 3,137% 3,236% 2,187% 2,470% 288485 19 - - New Construction x
3030 - 800211380 - 292217487400020 Lakeside Place Apartments 1790 Mercy Dr Orlando 32808 Orange Large Rental Assistance/HUD;Section 811 Capital Advance 18 17 17 - x - - - Persons with Disabilities Ready for Occupancy 2003 2003 Non-Profit 2044 28.56723702 -81.43107297 018700 4 0 17 0 0 0 not avail. Lakeside Place, Inc. 1790 Mercy Drive - Orlando, FL 32808- 407-875-3700 x1241 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 46 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 1154898 - - - - - - - - x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2024 - - - - - - - - - - 2025 - - 2043 - - - - Y N 1.00 38 not avail. 31 -1 56 13 11735 -1 6 75 19 -1 19 100 0 0 16 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 13% 13% 42% 57% 58% 43% 15% 41% 25% 38% 59% 19% 14% 33% 0% 5% 2% 5% $266,750 $427,000 $106,750 $130,600 $150 $176 $83 $151 $137 $167 $68 $152 $395,500 $210,000 3,154% 3,236% 3,749% 2,470% 13567 1 89a 2023-03-30 not avail.
751 451 - - 292326000000065 Lancaster Villas 800 West Lancaster Road Orlando 32809 Orange Large Local Bonds;State HOME 145 145 x - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy 1996 1974 Non-Profit 2048 28.464928013 -81.388954996 014201 3 - 65 80 - - Jill McReynolds, 6900 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Suite 300, Orlando, 32809, contact phone: 4074475686, email: jill@cfhands.org Central Florida H.A.N.D.S. 0 29 116 0 0 - 615 765 - - 72 - 84 119 - - 99 2524526 - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - 1996 - - - - - - - - - 2048 - - - - - - - - 2025 N N N 1.94 36 34 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 29165 5 1 13 10 70 41.10 31 39 30 143 FHFC TIC Report 10% 13% 67% 57% 33% 43% 80% 41% 20% 38% 8% 19% 68% 33% 3% 5% 1% 5% $305,000 $427,000 $95,000 $130,600 $160 $176 $105 $151 $158 $167 $62 $152 $139,500 $210,000 3,958% 3,236% 4,800% 2,470% 63401 20 - - Rehab x
1279 456 800233566 - 292231889900120 Landings At Timberleaf 5435 Timberleaf Blvd. Orlando 32811 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Housing Credits 9%;Section 221(d)(4) MKT;State Bonds;State HOME 240 240 x x - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1991 1993 For-Profit 2051 28.529746988 -81.453053002 014601 2 - - 120 120 - Kristin Miller, 340 Pemberwick Road, Greenwich, 06831, contact phone: 2038690900, email: millerk@richmancapital.com 0 48 192 0 0 - - 688 831 - 63 - - 107 118 - 99 5628895 x x - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2010 1991 - 2009 2010 - - - - - 2042 2023 - 2041 2042 - - - - - - - - N Y Y 2.60 13 65 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 40635 0 0 3 5 91 53.96 11 42 47 238 FHFC TIC Report 19% 13% 31% 57% 69% 43% 28% 41% 5% 38% 70% 19% 15% 33% 2% 5% 9% 5% $245,000 $427,000 $90,000 $130,600 $136 $176 $66 $151 $145 $167 $64 $152 $0 $210,000 4,576% 3,236% 1,845% 2,470% 265598 15 90c* 2018-10-05 Acquisition/Rehab - New Construction
6964 2131 - FL004000015 292234121101090 Landings at Carver Park 854 Carver Park Street Orlando 32805 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Local Bonds;Public Housing 56 56 30 x - x - x Family Ready for Occupancy 2007 2009 Public Housing Authority 28.531504003 -81.391694034 010400 1 - - 38 18 - not avail. Finlay Holdings, Inc. 0 0 56 0 0 - - 731 823 - 67 - - 126 161 - 97 1184695 x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - x 2008 - - - - - - - - - 2060 - - - - - - - - - - - - N Y N 2.80 25 50 -1 4 4 41.67 26328 4.17 12.5 25 8.33 50 31.5 54.17 13 33 24 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 28% 13% 10% 57% 90% 43% 7% 41% 9% 38% 74% 19% 15% 33% 0% 5% 2% 5% $195,000 $427,000 $77,500 $130,600 $127 $176 $66 $151 $128 $167 $57 $152 $0 $210,000 2,162% 3,236% 3,373% 2,470% 37021 6 - - New Construction
1116 1147 - - 292317887600040 Landings on Millenia Boulevard 5150 Millenia Boulevard Orlando 32839 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Local Bonds;SAIL 336 252 x - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy 2002 2003 For-Profit 2035 28.477498981 -81.44036104 016911 3 - 76 156 72 32 not avail. CED Companies 0 51 201 0 0 - 644 766 873 969 68 - 76 98 133 132 99 10031887 x - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x 2003 - 2002 - - - - - - - 2035 - 2034 - - - - - - - - - - 2035 N N N 2.35 19 49 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 34893 0 2 7 6 83 47.75 19 40 41 247 FHFC TIC Report 18% 13% 0% 57% 100% 43% 74% 41% 17% 38% 31% 19% 49% 33% 3% 5% 1% 5% $427,000 $130,600 $176 $109 $151 $167 $69 $152 $210,000 3,010% 3,236% 480% 2,470% 237186 14 - - New Construction
191 303 800245153 - 292315000000071 Landon Pointe 1705 Grande Pointe Boulevard Orlando 32839 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Section 223(f) Refi/Purchase;State Bonds 276 276 x x - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1999 2001 For-Profit 2052 28.491373001 -81.403071965 014502 3 - 72 156 48 - Christopher Barnes, 2905 Northwest Boulevard, Suite 150, Plymouth , 55441, contact phone: 7633545610, email: cbarnes@dominiuminc.com 0 0 276 0 0 - 631 742 838 - 69 - 73 100 127 - 98 9221247 x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2018 - - 2000 - - - - - - 2041 - - 2032 - - - - - - - - - N Y N 2.18 10 49 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 30476 0 5 9 6 80 42.44 21 49 30 267 FHFC TIC Report 37% 13% 16% 57% 84% 43% 71% 41% 8% 38% 69% 19% 18% 33% 2% 5% 3% 5% $238,750 $427,000 $138,750 $130,600 $117 $176 $127 $151 $107 $167 $143 $152 $132,500 $210,000 2,587% 3,236% 2,124% 2,470% 266252 25 not avail. not avail. New Construction x
2206 115 - - 292315099700010 Landon Trace Townhomes 1813 Buchanan Bay Circle Orlando 32839 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;State Bonds 228 228 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1998 1999 For-Profit 2039 28.49307467 -81.408419037 014502 3 - - - 228 - Mark Moorhouse, 2905 Northwest Boulevard, Suite 150, Plymouth , 55441, contact phone: 7633545613, email: mmoorhouse@dominiuminc.com Dominium LLC 0 12 216 0 0 - - - 820 - 60 - - - 133 - 98 4390542 x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2016 - - 1998 - - - - - - 2039 - - 2030 - - - - - - - - - N Y N 3.25 5 82 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 34243 1 2 3 3 92 42.55 14 59 27 224 FHFC TIC Report 37% 13% 16% 57% 84% 43% 71% 41% 8% 38% 69% 19% 18% 33% 2% 5% 3% 5% $238,750 $427,000 $138,750 $130,600 $117 $176 $127 $151 $107 $167 $143 $152 $132,500 $210,000 2,587% 3,236% 2,124% 2,470% 281745 28 - - New Construction x
7424 2803 - - 292425556100010 Landstar Park 1001 Landstar Park Drive Orlando 32824 Orange Large Housing Credits 4% 156 156 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2015 2016 For-Profit 2047 28.373060007 -81.368093026 016809 3 0 14 24 95 23 not avail. Atlantic Housing Partners, LLLP 0 0 156 0 0 not avail. 599 740 848 944 61 not avail. 93 114 139 142 100 not avail. x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2015 - - - - - - - - - 2047 - - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. N Y 3.08 9 75 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 29054 5 8 8 8 71 36.39 38 41 21 154 FHFC TIC Report 15% 13% 63% 57% 37% 43% 23% 41% 11% 38% 15% 19% 68% 33% 3% 5% 2% 5% $348,000 $427,000 $78,000 $130,600 $161 $176 $59 $151 $161 $167 $59 $152 $317,500 $210,000 3,843% 3,236% 2,796% 2,470% not avail. 14 - - not avail. x
6439 1355 - - 302322503300010 Lee Vista Club 5903 Lee Vista Blvd. Orlando 32822 Orange Large Local Bonds;SAIL 312 312 x - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy 2003 2004 For-Profit 2055 28.468431019 -81.304265001 013507 2 - 64 144 48 56 not avail. CED Companies 0 54 258 0 0 - 631 737 845 913 66 - 100 132 163 197 100 14890273 - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - 2003 - - - - - - - - - 2055 - - - - - - - - - - 2037 N N Y 2.86 14 56 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 34041 5 7 8 7 74 43.95 30 28 42 303 FHFC TIC Report 11% 13% 11% 57% 89% 43% 69% 41% 18% 38% 13% 19% 63% 33% 4% 5% 1% 5% $240,000 $427,000 -$800 $130,600 $119 $176 $178 $151 $116 $167 $194 $152 $278,250 $210,000 2,976% 3,236% 799% 2,470% 350540 13 - - New Construction
7264 2631 - - 292226507100001 Lexington Court 315 West Concord Street Orlando 32801 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 104 97 x - - - - Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 2013 not avail. For-Profit 2065 28.551252982 -81.383556966 018901 2 0 28 16 60 0 Jay Brock, 335 North Knowles Avenue, Suite 101, Winter Park, 32789, contact phone: 4077418682, email: jbrock@sashousing.org Southern Affordable Services Inc. 11 0 86 0 0 not avail. 661 799 920 not avail. 65 not avail. 52 65 71 not avail. 98 550125 - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2013 - - - - - - - - - 2065 - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. N Y 2.51 12 56 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 28909 4 6 16 8 66 38.51 39 33 28 93 FHFC TIC Report 22% 13% 39% 57% 61% 43% 65% 41% 53% 38% 27% 19% 15% 33% 2% 5% 2% 5% $470,000 $427,000 -$5,000 $130,600 $199 $176 $306 $151 $189 $167 $99 $152 $772,500 $210,000 1,649% 3,236% 3,155% 2,470% not avail. 1 - - New Construction
173 - 800004133 - 292236946403072 Life Concepts Independent Living II 705 GREENWOOD ST Orlando 32801 Orange Large Rental Assistance/HUD;Section 202 Direct Loan 6 6 4 - x - - - Persons with Disabilities Ready for Occupancy 1992 1953 Non-Profit 2032 28.534151008 -81.368078022 010300 1 - 2 4 - - not avail. Life Concepts Independent Living II, Inc. 1509 E. Colonial Drive - Ste 300 Orlando, FL 32803-4504 (407) 218-4300 - 1322 1476 - - 140 - 0 0 - - not avail. 218794 - - - - - - - - x - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2024 1994 - - - - - - - - - 2025 - 2032 - - - - - N Y -4.00 -4 not avail. 104 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 6% 13% 18% 57% 82% 43% 50% 41% 67% 38% 5% 19% 20% 33% 1% 5% 7% 5% $614,150 $427,000 $259,150 $130,600 $256 $176 $149 $151 $255 $167 $125 $152 $325,000 $210,000 600% 3,236% 3,507% 2,470% 2818 2 81b 2023-02-22 not avail.
72940 - - FL004000010 292227523602070 Lorna Doone Apts 1617 W Central Blvd Orlando 32805 Orange Large Public Housing 104 104 104 - - x - - Elderly;Family Ready for Occupancy 1970 1970 Public Housing Authority 28.542971997 -81.402263027 018300 1 0 104 0 0 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 1386222 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N N 1.10 100 0 9 2 4 56.18 12788 0 44.94 40.45 7.87 6.74 14.96 93.26 5 2 89 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 21% 13% 50% 57% 50% 43% 17% 41% 25% 38% 57% 19% 16% 33% 0% 5% 2% 5% $265,000 $427,000 $123,500 $130,600 $124 $176 $76 $151 $127 $167 $65 $152 $0 $210,000 1,383% 3,236% 3,963% 2,470% 69328 1 - - not avail.
7803 3227 - - 292322726857001 Madison Landing 5800 Rio Grande Avenue Orlando 32839 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 110 110 x - - - - Elderly;Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 2020 not avail. not avail. 2072 28.474167 -81.401639 016907 2 55 55 11 0 99 0 0 not avail. not avail. - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2020 - - - - - - - - - 2072 - - - - - - - - - - - N 1.39 69 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 21528 2 3 25 21 50 32.85 47 42 11 109 FHFC TIC Report 29% 13% 15% 57% 85% 43% 78% 41% 4% 38% 58% 19% 31% 33% 1% 5% 5% 5% $230,000 $427,000 $59,000 $130,600 $136 $176 $114 $151 $138 $167 $119 $152 $117,000 $210,000 4,222% 3,236% 1,521% 2,470% - - not avail. x
7915 3365 - - 292322726857001 Madison Landing II Rio Grande Ave and West Oak Ridge Road Orlando 32839 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 96 96 x - - - - Elderly;Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 2021 not avail. not avail. 2073 28.473944 -81.401361 016907 2 48 48 10 0 86 0 0 not avail. not avail. - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2021 - - - - - - - - - 2073 - - - - - - - - - - - N 1.28 71 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 24724 0 0 7 16 77 38.60 18 65 17 96 FHFC TIC Report 29% 13% 15% 57% 85% 43% 78% 41% 4% 38% 58% 19% 31% 33% 1% 5% 5% 5% $230,000 $427,000 $59,000 $130,600 $136 $176 $114 $151 $138 $167 $119 $152 $117,000 $210,000 4,222% 3,236% 1,521% 2,470% - - not avail. x
153 496 - - 292220542500010 Magnolia Pointe - Orlando 1701 Mercy Drive Orlando 32808 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 168 168 x - - - - Elderly;Family Ready for Occupancy 1998 1999 Non-Profit 2050 28.565288018 -81.429044968 018700 2 - 84 84 - - Andrew Sossen, 591 West Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, 06830, contact phone: 2034228191, email: asossen@starwood.com Starwood Capital Group 26 0 142 0 0 - 643 740 - - 70 - 73 87 - - 99 not avail. - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1998 - - - - - - - - - 2050 - - - - - - - - - - - N Y N 1.25 65 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 21351 1 10 15 23 52 33.40 43 45 12 166 FHFC TIC Report 13% 13% 42% 57% 58% 43% 15% 41% 25% 38% 59% 19% 14% 33% 0% 5% 2% 5% $266,750 $427,000 $106,750 $130,600 $150 $176 $83 $151 $137 $167 $68 $152 $395,500 $210,000 3,154% 3,236% 3,749% 2,470% 159413 11 - - New Construction
5014 - - - 292128000000106 Maitland Oaks 8339 Pembrook Villas Circle Orlando 32810 Orange Large Local Bonds 100 100 - - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy not avail. 1981 Non-Profit 2032 28.631492983 -81.41234302 015204 1 - 58 42 - - not avail. not avail. - not avail. not avail. - - not avail. - not avail. not avail. - - not avail. 3657650 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2032 - N N not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 7% 13% 32% 57% 68% 43% 78% 41% 39% 38% 27% 19% 27% 33% 3% 5% 5% 5% $290,950 $427,000 $63,500 $130,600 $157 $176 $162 $151 $158 $167 $163 $152 $230,000 $210,000 2,352% 3,236% 892% 2,470% 87564 13 - - not avail. x
7009 2410 - - 302311547702000 Marbella Cove 7528 Marbella Pointe Drive Orlando 32822 Orange Large Local Bonds;SAIL 104 104 x - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy 2008 2008 For-Profit 2041 28.504636881 -81.288040986 013505 2 - - 28 76 - Paul Missigman, 200 East Canton Avenue, Suite 102, Winter Park, 32789, contact phone: 4077418574, email: P.Missigman@atlantichousing.com Atlantic Housing Partners, LLLP 6 0 81 0 0 - - 743 852 - 64 - - 137 159 - 100 6243009 - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - 2009 - - - - - - - - - 2041 - - - - - - - - - - H N Y 3.02 19 74 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 31303 6 5 7 8 74 39.21 33 43 24 86 FHFC TIC Report 18% 13% 51% 57% 49% 43% 12% 41% 25% 38% 3% 19% 68% 33% 2% 5% 1% 5% $327,500 $427,000 $82,500 $130,600 $175 $176 $93 $151 $172 $167 $64 $152 $141,500 $210,000 3,073% 3,236% 3,894% 2,470% 153791 7 - - New Construction x
6816 1853 - - 302311547701000 Marbella Pointe 7528 Marbella Pointe Drive Orlando 32822 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Local Bonds;SAIL 120 120 x - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy 2006 2008 For-Profit 2039 28.504576007 -81.286063027 013505 2 - 20 - 76 24 Paul Missigman, 200 East Canton Avenue, Suite 102, Winter Park, 32789, contact phone: 4077418574, email: P.Missigman@atlantichousing.com Atlantic Housing Partners, LLLP 0 0 120 0 0 - 629 - 850 929 63 - 98 - 150 185 100 6243009 x - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x 2007 - 2006 - - - - - - - 2039 - 2038 - - - - - - - - - - N N Y 3.39 12 74 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 33567 3 6 7 8 77 40.72 32 41 27 120 FHFC TIC Report 18% 13% 51% 57% 49% 43% 12% 41% 25% 38% 3% 19% 68% 33% 2% 5% 1% 5% $327,500 $427,000 $82,500 $130,600 $175 $176 $93 $151 $172 $167 $64 $152 $141,500 $210,000 3,073% 3,236% 3,894% 2,470% 153791 5 - - New Construction x
8330 3622 - - 292225394900010 Mariposa Grove 417 East Jackson St. Orlando 32801 Orange Large Extremely Low Income;Housing Credits 4%;SAIL;State Bonds;State HOME 138 138 x - - - - Elderly;Link Not Ready for Occupancy 2024 2000 not avail. 28.539476 -81.372141 010202 3 67 54 17 26 10 34 68 0 not avail. not avail. x - x x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2024 - 2024 2024 2024 - - - - - not avail. - not avail. not avail. not avail. - - - - - - - - not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 17% 13% 36% 57% 64% 43% 31% 41% 66% 38% 5% 19% 21% 33% 2% 5% 5% 5% $575,000 $427,000 $152,350 $130,600 $263 $176 $151 $151 $256 $167 $172 $152 $362,500 $210,000 555% 3,236% 1,966% 2,470% - - ESS
2115 1082 - - 292310000000002 Maxwell Garden 4049 S Orange Blossom Trail Orlando 32839 Orange Large Demonstration Project 178 178 x - - - - Homeless Ready for Occupancy 2001 1963 Non-Profit 2033 28.502397006 -81.395809968 014400 2 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. Grand Avenue Economic Community Development Corporation (GAECDC) 89 89 0 0 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 3708378 - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N N N not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 18% 13% 85% 57% 15% 43% 46% 41% 67% 38% 14% 19% 16% 33% 1% 5% 2% 5% $350,700 $427,000 $115,650 $130,600 $144 $176 $105 $151 $147 $167 $105 $152 $0 $210,000 1,175% 3,236% 4,387% 2,470% 78209 1 - - New Construction x
72600 - - FL004000011 292221000000003 Meadow Lake Apts 3564 Meadow Lake Ln Orlando 32808 Orange Large Public Housing 87 87 87 - - x - - Elderly;Family Ready for Occupancy 1976 1976 Public Housing Authority 28.556076013 -81.421987992 018700 2 0 87 0 0 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 1780130 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Y N 1.10 68.35 0 9 -1 -1 31.65 15768 0 2.53 54.43 30.38 12.66 18.46 78.48 19 3 79 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 13% 13% 42% 57% 58% 43% 15% 41% 25% 38% 59% 19% 14% 33% 0% 5% 2% 5% $266,750 $427,000 $106,750 $130,600 $150 $176 $83 $151 $137 $167 $68 $152 $395,500 $210,000 3,154% 3,236% 3,749% 2,470% 58455 14 - - not avail. x
683 - - - 312210965209160 Mendel Villas 3538 Aristotle Ave Orlando 32826 Orange Large Local Bonds 32 32 - - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy not avail. 1982 Non-Profit 2025 28.592289984 -81.210925971 016510 3 - - 32 - - not avail. not avail. - - not avail. - - not avail. - - not avail. - - not avail. 1343483 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2025 - Y N not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 16% 13% 1% 57% 99% 43% 93% 41% 54% 38% 15% 19% 25% 33% 4% 5% 2% 5% $235,000 $427,000 $90,200 $130,600 $174 $176 $132 $151 $176 $167 $106 $152 $0 $210,000 1,612% 3,236% 814% 2,470% 39406 6 - - not avail. x
771 510 - - 292231182700010 Metro Place 907 South Kirkman Road Orlando 32811 Orange Large Demonstration Project;Housing Credits 9% 288 288 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1997 1999 For-Profit 2051 28.530276012 -81.457760027 014601 3 - - 192 64 32 Lou Vogt, 501 North Magnolia Avenue, Orlando, 32801, contact phone: 4073770695, email: lvogt@banyanadvisor.com Banyan Realty Advisors 44 0 244 0 0 - - 762 873 952 65 - - 77 85 98 99 not avail. - x - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1997 - - - - - - - - - 2049 - - - - - - - - - - - N Y Y 2.48 9 55 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 31268 0 4 5 13 77 42.08 29 43 28 275 FHFC TIC Report 19% 13% 31% 57% 69% 43% 28% 41% 5% 38% 70% 19% 15% 33% 2% 5% 9% 5% $245,000 $427,000 $90,000 $130,600 $136 $176 $66 $151 $145 $167 $64 $152 $0 $210,000 4,576% 3,236% 1,845% 2,470% 328630 14 - - New Construction
1418 511 - - 292231182700010 Metro Place II 907 South Kirkman Road Orlando 32811 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Local Bonds;SAIL 248 224 x - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy 1998 1999 For-Profit 2050 28.530276012 -81.457760027 014601 3 - - 168 48 32 Lou Vogt, 501 North Magnolia Avenue, Orlando, 32801, contact phone: 4073770695, email: lvogt@banyanadvisor.com Banyan Realty Advisors 0 0 224 0 0 - - 784 910 1025 68 - - 77 84 91 99 8450908 x - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x 1998 - 1998 - - - - - - - 2050 - 2050 - - - - - - - - - - 2030 N Y Y 2.64 10 61 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 43834 0 2 2 0 95 58.23 8 36 56 216 FHFC TIC Report 19% 13% 31% 57% 69% 43% 28% 41% 5% 38% 70% 19% 15% 33% 2% 5% 9% 5% $245,000 $427,000 $90,000 $130,600 $136 $176 $66 $151 $145 $167 $64 $152 $0 $210,000 4,576% 3,236% 1,845% 2,470% 328630 13 - - New Construction
7650 3009 - - 312218285601100 Miami Road Group Home 1716 Miami Road Orlando 32825 Orange Large Legislative Appropriation 6 6 x - - - - Persons with Disabilities Ready for Occupancy 2017 1981 Non-Profit 2029 28.567665 -81.24882198 016713 4 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. Central Florida Communities, Inc. 0 2 4 0 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 121500 2000-9 not avail. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. N N not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 3% 13% 70% 57% 30% 43% 0% 41% 25% 38% 6% 19% 62% 33% 3% 5% 4% 5% $328,000 $427,000 $109,500 $130,600 $183 $176 $147 $151 $184 $167 $64 $152 $0 $210,000 3,186% 3,236% 2,606% 2,470% not avail. 1 - - not avail. x
6382 1298 - - 302315564001000 Mill Creek 5003 Commander Drive Orlando 32822 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;State Bonds 312 312 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2003 2006 For-Profit 2045 28.490794021 -81.305192961 013512 1 - 96 156 60 - Timothy Connelly, 1000 E. 80th Place, Suite 700 North, Suite 1100, Merrillville, 46410, contact phone: 2196804282, email: tconnelly@whitecoresidential.com Whiteco Residential, LLC 0 0 312 0 0 - 624 734 853 - 70 - 91 124 141 - 99 39180000 2021-5 not avail. x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2022 - - 2003 - - - - - - 2045 - - 2035 - - - - - - - - - N Y Y 2.29 16 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 28887 0 0 0 13 87 42.05 13 68 19 309 FHFC TIC Report 7% 13% 27% 57% 73% 43% 0% 41% 13% 38% 18% 19% 62% 33% 0% 5% 7% 5% $285,000 $427,000 $103,500 $130,600 $166 $176 $115 $151 $165 $167 $111 $152 $175,000 $210,000 4,135% 3,236% 1,462% 2,470% 341785 13 - - New Construction
8228 3508 - - 282106717205050 Mira 1277 Plymouth Sorrento Road Orlando 32712 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;State Bonds 300 300 x - - - - Family Not Ready for Occupancy 2021 1927 not avail. 2053 28.702844 -81.555972 017810 2 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 0 0 300 0 0 not avail. not avail. x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2021 - - 2021 - - - - - - 2053 - - 2053 - - - - - - - - - Y not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 19% 13% 77% 57% 23% 43% 0% 41% 32% 38% 41% 19% 23% 33% 4% 5% 0% 5% $429,000 $427,000 $147,000 $130,600 $145 $176 $119 $151 $147 $167 $119 $152 $203,100 $210,000 3,285% 3,236% 3,308% 2,470% - - Construction Category Not Found x
73260 - - FL004000006 292233889601000 Murchison Terrace 1201 Mable Butler Ave Orlando 32805 Orange Large Public Housing 190 188 188 - - x - - Elderly;Family Ready for Occupancy 1953 1952 Public Housing Authority 28.525655991 -81.420444968 011702 2 not avail. 43 81 64 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 1292951 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Y N 2.30 28.75 50.63 2 1 4 24.38 23078 1.25 9.38 31.25 15.63 42.5 27.18 61.25 27 12 160 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 23% 13% 40% 57% 60% 43% 48% 41% 4% 38% 85% 19% 10% 33% 0% 5% 1% 5% $192,500 $427,000 $80,000 $130,600 $109 $176 $65 $151 $106 $167 $53 $152 $0 $210,000 1,529% 3,236% 4,373% 2,470% 43302 21 - - not avail.
1307 530 - - 282417000000012 Mystic Pointe II 10700 Hobbit Circle Orlando 32836 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;State Bonds 265 265 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2000 2001 For-Profit 2033 28.401247006 -81.535313 017110 2 - - 109 108 48 Stefan Davis, 20725 SW 46th Avenue, Newberry, 32669, contact phone: 3524727773, email: stefanD@davisandsons.com 0 0 265 0 0 - - 767 897 999 64 - - 80 86 89 100 11601220 x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2000 - - 2000 - - - - - - 2033 - - 2033 - - - - - - - - - N N Y 2.90 15 53 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 33820 0 0 3 5 92 44.06 17 56 27 262 FHFC TIC Report 9% 13% 35% 57% 65% 43% 50% 41% 44% 38% 12% 19% 27% 33% 5% 5% 12% 5% $632,500 $427,000 $132,750 $130,600 $265 $176 $171 $151 $178 $167 $191 $152 $0 $210,000 5,575% 3,236% 1,245% 2,470% 316835 12 - - New Construction x
252 109 - - 292204092300020 Nassau Bay I 5200 N. Orange Blossom Trail Orlando 32810 Orange Large Extremely Low Income;Housing Credits 4% 252 252 x - - - - Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 1994 1996 For-Profit 2040 28.605390982 -81.424206012 012402 3 - 60 100 76 16 Mark Moorhouse, 2001 West Blue Heron Boulevard, Riviera Beach, 33404, contact phone: 7633545613, email: mmoorhouse@dominiuminc.com TPI Comunities LLC 51 50 151 0 0 - 464 634 722 660 58 - 109 135 154 192 99 5347067 x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2013 - - - - - - - - - 2036 - - - - - - - - - - - - N Y N 2.32 14 52 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 30071 1 6 8 11 74 41.17 33 40 27 245 FHFC TIC Report 6% 13% 14% 57% 86% 43% 65% 41% 14% 38% 44% 19% 35% 33% 3% 5% 3% 5% $260,000 $427,000 $25,000 $130,600 $117 $176 $108 $151 $116 $167 $123 $152 $165,500 $210,000 1,978% 3,236% 1,439% 2,470% 244882 13 - - New Construction
253 110 - - 292204092300020 Nassau Bay II 5200 N. Orange Blossom Trail Orlando 32810 Orange Large Extremely Low Income;Housing Credits 4% 240 240 x - - - - Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 1995 1996 For-Profit 2040 28.605390982 -81.424206012 012402 3 - 60 96 72 12 Mark Moorhouse, 2001 West Blue Heron Boulevard, Riviera Beach, 33404, contact phone: 7633545613, email: mmoorhouse@dominiuminc.com TPI Comunities LLC 48 0 192 0 0 - 505 620 714 738 59 - 109 138 156 212 100 5347067 x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2013 - - - - - - - - - 2037 - - - - - - - - - - - - N Y N 2.28 11 54 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 29248 2 3 10 10 75 40.29 29 44 27 235 FHFC TIC Report 6% 13% 14% 57% 86% 43% 65% 41% 14% 38% 44% 19% 35% 33% 3% 5% 3% 5% $260,000 $427,000 $25,000 $130,600 $117 $176 $108 $151 $116 $167 $123 $152 $165,500 $210,000 1,978% 3,236% 1,439% 2,470% 244882 10 - - New Construction
879 1134 - - 292317887600020 Northbridge Apartment Homes on Millenia Lake I 4902 Millenia Boulevard Orlando 32839 Orange Large SAIL;State Bonds 396 80 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2002 2005 For-Profit 2045 28.479854003 -81.440985995 016911 2 - 118 156 122 - Peter Vilim, 30 South Wacker Drive, Suite 3600, Chicago, 60606, contact phone: 3129484500, email: pvilim@wallc.com Waterton Associates, LLC 0 80 0 0 0 - 633 908 958 - 65 - not avail. not avail. not avail. - 97 28959124 - - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2002 2003 - - - - - - - - 2044 2045 - - - - - - - - - N N N 2.32 16 50 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 26112 3 3 11 12 72 35.92 29 63 8 76 FHFC TIC Report 18% 13% 0% 57% 100% 43% 74% 41% 17% 38% 31% 19% 49% 33% 3% 5% 1% 5% $427,000 $130,600 $176 $109 $151 $167 $69 $152 $210,000 3,010% 3,236% 480% 2,470% 523151 22 - - New Construction
2125 1087 - - 292217602400010 Oak Glen 2018 Mercy Drive Orlando 32808 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Local Bonds 88 79 x - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy 2000 2002 For-Profit 2054 28.569367993 -81.431741007 018700 4 - - 52 36 - Paul Sween, 2905 Northwest Boulevard, Suite 150, Plymouth , 55441, contact phone: 7633545603, email: psween@dominiuminc.com not avail. 14 0 65 0 0 - - 687 768 - 61 - - 96 114 - 99 1120237 x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x 2002 - - - - - - - - - 2054 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2041 N Y N 2.44 15 60 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 29170 0 5 15 6 74 39.19 31 47 22 80 FHFC TIC Report 13% 13% 42% 57% 58% 43% 15% 41% 25% 38% 59% 19% 14% 33% 0% 5% 2% 5% $266,750 $427,000 $106,750 $130,600 $150 $176 $83 $151 $137 $167 $68 $152 $395,500 $210,000 3,154% 3,236% 3,749% 2,470% 98706 4 - - New Construction
1360 554 800239192 - 292320536000030 Oak Harbor 5770 Harbor Chase Circle Orlando 32839 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Housing Credits 9%;SAIL;Section 542 176 176 x x - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1994 1995 For-Profit 2064 28.478423002 -81.431445964 016909 1 - - 88 88 - Deion Lowery, 1556 Lake Whitney Drive, Windermere, 34786, contact phone: 4073412830, email: deionlowery@yahoo.com 0 11 165 0 0 - - 695 783 - 62 - - 116 152 - 99 5987415 x x x - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - 2012 1995 1994 - - - - - - - 2064 2047 2046 - - - - - - - - - - N N N 3.02 5 78 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 30394 1 2 6 6 85 38.79 24 56 20 169 FHFC TIC Report 16% 13% 20% 57% 80% 43% 70% 41% 5% 38% 32% 19% 64% 33% 0% 5% 0% 5% $305,250 $427,000 $135,750 $130,600 $159 $176 $121 $151 $158 $167 $127 $152 $152,500 $210,000 3,003% 3,236% 2,434% 2,470% 200647 22 not avail. not avail. New Construction x
1939 177 - - 302223000000045 Oasis Club 7451 Gatehouse Circle Orlando 32807 Orange Large Housing Credits 9%;SAIL 220 220 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1993 1995 For-Profit 2026 28.561319983 -81.287160973 013202 2 - - 112 108 - Deepak Israni, 1785 Hancock Street, Suite 100, San Diego, 92110, contact phone: 6192969000, email: disrani@pacificacompanies.com Pacifica Companies LLC 0 0 220 0 0 - - 780 902 - 66 - - 75 81 - 97 6013458 - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1994 1993 - - - - - - - - 2026 2025 - - - - - - - - - - N N N 2.75 12 61 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 33396 0 1 4 3 91 43.57 14 59 27 204 FHFC TIC Report 7% 13% 41% 57% 59% 43% 79% 41% 16% 38% 9% 19% 66% 33% 5% 5% 4% 5% $325,000 $427,000 $114,600 $130,600 $173 $176 $136 $151 $178 $167 $102 $152 $0 $210,000 3,270% 3,236% 1,831% 2,470% 241895 12 - - New Construction x
72890 - - FL004000013 292133000000010 Omega Apts/marden Meadows 7424 Kappa Ct Orlando 32810 Orange Large Public Housing 119 117 117 - - x - - Elderly;Family Ready for Occupancy 1988 1983 Public Housing Authority 28.622907986 -81.416418972 015104 1 not avail. 0 33 84 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 2788918 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N N 3.00 15.45 69.10 4 1 1 27.27 22733 3.64 5.45 24.55 18.18 48.18 26.53 58.18 35 7 110 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 3% 13% 61% 57% 39% 43% 0% 41% 27% 38% 22% 19% 39% 33% 3% 5% 9% 5% $282,500 $427,000 $103,000 $130,600 $161 $176 $92 $151 $165 $167 $71 $152 $108,000 $210,000 3,675% 3,236% 2,807% 2,470% 77752 13 - - not avail. x
1953 - 800004344 - 292236897600100 Orlando Cloisters 757 S ORANGE AVE Orlando 32801 Orange Large Rental Assistance/HUD;Section 223(f) Refi/Purchase 101 101 101 - x - - - Elderly Ready for Occupancy 1984 1984 Non-Profit 2052 28.532757013 -81.376253982 010300 3 30 71 - - - not avail. CATHEDRAL CLOISTERS, INC. 757 S ORANGE AVE - ORLANDO, FL 32801-0000 205-933-1020 1017 1129 - - - 109 59 60 - - - not avail. 6452604 - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2017 - - - - - - - - - - 2037 - - - - - - - N Y 1.10 99 not avail. 15 3 1 81 12672 1 9 69 16 6 21 92 8 0 103 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 6% 13% 18% 57% 82% 43% 50% 41% 67% 38% 5% 19% 20% 33% 1% 5% 7% 5% $614,150 $427,000 $259,150 $130,600 $256 $176 $149 $151 $255 $167 $125 $152 $325,000 $210,000 600% 3,236% 3,507% 2,470% 78565 1 87b 2022-04-21 not avail.
8005 3460 - - 292315014600010 Osprey Sound 1401 Duskin Avenue Orlando 32839 Orange Large DVF;Housing Credits 4%;State Bonds 294 294 x - - - - Elderly;Family Not Ready for Occupancy 2021 not avail. not avail. 2054 28.481341 -81.400221 016907 1 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 0 0 294 0 0 not avail. not avail. x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2021 - - 2022 - - - - - - 2053 - - 2054 - - - - - - - - - N not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 29% 13% 15% 57% 85% 43% 78% 41% 4% 38% 58% 19% 31% 33% 1% 5% 5% 5% $230,000 $427,000 $59,000 $130,600 $136 $176 $114 $151 $138 $167 $119 $152 $117,000 $210,000 4,222% 3,236% 1,521% 2,470% - - Construction Category Not Found x
1983 - 800004352 - 292220652200010 Palm Grove Garden Apartments 3944 WD Judge Dr. Orlando 32808 Orange Large Local Bonds;Rental Assistance/HUD 142 141 141 - x - - x Family Ready for Occupancy 1970 1971 For-Profit 2037 28.55865898 -81.427266999 018700 2 0 12 100 29 0 not avail. ONIC - New Palm Grove Gardens LLC 101 South Terry Avenue - Orlando, FL 32805- 407-648-1623 not avail. 1213 1424 1688 not avail. 71 not avail. 0 0 0 not avail. not avail. 3443292 - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - 2017 - - - - - - - - - - 2037 - - - - - - 2028 - Y N 2.60 17 not avail. -1 -1 2 5 12664 39 5 26 4 25 18 79 15 6 131 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 13% 13% 42% 57% 58% 43% 15% 41% 25% 38% 59% 19% 14% 33% 0% 5% 2% 5% $266,750 $427,000 $106,750 $130,600 $150 $176 $83 $151 $137 $167 $68 $152 $395,500 $210,000 3,154% 3,236% 3,749% 2,470% 125651 11 82c 2022-02-11 not avail.
7602 2966 - - 292235672401020 Parramore Oaks 750 South Parramore Avenue Orlando 32805 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 120 96 x - - - - Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 2017 2019 For-Profit 2069 28.532950007 -81.388930018 010400 1 0 16 81 23 0 not avail. InVictus Development, LLC 0 12 84 0 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2017 - - - - - - - - - 2069 - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. N N 2.19 22 49 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 32555 0 1 5 4 90 45.59 19 39 42 96 FHFC TIC Report 28% 13% 10% 57% 90% 43% 7% 41% 9% 38% 74% 19% 15% 33% 0% 5% 2% 5% $195,000 $427,000 $77,500 $130,600 $127 $176 $66 $151 $128 $167 $57 $152 $0 $210,000 2,162% 3,236% 3,373% 2,470% not avail. 5 - - not avail.
7827 3254 - - 292301169600003 Parramore Oaks II Conley Street northeast of the intersection of Co Orlando 32806 Orange Large Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery (CDBG DR);Housing Credits 4%;State Bonds 91 91 x - - - - Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 2020 not avail. not avail. 2073 28.513379981 -81.368775622 011300 2 11 58 22 Paula Rhodes, 1910 West Cass Street, Tampa, 33606, contact phone: (813) 448-7868, email: prhodes@invictusdev.com 23 15 17 36 0 not avail. not avail. x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2021 - - 2020 - - - - - - 2073 - - 2072 - - - - - - - - - Y not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 8% 13% 72% 57% 28% 43% 17% 41% 77% 38% 2% 19% 11% 33% 2% 5% 8% 5% $490,000 $427,000 $95,000 $130,600 $247 $176 $136 $151 $245 $167 $122 $152 $437,000 $210,000 3,462% 3,236% 1,682% 2,470% - - not avail.
7433 2806 - - 292234680001000 Pendana at West Lakes 2021 Orange Center Boulevard Orlando 32805 Orange Large Housing Credits 9%;SAIL 200 160 x - - - - Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 2015 2018 Non-Profit 2067 28.533521988 -81.407641024 011702 1 0 71 59 70 0 not avail. LIFT Orlando Community Development LLC 0 20 140 0 0 not avail. 577 671 731 not avail. 66 not avail. 127 173 227 not avail. 100 not avail. - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2015 2015 - - - - - - - - 2067 2067 - - - - - - - - - - not avail. N N 2.26 13 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 31258 2 4 7 6 81 45.75 19 50 31 156 FHFC TIC Report 23% 13% 40% 57% 60% 43% 48% 41% 4% 38% 85% 19% 10% 33% 0% 5% 1% 5% $192,500 $427,000 $80,000 $130,600 $109 $176 $65 $151 $106 $167 $53 $152 $0 $210,000 1,529% 3,236% 4,373% 2,470% not avail. 12 - - not avail.
7677 3046 - - 292233621203001 Pendana at West Lakes Senior Residences 2205 Orange Center Boulevard Orlando 32805 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 120 120 x - - - - Elderly;Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 2018 2020 Non-Profit 2070 28.53232501 -81.410014025 011702 1 - 108 12 - - not avail. not avail. 0 12 108 0 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2018 - - - - - - - - - 2070 - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. N N 1.13 100 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 21169 0 5 18 29 49 35.80 44 43 13 119 FHFC TIC Report 23% 13% 40% 57% 60% 43% 48% 41% 4% 38% 85% 19% 10% 33% 0% 5% 1% 5% $192,500 $427,000 $80,000 $130,600 $109 $176 $65 $151 $106 $167 $53 $152 $0 $210,000 1,529% 3,236% 4,373% 2,470% not avail. not avail. - - not avail.
215 639 - - 292425556100030 Pinnacle Cove 525 Pinnacle Cove Blvd. Orlando 32824 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 420 420 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2000 2001 For-Profit 2052 28.37270101 -81.369503029 016809 3 - 36 216 144 24 David Deutch, 9400 South Dadeland Boulevard, Suite 100, Miami, 33156, contact phone: 3058547100, email: david@pinnaclehousing.com Pinnacle Housing Group LLC 63 0 357 0 0 - 577 706 777 754 60 - 74 86 96 116 99 not avail. - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2000 - - - - - - - - - 2052 - - - - - - - - - - - N N Y 2.73 12 64 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 27713 1 6 7 6 80 36.27 24 67 9 415 FHFC TIC Report 15% 13% 63% 57% 37% 43% 23% 41% 11% 38% 15% 19% 68% 33% 3% 5% 2% 5% $348,000 $427,000 $78,000 $130,600 $161 $176 $59 $151 $161 $167 $59 $152 $317,500 $210,000 3,843% 3,236% 2,796% 2,470% 481225 22 - - New Construction x
882 1138 - - 292425000000011 Pinnacle Pointe 13301 Amber Lake Boulevard Orlando 32824 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;SAIL;State Bonds 268 268 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2002 2004 For-Profit 2056 28.366425982 -81.370422021 016813 1 - 60 88 80 40 David Deutch, 9400 South Dadeland Boulevard, Suite 100, Miami, 33156, contact phone: 3058547100, email: david@pinnaclehousing.org Pinnacle Housing Group LLC 0 0 268 0 0 - 643 779 905 1009 66 - 70 78 89 97 99 12979638 x - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2003 - 2004 2002 - - - - - - 2055 - 2056 2054 - - - - - - - - - N N Y 2.70 17 58 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 31156 1 1 4 4 90 40.93 15 66 19 264 FHFC TIC Report 29% 13% 64% 57% 36% 43% 64% 41% 18% 38% 0% 19% 70% 33% 11% 5% 1% 5% $299,000 $427,000 $90,500 $130,600 $162 $176 $146 $151 $168 $167 $146 $152 $286,500 $210,000 1,153% 3,236% 1,737% 2,470% 308509 12 - - New Construction x
770 647 - - 292315014800120 Pointe Vista 5455 Pointe Vista Circle Orlando 32839 Orange Large Housing Credits 9%;SAIL 100 100 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1996 1997 For-Profit 2049 28.484819987 -81.406029016 016907 4 - - 56 36 8 Lou Vogt, 501 North Magnolia Avenue, Orlando, 32801, contact phone: 4073770695, email: lvogt@banyanadvisor.com Banyan Realty Advisors 15 0 85 0 0 - - 758 890 945 64 - - 80 84 85 99 2750973 - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1996 1997 - - - - - - - - 2048 2049 - - - - - - - - - - N Y N 2.82 8 63 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 29393 1 4 9 9 77 38.41 31 48 21 99 FHFC TIC Report 29% 13% 15% 57% 85% 43% 78% 41% 4% 38% 58% 19% 31% 33% 1% 5% 5% 5% $230,000 $427,000 $59,000 $130,600 $136 $176 $114 $151 $138 $167 $119 $152 $117,000 $210,000 4,222% 3,236% 1,521% 2,470% 111492 7 - - New Construction x
1261 648 - - 292315014800120 Pointe Vista II 5455 Pointe Vista Circle Orlando 32839 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Local Bonds;SAIL 288 288 x - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy 1997 1997 For-Profit 2050 28.484819987 -81.406029016 016907 4 - - 192 56 40 Lou Vogt, 501 North Magnolia Avenue, Orlando, 32801, contact phone: 4073770695, email: lvogt@banyanadvisor.com Banyan Realty Advisors 0 0 288 0 0 - - 774 906 1014 67 - - 80 82 93 99 2750973 x - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x 1997 - 1998 - - - - - - - 2049 - 2050 - - - - - - - - - - 2029 N Y N 2.75 7 60 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 31631 0 2 4 7 87 41.32 19 59 22 272 FHFC TIC Report 29% 13% 15% 57% 85% 43% 78% 41% 4% 38% 58% 19% 31% 33% 1% 5% 5% 5% $230,000 $427,000 $59,000 $130,600 $136 $176 $114 $151 $138 $167 $119 $152 $117,000 $210,000 4,222% 3,236% 1,521% 2,470% 111492 16 - - New Construction x
7536 2902 - - 292207000000076 Preserve at Emerald Villas 3204 El Primo Way Orlando 32808 Orange Large Extremely Low Income;Housing Credits 4%;SAIL;State Bonds 96 96 x - - - - Elderly;Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 2016 not avail. For-Profit 2068 28.584183 -81.455131 012307 4 0 87 9 0 0 not avail. Related Group of Florida 0 10 86 0 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. x - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2016 - 2016 2016 - - - - - - 2068 - 2068 2068 - - - - - - - - - not avail. N N 1.18 83 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 24659 1 0 18 17 63 38.91 35 45 20 92 FHFC TIC Report 2% 13% 51% 57% 49% 43% 0% 41% 9% 38% 62% 19% 19% 33% 0% 5% 10% 5% $278,950 $427,000 $113,950 $130,600 $120 $176 $70 $151 $120 $167 $66 $152 $0 $210,000 4,015% 3,236% 2,522% 2,470% not avail. 8 - - not avail. x
7351 2745 - - 312223000000034 Quest Village 1389 Woodbury Road Orlando 32828 Orange Large Housing Credits 9%;Legislative Appropriation;SAIL 48 48 x - - - - Family;Persons with Disabilities Ready for Occupancy 2014 2017 Non-Profit 2066 28.556861646 -81.194339229 016743 2 0 48 0 0 0 John Gill, 500 E. Colonial Drive, Orlando, 32803, contact phone: 4072184300, email: jgill@questinc.org Life Concepts, Inc. dba Quest, Inc. 0 12 36 0 0 not avail. 555 not avail. not avail. not avail. 61 not avail. 59 not avail. not avail. not avail. 98 120750 - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2014 2014 - - - - - - - - 2066 2066 - - - - - - - - - - not avail. N Y 1.02 2 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 20332 0 4 13 28 55 32.91 45 51 4 47 FHFC TIC Report 4% 13% 59% 57% 41% 43% 0% 41% 41% 38% 3% 19% 33% 33% 18% 5% 5% 5% $479,000 $427,000 $159,000 $130,600 $157 $176 $64 $151 $157 $167 $60 $152 $0 $210,000 4,263% 3,236% 1,679% 2,470% not avail. 12 - - not avail. x
73300 - - FL004000002 302230331404000 Reeves Terrace 301 Hillside Ave Orlando 32803 Orange Large Public Housing 224 219 219 - - x - - Elderly;Family Ready for Occupancy 1951 2004 Public Housing Authority 28.546225013 -81.353427964 018400 1 not avail. 70 79 70 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 3545095 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N Y 2.20 41.81 39.55 5 2 5 58.19 21626 1.13 18.08 26.55 12.43 41.81 25.28 62.71 27 10 177 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 8% 13% 54% 57% 46% 43% 50% 41% 46% 38% 2% 19% 48% 33% 1% 5% 3% 5% $415,100 $427,000 $118,600 $130,600 $227 $176 $100 $151 $234 $167 $108 $152 $515,000 $210,000 2,275% 3,236% 2,888% 2,470% 43022 2 - - not avail.
3029 - 800211340 - 292207584400730 Reserve At Indian Hill 5206 Indian Hills Road Orlando 32808 Orange Large Rental Assistance/HUD;Section 202 Capital Advance 70 69 69 - x - - - Elderly Ready for Occupancy 2002 2003 Non-Profit 2044 28.588218013 -81.452335008 012307 4 0 69 0 0 0 not avail. National Church Residences of Orlando Florida Inc 2245 North Bank Drive - Columbus, OH 43220- (614) 451-2151 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 61 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 3511518 - - - - - - - - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2023 - - - - - - - - - - 2028 2044 - - - - - - Y N 1.00 100 not avail. 4 1 57 37 13708 -1 13 51 21 15 23 82 18 0 68 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 2% 13% 51% 57% 49% 43% 0% 41% 9% 38% 62% 19% 19% 33% 0% 5% 10% 5% $278,950 $427,000 $113,950 $130,600 $120 $176 $70 $151 $120 $167 $66 $152 $0 $210,000 4,015% 3,236% 2,522% 2,470% 52187 1 85c 2023-08-18 not avail. x
8294 3630 - - 292207584400730 Reserve at Indian Hill 5206 Indian Hill Road Orlando Orange Large Extremely Low Income;Housing Credits 4%;SAIL;State Bonds 70 70 x - - - - Elderly Not Ready for Occupancy 2024 2003 not avail. 28.588187 -81.452227 012307 4 69 1 0 7 63 0 0 not avail. not avail. x - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2024 - 2024 2024 - - - - - - not avail. - not avail. not avail. - - - - - - - - - not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 2% 13% 51% 57% 49% 43% 0% 41% 9% 38% 62% 19% 19% 33% 0% 5% 10% 5% $278,950 $427,000 $113,950 $130,600 $120 $176 $70 $151 $120 $167 $66 $152 $0 $210,000 4,015% 3,236% 2,522% 2,470% - - not avail. x
376 883 - - 302224885600040 Retreat at Valencia 8413 Valencia Village Lane Orlando 32825 Orange Large State Bonds 336 168 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1999 2000 For-Profit 2031 28.555578002 -81.272354005 016739 2 - 92 132 72 40 not avail. CED Companies 0 0 168 0 0 - 757 852 979 1055 68 - not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 97 12816039 - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1999 - - - - - - - - - 2031 - - - - - - - - - N N N 2.38 18 48 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 28712 5 5 19 6 65 38.59 40 27 33 172 FHFC TIC Report 13% 13% 41% 57% 59% 43% 74% 41% 20% 38% 13% 19% 53% 33% 12% 5% 1% 5% $240,000 $427,000 $80,000 $130,600 $156 $176 $102 $151 $155 $167 $98 $152 $162,000 $210,000 4,941% 3,236% 1,398% 2,470% 389444 16 - - New Construction x
384 688 - - 292320000000003 Ridge Club 5839 Ridge Club Loop Orlando 32839 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Housing Credits 9%;State Bonds 216 216 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1992 1993 For-Profit 2066 28.472730014 -81.438116031 016911 4 - 48 96 72 - M. Dale Dodson, 15950 North Dallas Parkway, Suite 300, Dallas, 75248, contact phone: 9727692002, email: ddodson@dalcorcompanies.com Dalcor Holdings LLC 0 0 216 0 0 - 614 737 839 - 67 - 79 104 133 - 98 7466807 x x - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2014 1992 - 2014 - - - - - - 2066 2044 - 2066 - - - - - - - - - N N N 2.49 13 53 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 31791 0 2 3 5 89 43.05 18 59 23 206 FHFC TIC Report 18% 13% 0% 57% 100% 43% 74% 41% 17% 38% 31% 19% 49% 33% 3% 5% 1% 5% $427,000 $130,600 $176 $109 $151 $167 $69 $152 $210,000 3,010% 3,236% 480% 2,470% 222390 12 - - New Construction
44 689 - - 292320000000003 Ridge Club II 4602 Oak Haven Dr. Orlando 32839 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Housing Credits 9%;SAIL;State Bonds 156 156 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1994 1993 For-Profit 2046 28.473532507 -81.436157519 016911 4 - 60 72 24 - M. Dale Dodson, 15950 North Dallas Parkway, Suite 300, Dallas, 75248, contact phone: 9727692002, email: ddodson@dalcorcompanies.com Dalcor Holdings LLC 0 0 156 0 0 - 631 734 830 - 68 - 75 107 133 - 97 7466807 x x x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2014 1995 1994 2014 - - - - - - 2046 2027 2026 2046 - - - - - - - - - N N N 2.12 12 48 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 30773 0 1 5 4 90 43.41 15 60 25 147 FHFC TIC Report 18% 13% 0% 57% 100% 43% 74% 41% 17% 38% 31% 19% 49% 33% 3% 5% 1% 5% $427,000 $130,600 $176 $109 $151 $167 $69 $152 $210,000 3,010% 3,236% 480% 2,470% 222390 8 - - New Construction
97 699 - - 312222000000017 River Reach - Orlando 1500 River Reach Drive Orlando 32828 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 300 300 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1994 1996 For-Profit 2046 28.560019992 -81.200285983 016742 1 - - 156 124 20 Michael Hornbrook, 321 North Clark Street, Suite 500, Chicago, 60654, contact phone: 3124456341, email: michael.hornbrook@lakesidecapitallp.com Lakeside Capital Advisors LP 0 0 300 0 0 - - 751 851 959 66 - - 111 136 163 99 44582300 2020-2 11841445 - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1994 - - - - - - - - - 2046 - - - - - - - - - - - N N Y 2.83 14 65 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 29441 1 3 2 5 89 38.15 20 66 14 295 FHFC TIC Report 5% 13% 14% 57% 86% 43% 77% 41% 39% 38% 12% 19% 39% 33% 1% 5% 9% 5% $319,000 $427,000 $106,000 $130,600 $181 $176 $144 $151 $181 $167 $167 $152 $0 $210,000 794% 3,236% 2,387% 2,470% 355353 14 - - New Construction x
7170 2540 - - 312308374900040 River Ridge 9975 Hidden River Drive Orlando 32825 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Local Bonds 160 160 x - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy 2011 2012 For-Profit 2043 28.508966996 -81.242194838 016753 1 - 18 24 95 23 Jay Brock, 335 North Knowles Avenue, Suite 101, Winter Park, 32789, contact phone: 4077418682, email: jbrock@sashousing.org Southern Affordable Services Inc. 0 0 160 0 0 - 643 760 877 971 63 - 83 90 117 140 99 8159424 x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x 2011 - - - - - - - - - 2043 - - - - - - - - - - - - N N N 3.14 10 76 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 30514 4 6 3 10 76 37.83 32 48 20 157 FHFC TIC Report 23% 13% 47% 57% 53% 43% 23% 41% 24% 38% 7% 19% 61% 33% 1% 5% 6% 5% $427,850 $427,000 $152,850 $130,600 $170 $176 $125 $151 $170 $167 $125 $152 $275,400 $210,000 4,688% 3,236% 3,422% 2,470% 205423 13 - - not avail. x
219 742 800244138 - 292326000000002 Sand Lake Pointe 7517 Sand Lake Pointe Loop Orlando 32809 Orange Large Housing Credits 9%;SAIL;Section 223(f) Refi/Purchase 312 312 x x - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2000 2002 For-Profit 2052 28.454500003 -81.377509004 014202 1 - - 216 72 24 Lou Vogt, 501 North Magnolia Avenue, Orlando, 32801, contact phone: 4073770695, email: lvogt@banyanadvisor.com 47 0 265 0 0 - - 757 881 996 65 - - 58 67 89 99 12749726 - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2000 2000 - - - - - - - - 2052 2052 - - - - - - - - - - N N N 2.60 13 56 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 28433 2 5 4 10 79 38.06 33 45 22 306 FHFC TIC Report 21% 13% 44% 57% 56% 43% 19% 41% 12% 38% 10% 19% 68% 33% 6% 5% 4% 5% $360,000 $427,000 $126,000 $130,600 $163 $176 $98 $151 $164 $167 $96 $152 $0 $210,000 4,651% 3,236% 2,347% 2,470% 360584 14 77c* 2023-08-17 New Construction x
8203 3487 - - 302224000000051 Sandpiper Glen 2890 Donnybrook Dr Orlando 32825 Orange Large Housing Credits 4% 288 288 x - - - - Elderly;Family Not Ready for Occupancy 2021 not avail. not avail. 2053 28.565335 -81.264452 016713 1 147 109 32 0 0 288 0 0 not avail. not avail. x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2022 - - - - - - - - - 2053 - - - - - - - - - - - - N not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 3% 13% 70% 57% 30% 43% 0% 41% 25% 38% 6% 19% 62% 33% 3% 5% 4% 5% $328,000 $427,000 $109,500 $130,600 $183 $176 $147 $151 $184 $167 $64 $152 $0 $210,000 3,186% 3,236% 2,606% 2,470% - - x
152 766 - - 282214000000049 Seminole Ridge 2750 Renegade Drive Orlando 32818 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;State Bonds 240 240 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1999 2000 For-Profit 2032 28.580002994 -81.480401979 012304 3 - - 160 56 24 Lyle Lansdell, 555 Corporate Drive, Suite 110, Ladera Ranch, 92694, contact phone: 9517797791, email: lyle.lansdell@springboard.org 0 0 240 0 0 - - 767 888 990 67 - - 85 89 111 99 8785080 x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2000 - - 1999 - - - - - - 2032 - - 2031 - - - - - - - - - N N N 2.67 13 61 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 31254 1 4 1 9 85 41.31 24 53 23 224 FHFC TIC Report 1% 13% 59% 57% 41% 43% 24% 41% 2% 38% 79% 19% 17% 33% 0% 5% 1% 5% $325,000 $427,000 $120,000 $130,600 $137 $176 $101 $151 $133 $167 $86 $152 $0 $210,000 4,112% 3,236% 2,412% 2,470% 266645 18 - - New Construction x
1326 1168 800250712 - 282214000000023 Silver Hills 2602 Silver Hills Drive Orlando 32818 Orange Large Housing Credits 9%;Section 223(f) Refi/Purchase 272 272 x x - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2002 2004 For-Profit 2056 28.578649987 -81.483969987 012304 3 - - 190 82 - not avail. Leland Enterprises Inc. 0 152 120 0 0 - - 714 859 - 65 - - 97 102 - 99 22150000 2020-6 9949844 - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2002 - - - - - - - - - 2054 - - - - - - - - - - - N N N 2.56 7 67 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 27580 0 6 10 9 75 36.46 32 53 15 270 FHFC TIC Report 1% 13% 59% 57% 41% 43% 24% 41% 2% 38% 79% 19% 17% 33% 0% 5% 1% 5% $325,000 $427,000 $120,000 $130,600 $137 $176 $101 $151 $133 $167 $86 $152 $0 $210,000 4,112% 3,236% 2,412% 2,470% 306268 34 - - New Construction x
6518 3339 800211360 - 292205894300010 Silver Lakes Village Apartments 5102 Cinderlane Pkwy Orlando 32808 Orange Large Elderly Housing Community Loan;Rental Assistance/HUD;Section 202 Capital Advance 104 104 103 x x - - - Elderly;Family Ready for Occupancy 2003 2004 Non-Profit 2058 28.605285999 -81.431111023 012402 1 0 103 0 0 0 not avail. Orlando Volunteers of America Elderly Housing, Inc. 1660 Duke St - Alexandria, VA 22314-3473 703-341-5000 0 21 83 0 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 55 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 0 2020-3 3096100 - - - - - x - - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2024 - - - - - - - - - - 2029 2045 - - - - - - Y N 1.20 100 not avail. 13 1 10 76 13388 2 6 64 19 8 22 87 13 0 84 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 6% 13% 14% 57% 86% 43% 65% 41% 14% 38% 44% 19% 35% 33% 3% 5% 3% 5% $260,000 $427,000 $25,000 $130,600 $117 $176 $108 $151 $116 $167 $123 $152 $165,500 $210,000 1,978% 3,236% 1,439% 2,470% 135291 11 83b 2022-12-28 not avail.
240 - - - 282226000000035 South Hiawassee Village 38 N HIAWASSEE RD Orlando 32858 Orange Large Rental Assistance/RD;Section 515 58 58 55 - - - x - Elderly Ready for Occupancy 1979 1980 Limited Dividend 2033 28.541657002 -81.476780996 014805 1 - 38 20 - - not avail. not avail. - 647 687 - - 73 - not avail. not avail. - - not avail. 1273058 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x x - - - - - - - - - 1979 1979 - - - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. - N N 1.17 85 0 23 4 29 55 14876 0 37 42 12 10 30 not avail. not avail. not avail. 65 RD Multi Family Tenant Report 8% 13% 40% 57% 60% 43% 40% 41% 22% 38% 45% 19% 20% 33% 4% 5% 9% 5% $347,500 $427,000 $135,050 $130,600 $150 $176 $127 $151 $150 $167 $157 $152 $0 $210,000 3,496% 3,236% 2,226% 2,470% 40355 13 - - not avail. x
7029 - 800222831 - 312222781101000 St. Joseph Garden Courts 1501 N. Alafaya Trail Orlando 32828 Orange Large Rental Assistance/HUD;Section 202 Capital Advance 80 79 79 - x - - - Elderly Ready for Occupancy 2008 1975 Non-Profit 2048 28.563949009 -81.206518012 016741 1 0 79 0 0 0 not avail. St. Joseph Garden Courts, Inc. 1515 North Alafaya Trail - Orlando, FL 32828- 407-382-0808 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 63 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 5652624 - - - - - - - - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2023 - - - - - - - - - - 2024 2048 - - - - - - N Y 1.00 100 not avail. 9 3 -1 89 14190 1 3 61 21 14 24 80 20 0 80 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 9% 13% 24% 57% 76% 43% 100% 41% 24% 38% 18% 19% 46% 33% 3% 5% 9% 5% $397,000 $427,000 $155,000 $130,600 $174 $176 $168 $151 $171 $167 $167 $152 $249,900 $210,000 257% 3,236% 3,236% 2,470% 54718 1 85b 2022-09-08 not avail. x
35 810 - - 302314832510000 Stonebridge Landings I 7603 Fort DeSoto St Orlando 32822 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;State Bonds 272 272 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1998 1999 For-Profit 2032 28.486656001 -81.283197003 016754 1 - 24 140 108 - Robert Wolf, 4706 18th Avenue, Brooklyn, 11204, contact phone: 7189727878, email: rwolf@readprop.com Read Property Group LLC 0 0 272 0 0 - 649 772 897 - 67 - 70 90 94 - 100 11696442 x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2000 - - 1998 - - - - - - 2032 - - 2030 - - - - - - - - - N N Y 2.17 20 39 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 33844 1 4 4 8 84 47.37 21 40 39 271 FHFC TIC Report 4% 13% 52% 57% 48% 43% 0% 41% 15% 38% 0% 19% 81% 33% 0% 5% 4% 5% $310,000 $427,000 $103,000 $130,600 $164 $176 $88 $151 $165 $167 $88 $152 $0 $210,000 4,764% 3,236% 1,612% 2,470% 280953 13 - - New Construction x
19 814 - - 292226061202050 Studio Concord 920 W Concord Ave Orlando 32801 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 26 26 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1993 1974 Non-Profit 2045 28.550922986 -81.392823999 018901 3 26 - - - - not avail. JJWIN LLC 0 6 20 0 0 432 - - - - not avail. 58 - - - - not avail. 144796 - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1993 - - - - - - - - - 2045 - - - - - - - - - - - N N Y 1.04 19 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 26 FHFC TIC Report 22% 13% 39% 57% 61% 43% 65% 41% 53% 38% 27% 19% 15% 33% 2% 5% 2% 5% $470,000 $427,000 -$5,000 $130,600 $199 $176 $306 $151 $189 $167 $99 $152 $772,500 $210,000 1,649% 3,236% 3,155% 2,470% 5240 5 - - Acquisition/Rehab
1115 1146 - - 292203000000002 Sumerset Housing 1051 Lee Rd Orlando 32810 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;SAIL;State Bonds 148 148 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2002 1969 For-Profit 2055 28.607015982 -81.395778033 015202 3 - 26 77 45 - Eric Richelson, 4 New King Street, White Plains, 10604, contact phone: 9146811337, email: ericrichelson@aol.com Richelson Enterprises 0 30 118 0 0 - 639 750 867 - 68 - 72 100 104 - 98 3102771 x - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2003 - 2002 2002 - - - - - - 2055 - 2054 2054 - - - - - - - - - N N N 2.74 4 66 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 35425 0 1 4 2 93 46.36 12 46 42 143 FHFC TIC Report 11% 13% 39% 57% 61% 43% 17% 41% 32% 38% 35% 19% 25% 33% 2% 5% 6% 5% $303,000 $427,000 $109,500 $130,600 $162 $176 $105 $151 $165 $167 $115 $152 $0 $210,000 3,137% 3,236% 2,187% 2,470% 148371 7 - - Acquisition/Rehab x
4899 - - - 302322505800020 The Fountains At Lee Vista 5743 Bent Pine Drive Orlando 32822 Orange Large Local Bonds 508 375 - - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy not avail. 1987 For-Profit 2025 28.475506016 -81.308169962 013507 3 80 228 152 48 - not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. - not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. - not avail. 14985295 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2025 - N Y not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 11% 13% 11% 57% 89% 43% 69% 41% 18% 38% 13% 19% 63% 33% 4% 5% 1% 5% $240,000 $427,000 -$800 $130,600 $119 $176 $178 $151 $116 $167 $194 $152 $278,250 $210,000 2,976% 3,236% 799% 2,470% 243367 13 - - not avail.
1931 852 - - 292231868000011 Timber Sound 4927 Raleigh Street Orlando 32811 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Housing Credits 9%;SAIL;State Bonds 80 80 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1996 1998 For-Profit 2069 28.528832871 -81.443924435 014601 2 - - 40 40 - Jonathan ("Yoni") Gruskin, 201 Santa Monica Boulevard, Suite 550, Santa Monica, 90401, contact phone: 3034897187, email: yoni@lincolnavecap.com 12 0 68 0 0 - - 571 761 - 57 - - 112 140 - 99 100 2021-3 not avail. x x x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2017 1996 1997 2017 - - - - - - 2069 2048 2049 2069 - - - - - - - - - N Y Y 2.37 14 54 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 28753 0 9 16 6 68 38.91 37 38 25 79 FHFC TIC Report 19% 13% 31% 57% 69% 43% 28% 41% 5% 38% 70% 19% 15% 33% 2% 5% 9% 5% $245,000 $427,000 $90,000 $130,600 $136 $176 $66 $151 $145 $167 $64 $152 $0 $210,000 4,576% 3,236% 1,845% 2,470% 179729 10 - - New Construction
993 853 - - 292231868000011 Timber Sound II 4927 Raleigh Street Orlando 32811 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Housing Credits 9%;State Bonds 160 160 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1997 1998 For-Profit 2069 28.530777923 -81.443972132 014601 2 - - 80 80 - Jonathan ("Yoni") Gruskin, 201 Santa Monica Boulevard, Suite 550, Santa Monica, 90401, contact phone: 3034897187, email: yoni@lincolnavecap.com Lincoln Avenue Capital LLC 24 0 136 0 0 - - 700 779 - 62 - - 114 140 - 99 100 2021-3 not avail. x x - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2017 1997 - 2017 - - - - - - 2069 2049 - 2069 - - - - - - - - - N Y Y 2.70 8 69 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 27747 1 5 10 9 75 36.84 36 44 20 158 FHFC TIC Report 19% 13% 31% 57% 69% 43% 28% 41% 5% 38% 70% 19% 15% 33% 2% 5% 9% 5% $245,000 $427,000 $90,000 $130,600 $136 $176 $66 $151 $145 $167 $64 $152 $0 $210,000 4,576% 3,236% 1,845% 2,470% 179729 17 - - New Construction
8271 3576 - - 292235965100010 Town Oaks 1140 S Parramore Ave. Orlando Orange Large Extremely Low Income;Housing Credits 4%;Legislative Appropriation;State Bonds 60 60 x - - - - Family;Link Not Ready for Occupancy 2023 1986 not avail. 28.528122 -81.38955 018500 1 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 10 0 20 30 0 not avail. not avail. x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2023 - - 2023 - - - - - - not avail. - - not avail. - - - - - - - - - not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 17% 13% 46% 57% 54% 43% 46% 41% 27% 38% 41% 19% 25% 33% 0% 5% 7% 5% $207,500 $427,000 $107,500 $130,600 $124 $176 $151 $112 $167 $152 $391,250 $210,000 2,147% 3,236% 1,118% 2,470% - - not avail.
310 882 800249845 - 302225892500002 Valencia Park 532 Park Tree Terrace Orlando 32825 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Housing Credits 9%;Section 223(f) Refi/Purchase;State Bonds 208 208 x x - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1993 1995 For-Profit 2056 28.552398998 -81.265818971 016714 1 - - 40 168 - Gidi Cohen, 6301 Owensmouth Avenue, Suite 730, Woodland Hills, 91367, contact phone: 9493944455, email: gcohen@cohen-associates.net Cohen and Associates LLC 0 0 208 0 0 - - 756 879 - 64 - - 93 103 - 99 100 2020-12 9463190 x x - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2020 1993 - 2020 - - - - - - 2052 2025 - 2052 - - - - - - - - - N N N 3.05 15 68 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 34840 0 4 4 7 84 43.66 19 51 30 206 FHFC TIC Report 5% 13% 78% 57% 22% 43% 38% 41% 20% 38% 16% 19% 57% 33% 6% 5% 1% 5% $365,000 $427,000 $135,000 $130,600 $169 $176 $163 $151 $166 $167 $163 $152 $0 $210,000 4,077% 3,236% 2,932% 2,470% 242162 28 - - New Construction x
1899 1032 800243058 - 312230000000040 Valencia Trace 101 Grande Valencia Drive Orlando 32825 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Section 223(f) Refi/Purchase;State Bonds 229 229 x x - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2002 2003 For-Profit 2051 28.544397004 -81.253420963 016713 4 - 24 97 84 24 Stefan Davis, 20725 SW 46th Avenue, Newberry, 32669, contact phone: 3524727773, email: stefanD@davisandsons.com 0 0 229 0 0 - 637 684 886 992 61 - 58 74 77 75 99 9704535 x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2002 - - 2002 - - - - - - 2034 - - 2034 - - - - - - - - - N N N 2.52 18 45 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 29352 1 4 6 9 80 39.24 27 53 20 222 FHFC TIC Report 3% 13% 70% 57% 30% 43% 0% 41% 25% 38% 6% 19% 62% 33% 3% 5% 4% 5% $328,000 $427,000 $109,500 $130,600 $183 $176 $147 $151 $184 $167 $64 $152 $0 $210,000 3,186% 3,236% 2,606% 2,470% 270987 16 90c 2022-04-20 New Construction x
7485 2873 - - 292220888501000 Village on Mercy 1766 Mercy Drive Orlando 32808 Orange Large DVF;Housing Credits 9%;SAIL 166 166 x - - - - Homeless;Link Ready for Occupancy 2016 2019 Non-Profit 2068 28.567029987 -81.430590004 018700 4 43 43 50 30 0 Shannon Nazworth, 3740 Beach Boulevard, Suite 304, Jacksonville, 32207, contact phone: 9043599650, email: info@abilityhousing.org Ability Housing Inc. 0 25 141 0 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2016 2016 - - - - - - - - 2068 2068 - - - - - - - - - - not avail. N N 2.02 17 44 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 19482 14 9 23 8 46 27.51 57 33 10 154 FHFC TIC Report 13% 13% 42% 57% 58% 43% 15% 41% 25% 38% 59% 19% 14% 33% 0% 5% 2% 5% $266,750 $427,000 $106,750 $130,600 $150 $176 $83 $151 $137 $167 $68 $152 $395,500 $210,000 3,154% 3,236% 3,749% 2,470% not avail. 4 - - not avail.
6962 2128 - FL004000014 292234121101090 Villas at Carver Park 854 Carver Park Street Orlando 32805 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Public Housing;State Bonds 64 64 64 x - x - - Elderly;Family Ready for Occupancy 2006 2009 Public Housing Authority 28.531504003 -81.391694034 010400 1 - 64 - - - not avail. Finlay Holdings, Inc. 0 0 64 0 0 - not avail. - - - not avail. - 83 - - - 100 2126989 x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - 2008 - - 2006 - - - - - - 2040 - - 2038 - - - - - - - - - N Y N 1.20 100 0 3 2 3 60 13867 3.33 5 61.67 15 15 16.4 85 15 0 60 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 28% 13% 10% 57% 90% 43% 7% 41% 9% 38% 74% 19% 15% 33% 0% 5% 2% 5% $195,000 $427,000 $77,500 $130,600 $127 $176 $66 $151 $128 $167 $57 $152 $0 $210,000 2,162% 3,236% 3,373% 2,470% 70314 1 - - New Construction
7604 2981 - - 302225891501000 Vista Pines 401 North Chicasaw Trail Orlando 32825 Orange Large Housing Credits 4% 238 238 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2017 2017 For-Profit 2049 28.548276987 -81.276224014 016739 3 0 12 18 179 29 Jay Brock, 335 North Knowles Avenue, Suite 101, Winter Park, 32789, contact phone: 4077418682, email: jbrock@sashousing.org Southern Affordable Services Inc. 0 71 96 71 0 not avail. 596 772 894 1032 61 not avail. 86 104 99 111 99 not avail. x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2017 - - - - - - - - - 2049 - - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. N N 3.54 10 86 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 33474 7 7 9 6 71 39.92 32 35 33 230 FHFC TIC Report 13% 13% 41% 57% 59% 43% 74% 41% 20% 38% 13% 19% 53% 33% 12% 5% 1% 5% $240,000 $427,000 $80,000 $130,600 $156 $176 $102 $151 $155 $167 $98 $152 $162,000 $210,000 4,941% 3,236% 1,398% 2,470% not avail. 16 - - not avail. x
124 919 - - 302305904300010 Watauga Woods 1637 Watauga Avenue Orlando 32812 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Housing Credits 9%;State Bonds 216 216 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1992 1993 For-Profit 2074 28.522372003 -81.334455023 013702 3 - 60 116 40 - J. David Page, 5403 West Gray Street, Tampa, 33609, contact phone: 2534603000, email: jdpage@vaughnbay.net Southport Financial Services, Inc 0 0 216 0 0 - 640 769 886 - 69 - 71 86 100 - 99 9141943 x x - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2022 1992 - 2022 - - - - - - 2074 2044 - 2074 - - - - - - - - - N N Y 2.17 21 40 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 31650 0 1 6 9 85 43.99 18 48 34 198 FHFC TIC Report 5% 13% 40% 57% 60% 43% 33% 41% 47% 38% 18% 19% 33% 33% 0% 5% 2% 5% $392,000 $427,000 $94,000 $130,600 $205 $176 $123 $151 $200 $167 $115 $152 $167,000 $210,000 2,443% 3,236% 2,389% 2,470% 207134 20 - - New Construction
374 922 - - 292415000000011 Waterbridge 11200 Isle of Waterbridge Orlando 32837 Orange Large State Bonds 280 154 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1998 1999 For-Profit 2030 28.402742002 -81.408017958 017019 1 - 120 104 56 - Jeffrey Danley, 4956 North 300 West, Suite 300, Provo, 84604, contact phone: 8013410303, email: jd@peakcapitalpartners.com Peak Capital Partners LLC 0 0 154 0 0 - 778 941 1047 - 76 - not avail. not avail. not avail. - 98 12382238 - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1998 - - - - - - - - - 2030 - - - - - - - - - N N Y 1.94 23 34 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 29678 0 2 8 8 82 42.47 21 50 29 154 FHFC TIC Report 10% 13% 59% 57% 41% 43% 50% 41% 14% 38% 7% 19% 75% 33% 2% 5% 3% 5% $349,500 $427,000 $129,500 $130,600 $172 $176 $88 $151 $168 $167 $88 $152 $0 $210,000 2,910% 3,236% 3,132% 2,470% 282393 19 - - New Construction x
1245 927 - - 312226897000010 Waterford East 13000 Island Bay Drive Orlando 32828 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 460 391 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1999 2001 For-Profit 2051 28.548476979 -81.192312027 016743 2 - 72 204 128 56 Jay Brock, 335 North Knowles Avenue, Suite 101, Winter Park, 32789, contact phone: 4077418682, email: jbrock@sashousing.org Southern Affordable Services Inc. 69 0 322 0 0 - 621 736 845 937 66 - 107 138 162 178 99 not avail. - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1999 - - - - - - - - - 2051 - - - - - - - - - - - N N Y 2.49 27 49 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 36671 3 2 12 7 75 48.43 27 31 42 387 FHFC TIC Report 4% 13% 59% 57% 41% 43% 0% 41% 41% 38% 3% 19% 33% 33% 18% 5% 5% 5% $479,000 $427,000 $159,000 $130,600 $157 $176 $64 $151 $157 $167 $60 $152 $0 $210,000 4,263% 3,236% 1,679% 2,470% 551911 41 - - New Construction x
1623 928 - - 312223000000042 Waterford Pointe 12900 Waterford Wood Circle Orlando 32828 Orange Large Housing Credits 4% 240 240 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2000 2001 For-Profit 2034 28.560736016 -81.194123021 016743 2 - - 120 120 - Scott Zimmerman, 501 North Magnolia Avenue, Orlando, 32801, contact phone: 4074471780, email: szimmerman@banyanadvisor.com Banyan Realty Advisors 0 0 240 0 0 - - 793 917 - 67 - - 68 75 - 99 10828296 x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2002 - - - - - - - - - 2034 - - - - - - - - - - - - N N Y 2.59 11 59 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 31337 1 4 4 8 84 41.58 21 54 25 235 FHFC TIC Report 4% 13% 59% 57% 41% 43% 0% 41% 41% 38% 3% 19% 33% 33% 18% 5% 5% 5% $479,000 $427,000 $159,000 $130,600 $157 $176 $64 $151 $157 $167 $60 $152 $0 $210,000 4,263% 3,236% 1,679% 2,470% 278207 14 - - New Construction x
8231 3511 - - 282106717205050 Waters 1255 Plymouth Sorrento Road Orlando 32712 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;State Bonds 192 192 x - - - - Elderly Not Ready for Occupancy 2021 1927 not avail. 2053 28.70288 -81.55511 017810 2 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 0 0 192 0 0 not avail. not avail. x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2021 - - 2022 - - - - - - 2053 - - 2053 - - - - - - - - - Y not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 19% 13% 77% 57% 23% 43% 0% 41% 32% 38% 41% 19% 23% 33% 4% 5% 0% 5% $429,000 $427,000 $147,000 $130,600 $145 $176 $119 $151 $147 $167 $119 $152 $203,100 $210,000 3,285% 3,236% 3,308% 2,470% - - Construction Category Not Found x
869 1197 - - 282227906700010 Wellesley 8775 Wellesley Lake Drive Orlando 32818 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;SAIL;State Bonds 312 312 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2002 2004 For-Profit 2055 28.548580999 -81.50378204 014805 2 - 60 156 96 - Andrew Sossen, 591 West Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, 06830, contact phone: 2034228191, email: asossen@starwood.com Starwood Capital Group 13 0 299 0 0 - 634 763 884 - 68 - 73 84 93 - 99 not avail. x - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2003 - 2002 2002 - - - - - - 2055 - 2054 2054 - - - - - - - - - N N N 2.35 14 51 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 29317 0 1 5 7 87 40.09 17 69 14 311 FHFC TIC Report 8% 13% 40% 57% 60% 43% 40% 41% 22% 38% 45% 19% 20% 33% 4% 5% 9% 5% $347,500 $427,000 $135,050 $130,600 $150 $176 $127 $151 $150 $167 $157 $152 $0 $210,000 3,496% 3,236% 2,226% 2,470% 326409 12 - - New Construction x
1048 1012 - - 312229236500010 Wentworth 10200 Dylan Street Orlando 32825 Orange Large Housing Credits 4% 264 264 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1997 1999 For-Profit 2050 28.543349015 -81.240830003 016724 3 - 48 144 72 - Andrew Sossen, 591 West Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, 06830, contact phone: 2034228191, email: asossen@starwood.com Starwood Capital Group 0 0 264 0 0 - 647 776 897 - 67 - 54 67 72 - 99 9390108 x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1998 - - - - - - - - - 2050 - - - - - - - - - - - - N N N 2.45 10 57 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 32172 1 2 2 4 91 43.31 13 61 26 258 FHFC TIC Report 15% 13% 37% 57% 63% 43% 26% 41% 35% 38% 10% 19% 40% 33% 12% 5% 2% 5% $316,000 $427,000 $95,000 $130,600 $176 $176 $119 $151 $174 $167 $60 $152 $258,000 $210,000 2,673% 3,236% 1,288% 2,470% 344847 12 - - New Construction x
181 938 - - 312229236500010 Wentworth II 10200 Dylan Street Orlando 32825 Orange Large Extremely Low Income;Housing Credits 4%;State Bonds 264 264 x - - - - Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 1998 1999 For-Profit 2041 28.543349015 -81.240830003 016724 3 - 48 128 88 - Andrew Sossen, 591 West Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, 06830, contact phone: 2034228191, email: asossen@starwood.com 50 0 214 0 0 - 580 682 807 - 60 - 55 66 76 - 99 9390108 x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1999 - - 1999 - - - - - - 2031 - - 2031 - - - - - - - - - N N N 2.48 13 53 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 29013 1 2 10 11 76 38.93 29 51 20 257 FHFC TIC Report 15% 13% 37% 57% 63% 43% 26% 41% 35% 38% 10% 19% 40% 33% 12% 5% 2% 5% $316,000 $427,000 $95,000 $130,600 $176 $176 $119 $151 $174 $167 $60 $152 $258,000 $210,000 2,673% 3,236% 1,288% 2,470% 344847 12 - - New Construction x
1855 - 800004573 - 292134000000022 West Kennedy Apartments 800 KENNEDY CIRCLE Orlando 32810 Orange Large Rental Assistance/HUD 80 79 79 - x - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1983 1983 For-Profit 2028 28.617585981 -81.400200995 015202 4 0 16 44 19 0 not avail. Crestar Financial North America, LLC 157 E New England Ave - Suite 402 Winter Park, FL 32789- 407-733-4018 not avail. 1665 850 2000 not avail. 102 not avail. 69 59 146 not avail. not avail. 2370000 - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2008 - - - - - - - - - - 2028 - - - - - - - N N 2.20 34 not avail. 3 -1 3 57 16391 16 10 29 14 30 23 72 24 4 79 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 11% 13% 39% 57% 61% 43% 17% 41% 32% 38% 35% 19% 25% 33% 2% 5% 6% 5% $303,000 $427,000 $109,500 $130,600 $162 $176 $105 $151 $165 $167 $115 $152 $0 $210,000 3,137% 3,236% 2,187% 2,470% 68654 12 96a 2022-06-07 not avail.
182 944 - - 282313862700010 Westbrook 4932 Eaglesmere Drive Orlando 32819 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;State Bonds 234 234 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1998 2000 For-Profit 2031 28.490137005 -81.465203996 014812 2 - 32 130 72 - Andrew Sossen, 591 West Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, 06830, contact phone: 2034228191, email: asossen@starwood.com Starwood Capital Group 0 0 234 0 0 - 597 723 854 - 67 - 99 110 130 - 99 34100 x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1999 - - 1998 - - - - - - 2031 - - 2030 - - - - - - - - - N Y Y 2.78 6 65 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 33241 0 2 1 3 95 43.30 10 64 26 231 FHFC TIC Report 17% 13% 32% 57% 68% 43% 61% 41% 43% 38% 8% 19% 36% 33% 7% 5% 6% 5% $487,500 $427,000 $157,500 $130,600 $177 $176 $183 $151 $174 $167 $207 $152 $195,000 $210,000 4,015% 3,236% 1,941% 2,470% 591 11 - - New Construction
6675 1639 - - 282213000000005 Westgate 2411 N Hiawassee Rd Orlando 32818 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Local Bonds 240 240 x - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy 2005 2006 For-Profit 2038 28.574902983 -81.473555975 012201 2 - - 120 120 - Charles Barrus, 3715 Northside Parkway NW, Suite 4-600, Atlanta, 30327, contact phone: 4072567922, email: CKB@woodpartners.com Wood Partners LLC 0 0 240 0 0 - - 770 898 - 66 - - 78 87 - 99 12641871 x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x 2005 - - - - - - - - - 2037 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2038 N Y N 2.62 6 69 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 28896 1 6 5 7 81 38.22 25 59 16 237 FHFC TIC Report 16% 13% 60% 57% 40% 43% 19% 41% 13% 38% 67% 19% 10% 33% 2% 5% 8% 5% $325,000 $427,000 $140,000 $130,600 $118 $176 $113 $151 $118 $167 $113 $152 $0 $210,000 4,178% 3,236% 4,551% 2,470% 301370 9 - - New Construction x
7556 2925 - - 282413925301000 Westwood Park 11037 Laguna Bay Drive Orlando 32821 Orange Large Housing Credits 4% 178 178 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2017 2017 For-Profit 2049 28.400949993 -81.473965012 017022 1 0 18 23 126 11 not avail. Southern Affordable Services Inc. 0 53 72 53 0 not avail. 669 804 930 1034 63 not avail. 54 65 67 79 99 not avail. x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2017 - - - - - - - - - 2049 - - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. N Y 3.10 10 75 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 31168 5 7 8 6 73 38.53 35 36 29 174 FHFC TIC Report 53% 13% 4% 57% 96% 43% 50% 41% 27% 38% 8% 19% 55% 33% 5% 5% 5% 5% $0 $427,000 -$822,500 $130,600 $272 $176 $203 $151 $247 $167 $207 $152 $175,000 $210,000 3,168% 3,236% 301% 2,470% not avail. not avail. - - not avail. x
7980 3435 - - 282213000000045 Whispering Oaks North Hiawassee Road and Alta Westgate Drive Orlando 32818 Orange Large DVF;Extremely Low Income;Housing Credits 4%;SAIL;State Bonds 192 192 x - - - - Family;Link Not Ready for Occupancy 2022 not avail. not avail. 2074 28.573822 -81.474094 012201 2 128 64 29 19 78 66 0 not avail. not avail. x - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2022 - 2022 2022 - - - - - - 2074 - 2074 2074 - - - - - - - - - N not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 16% 13% 60% 57% 40% 43% 19% 41% 13% 38% 67% 19% 10% 33% 2% 5% 8% 5% $325,000 $427,000 $140,000 $130,600 $118 $176 $113 $151 $118 $167 $113 $152 $0 $210,000 4,178% 3,236% 4,551% 2,470% - - Construction Category Not Found x
2020 - 800004579 - 292223160011032 William Booth Towers 633 LAKE DOT CIR Orlando 32801 Orange Large Rental Assistance/HUD;Section 223(f) Refi/Purchase 168 168 168 - x - - - Elderly Ready for Occupancy 1980 1980 Non-Profit 2052 28.551901993 -81.385184983 018901 2 - 168 - - - not avail. The Salvation Army Residences, Inc 1424 Northeast Expy NE - Atlanta, GA 30329-2018 404-728-1300 - 1688 - - - 100 - 0 - - - not avail. 7111887 - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2017 - - - - - - - - - - 2036 - - - - - - - N Y 1.10 94 not avail. 8 22 2 39 12381 3 6 72 12 8 20 91 8 1 161 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 22% 13% 39% 57% 61% 43% 65% 41% 53% 38% 27% 19% 15% 33% 2% 5% 2% 5% $470,000 $427,000 -$5,000 $130,600 $199 $176 $306 $151 $189 $167 $99 $152 $772,500 $210,000 1,649% 3,236% 3,155% 2,470% 103129 2 95c 2022-12-13 not avail.
2011 970 800247190 - 292306635600010 Willow Key 5590 Arnold Palmer Drive Orlando 32811 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Section 223(f) Refi/Purchase;State Bonds 384 384 x x - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1998 1999 For-Profit 2054 28.509697015 -81.457759022 014609 1 - - 196 148 40 not avail. 0 0 384 0 0 - - 766 888 972 66 - - 83 95 109 98 14810892 x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2019 - - 1998 - - - - - - 2041 - - 2030 - - - - - - - - - N Y Y 2.84 10 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 33591 0 2 4 5 90 46.19 16 57 27 377 FHFC TIC Report 32% 13% 13% 57% 87% 43% 36% 41% 17% 38% 48% 19% 24% 33% 4% 5% 7% 5% $270,000 $427,000 $112,750 $130,600 $124 $176 $134 $151 $122 $167 $134 $152 $205,000 $210,000 3,427% 3,236% 846% 2,470% 466457 16 63c* 2023-08-08 New Construction
2040 - 800004507 - 292220455001000 Windsor Cove Apartments 1488 MERCY DRIVE Orlando 32808 Orange Large HUD Mark-to-Market;Rental Assistance/HUD;Section 221(d)(4) MKT 256 256 256 - x - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1983 1973 For-Profit 2062 28.561923019 -81.431212025 018700 3 - - 96 160 - not avail. Jernigan Gardens FL TC, LP 1300 Key Tower - 127 Public Square Cleveland, OH 44114- 2165201250 - - 1258 1536 - 58 - - 138 149 - not avail. 28100000 2020-7 7583891 - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2020 - - - - - - - - - 2032 2040 - - - - - - - Y N 3.40 4 not avail. 1 -1 1 2 10410 51 4 17 6 22 13 85 13 2 247 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 13% 13% 42% 57% 58% 43% 15% 41% 25% 38% 59% 19% 14% 33% 0% 5% 2% 5% $266,750 $427,000 $106,750 $130,600 $150 $176 $83 $151 $137 $167 $68 $152 $395,500 $210,000 3,154% 3,236% 3,749% 2,470% 259843 32 31c* 2018-09-13 not avail.
1139 998 - - 282223000000007 Woodhill 7200 Woodhill Park Drive Orlando 32818 Orange Large Housing Credits 9%;SAIL 450 450 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1995 1996 For-Profit 2048 28.55744901 -81.485372028 014904 2 - 46 254 150 - Andrew Sossen, 591 West Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, 06830, contact phone: 2034228191, email: asossen@starwood.com Starwood Capital Group 0 90 360 0 0 - 526 710 815 - 62 - 64 74 80 - 98 9430100 - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1996 1995 - - - - - - - - 2048 2047 - - - - - - - - - - N Y N 2.64 7 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 28745 0 4 6 9 81 40.18 25 54 21 442 FHFC TIC Report 7% 13% 15% 57% 85% 43% 53% 41% 9% 38% 77% 19% 10% 33% 1% 5% 3% 5% $228,000 $427,000 $29,250 $130,600 $133 $176 $150 $151 $133 $167 $97 $152 $196,500 $210,000 5,057% 3,236% 2,098% 2,470% 525453 23 - - New Construction x
1296 1002 - - 282223920000090 Woodridge - Orlando 7351 Woodridge Park Drive Orlando 32818 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;State Bonds 254 254 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1999 2000 For-Profit 2031 28.554502981 -81.488780026 014904 2 - 46 136 72 - Andrew Sossen, 591 West Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, 06830, contact phone: 2034228191, email: asossen@starwood.com Starwood Capital Group 0 0 254 0 0 - 627 750 896 - 67 - 65 77 82 - 99 11505442 x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1999 - - 1999 - - - - - - 2031 - - 2031 - - - - - - - - - N Y N 2.55 8 67 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 31508 0 2 4 4 90 42.00 16 61 23 250 FHFC TIC Report 7% 13% 15% 57% 85% 43% 53% 41% 9% 38% 77% 19% 10% 33% 1% 5% 3% 5% $228,000 $427,000 $29,250 $130,600 $133 $176 $150 $151 $133 $167 $97 $152 $196,500 $210,000 5,057% 3,236% 2,098% 2,470% 242752 11 - - New Construction x
1043 116 - - 272402000000017 Buena Vista Place 8825 Buena Place Windermere 34786 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 256 256 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1998 1999 For-Profit 2050 28.433025986 -81.578190039 017112 3 - 36 120 100 - Andrew Sossen, 591 West Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, 06830, contact phone: 2034228191, email: asossen@starwood.com Starwood Capital Group 39 0 217 0 0 - 603 720 817 - 62 - 67 77 83 - 99 10669962 - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1998 - - - - - - - - - 2050 - - - - - - - - - - - N N Y 2.36 17 44 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 29479 1 1 8 8 83 40.32 23 55 22 253 FHFC TIC Report 6% 13% 59% 57% 41% 43% 50% 41% 53% 38% 1% 19% 33% 33% 6% 5% 7% 5% $532,000 $427,000 $182,100 $130,600 $174 $176 $165 $151 $173 $167 $204 $152 $374,400 $210,000 5,287% 3,236% 1,547% 2,470% 263923 11 - - New Construction x
1042 117 - - 272402000000017 Buena Vista Place II 8825 Buena Place Windermere 34786 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Local Bonds 84 84 x - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy 1999 1999 For-Profit 2039 28.433025986 -81.578190039 017112 3 - 36 24 24 - Andrew Sossen, 591 West Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, 06830, contact phone: 2034228191, email: asossen@starwood.com Starwood Capital Group 0 0 84 0 0 - 643 768 902 - 68 - 66 78 85 - 100 10669962 x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x 1999 - - - - - - - - - 2031 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2039 N N Y 2.06 13 36 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 29347 0 1 2 4 93 42.00 13 66 21 84 FHFC TIC Report 6% 13% 59% 57% 41% 43% 50% 41% 53% 38% 1% 19% 33% 33% 6% 5% 7% 5% $532,000 $427,000 $182,100 $130,600 $174 $176 $165 $151 $173 $167 $204 $152 $374,400 $210,000 5,287% 3,236% 1,547% 2,470% 263923 3 - - New Construction x
202 - - - 272213372100090 Bay Pointe Apts 1053 HORIZON STREET Winter Garden 34787 Orange Large Rental Assistance/RD;Section 515 61 61 44 - - - x - Family Ready for Occupancy 1989 1990 Limited Dividend 2040 28.566446984 -81.568744975 017402 2 - 14 30 15 2 not avail. not avail. - 356 515 110 574 37 - not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 1046525 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x x - - - - - - - - - 1990 1990 - - - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. N N 2.30 16 39 2 0 93 12 26221 4 18 30 23 25 33 not avail. not avail. not avail. 131 RD Multi Family Tenant Report 8% 13% 41% 57% 59% 43% 32% 41% 34% 38% 30% 19% 27% 33% 7% 5% 2% 5% $262,500 $427,000 $94,000 $130,600 $147 $176 $78 $151 $157 $167 $63 $152 $210,000 $210,000 3,513% 3,236% 3,089% 2,470% 43318 23 - - not avail.
1333 - - - 272222000000045 Evergreen Garden Apartments 678 W BAY STREET Winter Garden 32787 Orange Large Rental Assistance/RD;Section 515 33 33 21 - - - x - Family Ready for Occupancy 1984 1984 Limited Dividend 2034 28.564859996 -81.595630013 017301 1 - 18 15 - - not avail. not avail. - 530 560 - - 59 - not avail. not avail. - - not avail. 926151 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x x - - - - - - - - - 1984 1984 - - - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. - N N 1.64 48 6 42 3 18 54 22735 0 6 27 21 45 44 not avail. not avail. not avail. 48 RD Multi Family Tenant Report 3% 13% 64% 57% 36% 43% 0% 41% 73% 38% 5% 19% 19% 33% 0% 5% 3% 5% $520,250 $427,000 $150,500 $130,600 $186 $176 $140 $151 $182 $167 $84 $152 $0 $210,000 2,712% 3,236% 2,524% 2,470% 24833 7 - - not avail.
70 598 - - 272222000000073 Park Avenue Villas 48 South Park Avenue Winter Garden 34787 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Local Bonds;SAIL 120 120 x - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy 1999 1974 For-Profit 2051 28.562280004 -81.593095996 017301 1 - 72 48 - - Lou Vogt, 501 North Magnolia Avenue, Orlando, 32801, contact phone: 4073770695, email: lvogt@banyanadvisor.com Banyan Realty Advisors 0 0 120 0 0 - 646 736 - - 69 - 51 72 - - 100 2202010 x - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x 1999 - 1999 - - - - - - - 2051 - 2051 - - - - - - - - - - 2031 N N N 1.72 12 26 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 27257 0 2 4 12 82 40.29 22 58 20 117 FHFC TIC Report 3% 13% 64% 57% 36% 43% 0% 41% 73% 38% 5% 19% 19% 33% 0% 5% 3% 5% $520,250 $427,000 $150,500 $130,600 $186 $176 $140 $151 $182 $167 $84 $152 $0 $210,000 2,712% 3,236% 2,524% 2,470% 92200 9 - - Acquisition/Rehab - New Construction
17 943 - - 272227000000063 West Pointe Villas 1201 West Pointe Villas Blvd. Winter Garden 34787 Orange Large Housing Credits 4%;Local Bonds;SAIL 288 288 x - - - x Family Ready for Occupancy 2000 2001 For-Profit 2054 28.548779985 -81.604143009 017302 3 - - 200 72 16 Scott Zimmerman, 501 North Magnolia Avenue, Orlando, 32801, contact phone: 4074471780, email: szimmerman@banyanadvisor.com Banyan Realty Advisors 0 0 288 0 0 - - 735 842 977 65 - - 79 88 95 99 14003230 x - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x 2002 - 2000 - - - - - - - 2054 - 2052 - - - - - - - - - - 2032 N N N 2.49 14 56 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 31114 0 2 2 5 90 41.80 15 67 18 283 FHFC TIC Report 11% 13% 49% 57% 51% 43% 0% 41% 32% 38% 11% 19% 51% 33% 5% 5% 2% 5% $265,000 $427,000 -$9,000 $130,600 $191 $176 $138 $151 $177 $167 $120 $152 $229,000 $210,000 4,411% 3,236% 2,884% 2,470% 331643 37 - - New Construction
1604 - 800003964 - 292212499602040 Calvary Towers 1099 CLAY ST Winter Park 32789 Orange Large Rental Assistance/HUD 156 156 156 - x - - - Elderly Ready for Occupancy 1981 1981 For-Profit 2041 28.58908202 -81.374091032 019000 1 - 156 - - - not avail. Calvary Towers LP 795 Ridge Lake Boulevard, Suite 300 - Memphis, TN 38120- 415-572-4511 - 1800 - - - 128 - 0 - - - not avail. 7212683 - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2021 - - - - - - - - - - 2041 - - - - - - - N Y 1.10 99 not avail. 39 4 1 52 15918 1 6 52 17 24 26 72 25 3 163 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 9% 13% 45% 57% 55% 43% 38% 41% 72% 38% 6% 19% 15% 33% 1% 5% 6% 5% $420,000 $427,000 $80,000 $130,600 $244 $176 $162 $151 $233 $167 $174 $152 $225,000 $210,000 936% 3,236% 3,657% 2,470% 133937 1 97b* 2022-02-16 not avail.
498 294 800247730 - 302211000000044 Golden Oaks 7701 Acorn Woods Circle Winter Park 32792 Orange Large Housing Credits 9%;SAIL;Section 223(f) Refi/Purchase 96 96 x x - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1991 1993 Non-Profit 2054 28.583260997 -81.284370972 016413 1 - - 48 48 - Robert Ansley, 101 South Terry Avenue, Orlando, 32805, contact phone: 4076481623, email: ansley@orlandoneighborhood.org 0 0 96 0 0 - - 600 710 - 61 - - 166 220 - 99 3874904 - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1991 1992 - - - - - - - - 2043 2044 - - - - - - - - - - N N Y 2.49 34 38 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 40648 0 0 9 7 85 52.91 18 33 49 91 FHFC TIC Report 2% 13% 55% 57% 45% 43% 46% 41% 26% 38% 20% 19% 52% 33% 0% 5% 1% 5% $315,000 $427,000 $90,100 $130,600 $177 $176 $107 $151 $181 $167 $107 $152 $0 $210,000 1,882% 3,236% 3,154% 2,470% 102803 6 not avail. not avail. New Construction x
7533 2899 - - 302211000000021 Goldenrod Pointe 5560 Solidago Drive Winter Park 32792 Orange Large Housing Credits 4% 70 70 x - - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 2016 2017 For-Profit 2048 28.590745995 -81.287514018 016407 1 0 6 18 35 11 not avail. Southern Affordable Services Inc. 0 0 70 0 0 not avail. 667 747 874 851 60 not avail. 75 84 97 121 98 not avail. x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2016 - - - - - - - - - 2048 - - - - - - - - - - - - not avail. N Y 3.53 7 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 30890 3 4 7 4 81 39.54 24 59 17 70 FHFC TIC Report 16% 13% 28% 57% 72% 43% 82% 41% 37% 38% 19% 19% 26% 33% 10% 5% 8% 5% $337,500 $427,000 $97,500 $130,600 $156 $176 $174 $151 $158 $167 $174 $152 $191,000 $210,000 2,438% 3,236% 945% 2,470% not avail. 4 - - not avail. x
7084 2472 - - not avail. Howell Branch Cove 7800 Spirit Lane Winter Park 32792 Orange Large Exchange;Housing Credits 9% 58 58 x - - - - Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 2010 not avail. Non-Profit 2062 28.615343 -81.279624 not avail. not avail. - - - 58 - Paul Missigman, 200 East Canton Avenue, Suite 102, Winter Park, 32789, contact phone: 4077418574, email: P.Missigman@atlantichousing.com Atlantic Housing Partners, LLLP 6 0 52 0 0 - - - 848 - 61 - - - 159 - 99 not avail. - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2010 - - - - - - - - - 2062 - - - - - - - - - - - N N Y 3.72 12 79 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 43207 5 4 4 5 82 51.82 19 42 39 57 FHFC TIC Report 13% 57% 43% 41% 38% 19% 33% 5% 5% $427,000 $130,600 $176 $151 $167 $152 $210,000 3,236% 2,470% not avail. 9 - - New Construction
6895 2088 - - 292201418405001 Plymouth 1550 Gay Road Winter Park 32789 Orange Large Elderly Housing Community Loan 196 40 x - - - - Elderly Ready for Occupancy 1971 1972 Non-Profit 2024 28.602091991 -81.368631982 019000 3 68 128 - - - not avail. Housing Authority City of Winter Park 0 40 0 0 0 not avail. not avail. - - - not avail. not avail. not avail. - - - not avail. 7137678 - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N N Y not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 9% 13% 45% 57% 55% 43% 38% 41% 72% 38% 6% 19% 15% 33% 1% 5% 6% 5% $420,000 $427,000 $80,000 $130,600 $244 $176 $162 $151 $233 $167 $174 $152 $225,000 $210,000 936% 3,236% 3,657% 2,470% 126632 1 - - Rehab
1096 739 800248550 - 332130300005A0000 San Jose Of Seminole 2353 Winter Woods Blvd. Winter Park 32792 Orange Large Housing Credits 9%;Section 223(f) Refi/Purchase;State HOME 121 121 x x - - - Family Ready for Occupancy 1992 1972 For-Profit 2055 28.6185 -81.3145 not avail. not avail. - 28 85 8 - Joseph Chapman IV, 1002 West 23rd Street, Suite 400, Panama City, 32405, contact phone: 8507698981, email: joey.chapman@royalamerican.com 0 25 96 0 0 - 599 712 871 - 67 - 82 97 109 - 97 not avail. - x - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1992 - - 1992 - - - - - - 2024 - - 2024 - - - - - - - - N N Y 2.14 22 35 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 30020 3 3 11 13 70 42.10 33 43 24 118 FHFC TIC Report 13% 57% 43% 41% 38% 19% 33% 5% 5% $427,000 $130,600 $176 $151 $167 $152 $210,000 3,236% 2,470% not avail. 10 89c* 2023-08-04 Acquisition/Rehab
74080 - - FL082000001 302206116802077 The Meadows And Tranquil Terrace 845 W Swoope Ave Winter Park 32789 Orange Large Public Housing 171 171 171 - - x - - Elderly;Family Ready for Occupancy 1975 1975 Public Housing Authority 28.602633001 -81.360272039 015901 1 0 65 50 56 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 193985 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N Y 2.40 30.72 50.00 11 1 -1 16.87 22264 5.03 7.55 27.04 18.87 41.51 26.3 61.45 23 16 166 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 8% 13% 34% 57% 66% 43% 34% 41% 57% 38% 13% 19% 10% 33% 12% 5% 8% 5% $882,500 $427,000 $540,500 $130,600 $300 $176 $147 $151 $299 $167 $112 $152 $617,500 $210,000 1,005% 3,236% 2,882% 2,470% 4093 4 - - not avail.
1742 - 800004180 - 302206116802052 The Oaks And The Meadows 700 N DENNING DR Winter Park 32789 Orange Large Rental Assistance/HUD;Section 223(f) Refi/Purchase 48 48 48 - x - - - Persons with Disabilities Ready for Occupancy 1985 1985 Non-Profit 2041 28.60322602 -81.360647968 015901 1 - 8 36 4 - not avail. Independent Housing Partners LP 700 N. Denning Drive - Winter Park, FL 32789- 404-274-1957 - 1142 1287 1410 - 97 - 78 88 163 - not avail. 1205966 - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2021 - - - - - - - - - - 2041 - - - - - - - N Y 1.80 30 not avail. 17 4 -1 26 15351 4 11 51 17 17 23 83 13 4 47 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households 8% 13% 34% 57% 66% 43% 34% 41% 57% 38% 13% 19% 10% 33% 12% 5% 8% 5% $882,500 $427,000 $540,500 $130,600 $300 $176 $147 $151 $299 $167 $112 $152 $617,500 $210,000 1,005% 3,236% 2,882% 2,470% 27312 1 84c 2022-04-12 not avail.
941 1094 - - 302211000000060 Threshold Inc. 3550 Goldenrod Rd Winter Park 32792 Orange Large Demonstration Project 4 4 x - - - - Family;Persons with Disabilities Ready for Occupancy 2001 1984 Non-Profit 2033 28.591256998 -81.287201038 016407 1 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. Threshold, Inc. 0 0 0 0 4 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 1213575 - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N Y Y not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 16% 13% 28% 57% 72% 43% 82% 41% 37% 38% 19% 19% 26% 33% 10% 5% 8% 5% $337,500 $427,000 $97,500 $130,600 $156 $176 $174 $151 $158 $167 $174 $152 $191,000 $210,000 2,438% 3,236% 945% 2,470% 20271 1 - - Acquisition x
7182 2586 - - 302206204000001 Village Park Senior 550 North Denning Drive Winter Park 32789 Orange Large Housing Credits 9% 105 100 x - - - - Elderly;Family;Link Ready for Occupancy 2012 not avail. For-Profit 2064 28.60140026 -81.360437928 015901 1 0 64 28 13 0 Paul Missigman, 200 East Canton Avenue, Suite 102, Winter Park, 32789, contact phone: 4077418574, email: P.Missigman@atlantichousing.com Atlantic Housing Partners, LLLP 11 0 89 0 0 not avail. 654 789 910 not avail. 69 not avail. 64 74 70 not avail. 99 5994504 - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2012 - - - - - - - - - 2064 - - - - - - - - - - - N N Y 1.18 95 0 not avail. not avail. not avail. not avail. 21427 0 3 28 22 46 33.85 53 39 8 99 FHFC TIC Report 8% 13% 34% 57% 66% 43% 34% 41% 57% 38% 13% 19% 10% 33% 12% 5% 8% 5% $882,500 $427,000 $540,500 $130,600 $300 $176 $147 $151 $299 $167 $112 $152 $617,500 $210,000 1,005% 3,236% 2,882% 2,470% 53098 1 - - New Construction

Notes: Data definitions and special notes available in AHI User Guide. See also AHI Map. Properties with HUD Public Housing funding often comprise multiple complexes or buildings; download Public Housing Buildings for a statewide, address-level list.

Sources: Data sources and last updates available in AHI User Guide.

Homeless Assistance Programs-Housing Inventory Count
Project Name Address City State Zip County Continuum of Care Provider Name Project Type Site or Tenant Based Units HH w/ Children Beds HH w/o Children Beds HH w/ only Children Total Beds McKinney Vento-funded Emergency Solutions Grant-Emergency Shelter Emergency Solutions Grant-Rapid Rehousing Continuum of Care-Safe Haven Continuum of Care-Transitional Housing Continuum of Care-Permanent Supportive Housing Continuum of Care-Rapid Rehousing Continuum of Care-SRO Shelter + Care Section 8 Mod Rehab SRO Supportive Housing Program Other Federal Funding VASH Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program VA Grant and Per Diem Program VA Community Contract Safe Haven Program VA Contract Residential Services VA Community Contract Safe Haven HHS Runaway and Homeless Youth Basic Center Program HHS Runaway and Homeless Youth Transitional Living Program HHS Runaway and Homeless Youth Maternity Group Homes HHS Runaway and Homeless Demonstration Project HOPWA Other Federal Funding
Aspire HP-CENTAUR HOPWA Housing:TH(510) 100 COLUMBIA ST ORLANDO FL 32806 Orange Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC Aspire Health Partners (105) Transitional Housing Tenant-based - scattered site 0 41 0 41 - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - x -
Aspire HP-CENTAUR HOPWA Short Term Shelter:ES(511) 106 COLUMBIA ST ORLANDO FL 32806 Orange Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC Aspire Health Partners (105) Emergency Shelter Site-based - clustered / multiple sites 0 2 0 2 - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - x -
Center for Multicultural Wellness & Prevention-HOPWA Housing:TH(515) 641 N RIO GRANDE AVE ORLANDO FL 32805 Orange Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC Center for Multicultural Wellness & Prevention (408) Transitional Housing Site-based - single site 11 0 0 24 - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - x -
Center for Multicultural Wellness & Prevention-HOPWA TBRA:PSH(497) 641 N RIO GRANDE AVE ORLANDO FL 32805 Orange Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC Center for Multicultural Wellness & Prevention (408) Permanent Supportive Housing Tenant-based - scattered site 6 11 0 27 - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - x -
Covenant House Orlando-Orange County:ES(810) 5931 E COLONIAL DR ORLANDO FL 32807 Orange Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC Covenant House (8) Emergency Shelter Site-based - single site 0 11 0 11 x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Covenant House-Orlando Housing:TH(196) 5931 E COLONIAL DR ORLANDO FL 32807 Orange Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC Covenant House (8) Transitional Housing Site-based - clustered / multiple sites 3 8 0 14 x - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Family Promise of Greater Orlando-Orange County:ES(377) 2313 1/2 N ORANGE AVE ORLANDO FL 32804 Orange Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC Family Promise of Greater Orlando (14) Emergency Shelter Site-based - single site 4 0 0 14 x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Grand Avenue ECDC-Homes for New Beginnings:PSH(181) 4049 S ORANGE BLOSSOM TRL ORLANDO FL 32839 Orange Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC Grand Avenue Economic Community Development Corp.(10) Permanent Supportive Housing Site-based - clustered / multiple sites 0 50 0 50 x - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Grand Avenue ECDC-Restore 1:PSH(797) 3200 W COLONIAL DR ORLANDO FL 32808 Orange Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC Grand Avenue Economic Community Development Corp.(10) Permanent Supportive Housing Site-based - clustered / multiple sites 0 28 0 28 x - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Grand Avenue ECDC-Restore 2:PSH(823) 3200 W COLONIAL DR ORLANDO FL 32808 Orange Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC Grand Avenue Economic Community Development Corp.(10) Permanent Supportive Housing Site-based - single site 0 40 0 40 x - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Grand Avenue ECDC-Safe Haven at Maxwell Garden Apartments:PSH(401) 4049 S ORANGE BLOSSOM TRL ORLANDO FL 32839 Orange Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC Grand Avenue Economic Community Development Corp.(10) Permanent Supportive Housing Site-based - single site 0 25 0 25 x - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Homeless Services Network-HUD Leasing:PSH(893) 4065 L B MCLEOD RD STE D ORLANDO FL 32811 Orange Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC Homeless Services Network (2) Permanent Supportive Housing Tenant-based - scattered site 0 104 0 104 x - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Homeless Services Network-HUD Rental Assistance & Services:PSH(889) 4065 L B MCLEOD RD STE D ORLANDO FL 32811 Orange Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC Homeless Services Network (2) Permanent Supportive Housing Tenant-based - scattered site 0 141 0 141 x - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Miracle of Love-HOPWA TBRA:PSH(489) 741 W COLONIAL DR ORLANDO FL 32804 Orange Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC Miracle of Love (440) Permanent Supportive Housing Site-based - clustered / multiple sites 8 20 0 41 - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - x -
Orange County-Shelter Plus Care 1:PSH(387) 2100 E MICHIGAN ST ORLANDO FL 32806 Orange Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC Orange County Government (445) Permanent Supportive Housing Tenant-based - scattered site 0 63 0 63 x - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Orlando Veterans Administration Medical Center:VASH(660) 5201 RAYMOND ST ORLANDO FL 32803 Orange Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC Orlando Veterans Administration Medical Center (157) Permanent Supportive Housing Tenant-based - scattered site 0 657 0 657 - - - - - - - - - - - x x - - - - - - - - - - -
St. Francis:TH (980) 2221 N WESTMORELAND DR ORLANDO FL 32804 Orange Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC St. Francis House of Hospitality (460) Transitional Housing Site-based - single site 0 5 0 5 - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - x -
X-Tending Hands:TH(982) 7067 BLAIR DR ORLANDO FL 32818 Orange Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC X-Tending Hands (981) Transitional Housing Site-based - single site 0 11 0 11 - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - x -
Ability Housing-Central Florida Villages:PSH 3740 Beach Blvd Orlando FL 32801 Orange Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC Wayne Densch Center (25) Permanent Supportive Housing Site-based - clustered / multiple sites 0 15 0 15 x - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Aspire HP-CENTAUR HOPWA TBRA:PSH(509) 106 W Columbia St Orlando FL 32806 Orange Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC Aspire Health Partners (105) Permanent Supportive Housing Tenant-based - scattered site 5 11 0 24 - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - x -
Covenant House Orlando-Crisis Shelter:ES(245) 5931 E. Colonial Dr. Orlando FL 32807 Orange Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC Covenant House (8) Emergency Shelter Site-based - single site 2 0 0 4 x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Homeless Services Network-ORN Bridge Housing:ES 4065 L B McLeod Rd Orlando FL 32811 Orange Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC Homeless Services Network (2) Emergency Shelter Tenant-based - scattered site 35 5 0 167 x x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Homeless Services Network-OSC Bridge Housing:ES 4065 L B McLeod Rd Orlando FL 32811 Orange Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC Homeless Services Network (2) Emergency Shelter Tenant-based - scattered site 6 0 0 25 x x - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - x
Miracle of Love-HOPWA Short Term Housing 741 West Colonial Drive Orlando FL 32804 Orange Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC Miracle of Love (440) Emergency Shelter Site-based - single site 1 1 0 3 - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - x -

Sources: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 2023 Housing Inventory Count

AHI - Lost Properties Inventory
LPI ID Shim ID FHFC HPP key Name Address City Zip County Total Units Estimated Assisted Units HUD/RD Rental Assistance Units Housing Program(s) FHFC Funded RD Funded LHFA Funded HUD Funded Year of Loss Tax Credit or Bond Property No Longer Under Use Restrictions HUD Section 8 Expired Contract/Opt-Out HUD Prepaid Mortgage HUD Assigned Mortgage RD Prepaid Mortgage Year Built/Funded Type of Ownership Population Served Latitude Longitude
143 1467 - Hawthorne Village Corp Of Apopka 1221 Washington St Apopka 32703 Orange 84 84 - Section 514/516 - x - - 2008 - - - - - 2004 not avail. Family 28.6609814217 -81.5162969917
154 1000154 - LAKE MANN GARDENS 701 IVEY LANE ORLANDO 32805 Orange 189 189 not avail. Section 236 - - - x 1998 - - x - - 1995 not avail. not avail. 28.531927493 -81.4320815962
169 1000169 - SAND LAKE VILLAS 700 RIDENHOUR CIR ORLANDO 32809 Orange 144 100 not avail. Rental Assistance/HUD;Section 236 - - - x 1997 - x - x - 1995 not avail. not avail. 28.4528256055 -81.3859408971
7 275 74 Belle Creste 2201 Dixie Belle Dr Orlando 32812 Orange 260 260 - Housing Credits 9% x - - - 2006 x - - - - 1992 For-Profit Family 28.5012888721 -81.4031555935
204 5034 - Boca Club 3114 Carter St. Orlando 32805 Orange 216 43 - Local Bonds - - x - 2005 x - - - - not avail. not avail. Family 28.533463461 -81.4161538531
594 1051 122 Callahan Oaks 659 West Jefferson Street Orlando 32801 Orange 40 24 - SAIL x - - - 2012 - - - - - 1988 For-Profit Family 28.544823 -81.388586
658 2182 130 Caribbean Key 4700 Cason Cove Drive Orlando 32811 Orange 352 176 - State Bonds x - - - 2014 x - - - - 1996 For-Profit Family 28.497866919 -81.440240542
380 1438 161 Chickasaw Crossings 7960 Pine Crossings Circle Orlando 32807 Orange 292 292 - State Bonds x - - - 2008 x - - - - 1987 For-Profit Family 28.5451787549 -81.2797816135
36 5038 - Coral Bay Apt. 3997 Rosewood Way Orlando 32808 Orange 344 69 - Local Bonds - - x - 2006 x - - - - not avail. not avail. Family 28.6057989472 -81.428691355
290 1078 193 Cornerstone At Mariner Village 2409 S Conway Rd Orlando 32812 Orange 430 430 - State Bonds x - - - 2006 x - - - - 1985 not avail. Family 28.5168287945 -81.3292115354
648 2168 241 Dovetail Villas II 5916 Mausser Drive Orlando 32822 Orange 160 160 - Housing Credits 9% x - - - 2014 x - - - - 1993 For-Profit Family 28.519668 -81.304473
232 4903 - Harbor Cove 5300 Cinderlane Parkway Orlando 32808 Orange 144 29 - Local Bonds - - x - 2005 x - - - - not avail. not avail. Family 28.6068065979 -81.4307887153
504 114 359 Highland Oaks 4793 N. Pine Hills Drive Orlando 32808 Orange 216 216 - Housing Credits 9% x - - - 2010 x - - - - 1990 For-Profit Family 28.6013406 -81.4502654921
639 4905 - Highland Pointe 7721 Silverpointe Blvd. Orlando 32822 Orange 272 272 - Local Bonds - - x - 2014 x - - - - 1985 For-Profit Family 28.521786 -81.28411
629 3126 - Hillcrest Hampton House 2000 Hillcrest St Orlando 32803 Orange 156 156 - HUD Use Agreement - - - x 2013 - - x - - 1971 For-Profit Elderly 28.55193688 -81.355681042
735 1097 371 Hollybrook - Orlando 7599 Groveoak Drive Orlando 32810 Orange 93 38 - State HOME x - - - 2016 - - - - - 1993 For-Profit Family 28.6255281636 -81.4677889873
21 5083 - Island Club 1401 S. Kirkman Rd. Orlando 32811 Orange 312 62 - Local Bonds - - x - 2005 x - - - - not avail. not avail. Family 28.5244838377 -81.456833888
750 27 395 Jackson Court II 523 W. Jackson Street Orlando 32805 Orange 16 10 - SAIL x - - - 2017 - - - - - 1990 For-Profit Family 28.5396115908 -81.3853352904
358 1243 829 Jasmine at Maitland 6750 Woodlake Drive Orlando 32810 Orange 324 324 - State Bonds x - - - 2003 x - - - - 1991 not avail. Family 28.6216660568 -81.4295295493
331 1242 828 Jasmine at Orlando East 7595 Suntree Circle Orlando 32807 Orange 296 296 - State Bonds x - - - 2003 x - - - - 1991 not avail. Family 28.5557724724 -81.2881322239
127 924 - Laurel Hill Villas I 7010 Balboa Drive Orlando 32808 Orange 59 59 not avail. Section 515 - x - - 2004 - - - - - not avail. not avail. Elderly 28.5571201004 -81.4802541149
718 2274 - Magnolia Towers 100 E Anderson St Orlando 32801 Orange 156 156 - HUD Use Agreement - - - x 2015 - - - - - 1965 Non-Profit Elderly 28.53678047500 -81.37700330860
257 6842 - Millennium Pointe 4255 Barnwood Drive Orlando 32809 Orange 200 40 - Local Bonds - - x - 2008 x - - - - not avail. For-Profit Family 28.5012888721 -81.4031555935
302 5017 - Misty Oaks Apartments 744 Spring West Orlando 32818 Orange 251 50 - Local Bonds - - x - 2005 x - - - - not avail. not avail. Family 28.5012888721 -81.4031555935
757 3056 - Monsignor Bishop Manor 815 Borders Cir., Ste144 Orlando 32808 Orange 144 144 - Section 236 - - - x 2017 - - - - - 1976 Non-Profit Elderly 28.5547053693 -81.4575856077
660 988 522 Monterey Lake 6701 Westwood Boulevard Orlando 32821 Orange 504 504 - State Bonds x - - - 2014 x - - - - 1991 For-Profit Family 28.413449743 -81.471704351
460 24 529 Mystic Pointe 10738 Mystic Circle Orlando 32824 Orange 373 373 - Housing Credits 9% x - - - 2009 x - - - - 1993 For-Profit Family 28.3996027798 -81.5350367128
547 6676 - Northbridge Phase II 4209 Millennia Blvd Orlando not avail. Orange 211 211 - Local Bonds - - x - 2012 x - - - - 2004 For-Profit Family 28.4808656 -81.43960919
105 4981 - Oakwood Apartments 4708 Olive Branch Road Orlando 32811 Orange 304 61 - Local Bonds - - x - 2005 x - - - - not avail. not avail. Family 28.4938298993 -81.43853786
270 4912 - Palms West 1717 Holden Avenue Orlando 32839 Orange 151 30 - Local Bonds - - x - 2005 x - - - - not avail. not avail. Family 28.4934812497 -81.4027077436
271 4911 - Palms at Brentwood 1801 Americana Blvd. Orlando 32839 Orange 768 154 - Local Bonds - - x - 2005 x - - - - not avail. not avail. Family 28.484031809 -81.4018474554
524 1302 633 Pines At Monterey 4401 South Kirkman Orlando 32811 Orange 214 214 - State Bonds x - - - 2011 x - - - - 1985 For-Profit Family 28.497479578 -81.456979965
62 4913 - Post Fountains at Lee Vista 1510 East Colonial Dr. Orlando 32803 Orange 508 102 - Local Bonds - - x - 2006 x - - - - not avail. not avail. Family 28.5526521821 -81.3610268151
444 1341 - Retired Teachers Housing Corp. 7010 Balboa Dr Orlando 32808 Orange 60 60 47 Rental Assistance/RD;Section 515 - x - - 2009 - - - - - not avail. Non-Profit Elderly 28.5565427618 -81.4807174428
430 98 702 Riverfront 9201 Nelson Park Circle Orlando 32817 Orange 356 356 - Housing Credits 4%;Section 542;State Bonds x - - x 2009 x - - - - 1997 For-Profit Family 28.573453916 -81.2574458408
670 6844 - Royal Grand Apartments 1989 Americana Blvd Orlando 32839 Orange 768 768 - Local Bonds - - x - 2014 x - - - - 1974 For-Profit Family 28.485723633 -81.404728012
714 1639 - Royal Summit 3024 S Rio Grande Ave Orlando 32805 Orange 188 24 24 Rental Assistance/HUD - - - x 2015 - x - - - 1979 For-Profit Family 28.51152023910 -81.40225576060
100 1290 727 Sabal Palm 13675 Lake Vining Dr Orlando 32821 Orange 400 400 - State Bonds x - - - 2005 x - - - - 1985 not avail. Family 28.3702647795 -81.5013609357
597 1247 776 Silver Cove 2612 Silkwood Circle Orlando 32818 Orange 192 192 - Housing Credits 9% x - - - 2012 x - - - - 1994 For-Profit Family 28.579326109 -81.481354088
542 34 775 Silver Pines 5402 Pine Chase Drive Orlando 32808 Orange 240 240 - Housing Credits 9%;SAIL x - - - 2011 x - - - - 1994 For-Profit Family 28.574908 -81.457266
355 1238 782 Southern Pines 5224 Long Rd Orlando 32808 Orange 208 208 - Housing Credits 9% x - - - 2005 x - - - - 1989 For-Profit Family 28.6083277184 -81.4366865622
200 297 841 Sunview Terrace 301-315 S. Division Street Orlando 32805 Orange 26 26 - State HOME x - - - 2002 - - - - - 1992 not avail. Family 28.5393459715 -81.3840602897
552 4921 - Tuscany Bay Apartments 5870 Sundown Circle Orlando not avail. Orange 156 156 - Local Bonds - - x - 2012 x - - - - 1986 For-Profit Family 28.516321313 -81.308037223
739 4820 - Westminster Plaza East 350 E JACKSON ST Orlando 32801 Orange 198 198 - HUD Use Agreement - - - x 2016 - - - - - 1966 Non-Profit Elderly 28.538796035 -81.3731142146
785 230 - Osprey Landing Apartments 584 WEST BAY ST Winter Garden 32787 Orange 71 70 38 Rental Assistance/RD;Section 515 - x - - 2019 - - - - - 1994 Limited Dividend Family 28.565014146 -81.5946255334
793 229 - Osprey Landing Apartments II 584 WEST BAY ST Winter Garden 32787 Orange 38 38 9 Rental Assistance/RD;Section 515 - x - - 2019 - - - - - 1994 Limited Dividend Elderly 28.565060272 -81.5945980107
180 5053 - Railroad Avenue Apartments Railroad Avenue Winter Park 32789 Orange 30 6 - Local Bonds - - x - 2006 x - - - - not avail. not avail. Family 28.6031228331 -81.3564062188
30 4917 - Sun Key Apartments 7502 Sun Key Blvd. Winter Park 32792 Orange 596 596 - Local Bonds - - x - 2008 x - - - - 1985 For-Profit Family 28.6013750907 -81.2886837833
35 4919 - Sutton Place 3935 Sutton Place Blvd. Winter Park 32792 Orange 288 288 - Local Bonds - - x - 2008 x - - - - 1985 For-Profit Family 28.5955419414 -81.2926923453
223 6848 - Tealwood Parke 4704 Lucier Court Winter Park 32792 Orange 108 108 - Local Bonds - - x - 2007 x - - - - 1985 For-Profit Family 28.6069835303 -81.2875751955
365 452 994 Woodbridge - Orlando 7745 Brandywood Circle Winter Park 32792 Orange 168 135 - Housing Credits 4%;State Bonds x - - - 2008 x - - - - 1985 For-Profit Family 28.5910734064 -81.2853444723
685 211 36 Andover Place 32839 Orange 200 200 Local Bonds;State Bonds x - x - 2008 x - - - - not avail. not avail. Family 28.481505 -81.403525

Notes: Data definitions and special notes available in AHI User Guide.

Sources: Assisted Housing Inventory, Shimberg Center; property lists from HUD, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, and USDA RD.

Public Housing Agencies
Name Address City Zip Code County Phone Number Public Housing Units Housing Choice Vouchers PHA Size Performance Designation Occupancy Rate Operating Subsidy Capital Fund'
Orange County Housing & Community Development 525 E South St Orlando 32801 Orange 4078365150 0 1358 0 93.4 0 0
Orlando Housing Authority 390 N Bumby Ave Orlando 32803 Orange 4078953300 1258 4800 1284 Standard Performer 84.9 6053792 4666924
Housing Authority of the City of Winter Park 718 Margaret Sq Winter Park 32789 Orange 4076452869 171 0 171 High Performer 97.1 705578 0

Notes: Operating and Capital Fund amounts refer to available authorized funding in dollars from the latest year. For more information, see HUD's public housing agency data dictionary

Sources: HUD Public Housing Authorities dataset

Disclaimer: The Shimberg Center for Housing Studies has compiled housing and demographic information for the convenience of consumers, policy makers, planners, program administrators and other interested parties throughout Florida. The Shimberg Center is committed to ensuring that the data in the Florida Housing Data Clearinghouse is as accurate as possible, consistent with any limitations on the inherent accuracy of the original data sources. Although every effort has been made to ensure that information is comprehensive and accurate, errors and omissions may exist. The Clearinghouse and the information included therein is provided on an "as is" basis. The Shimberg Center for Housing Studies, the Florida Housing Data Clearinghouse, the University of Florida, or any of their respective faculty, staff, or administration specifically disclaim any warranty, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular use. The entire risk as to quality and performance is with the user. Persons who notice information that is incomplete, incorrect, or out of date should contact the Shimberg Center at (800) 259-5705 or email fhdc-comments@shimberg.ufl.edu.